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Your most wanted Xbox games (top 3)


I'll limit my 3 to just this year... btw, choosing only 3 really, really sucks!

3. Star Wars Battlefront
2. Fable
1. Halo 2

I honestly think Halo 2 is going to give GTA:SA a run for it's money.

Musashi Wins!

1. Halo 2. I've bought in totally. Launch day will be orgasmic.

2. Jade Empire. Kung-Fu bitches!!! In a RPG!

3. Fable/Conker. Conker I believe in. Fable I will buy and hopefully be convinced by.

A ton more as well, Xbox has a great 2004, my favorite line-up (not that I don't want everything on the other two).
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