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YouTube is a cess pit of scumbags, example 256: hbomberguy's new video about plagiarism.


Given how appalling the weather is here this morning, I have foregone my usual Sunday walk in the park, and instead watched all of hbomberguy's latest video about how much rampant, unchecked and sanctioned plagiarism there is on YouTube.

And Jesus Christ, there's a shit ton of it, being done by some very big YouTube names.

GAF even gets an early mention, so that's nice isn't it?



*Refreshes biennially
Time stamp for the NeoGAF mention. I don't care for this aged Twink.

17:20 and here's the post:

Well normal rumble is just a motor which spins, creating a vibration. Basically.

HD rumble uses linear actuators, similar to apple's "Taptic engine" which is what they use for the Force Touch stuff in the new iPhones and Apple Watch. I BELIEVE that these are different in that they are more like weighted electro magnets, rather than a simple spinning motor. This means you can create a much, much more subtle variety of sensations compared to a rumble motor which is pretty much just a spinning motor - all they can really do is produce differing speeds of vibration.

I'm not an expert myself but I'm sure others on here can give you more of a technical explanation of how the actuators actually work.


Gold Member

YouTube is a cess pit of scumbags​

no shit sherlock GIF by Team Coco


not tag worthy
So a UGC video site built on that has issues? Television is a massive industry and look at the stuff that’s happened.


I watched youtube channels who made it clear he was just reading D&D drama threads on reddit and giving their own half baked opinion. Somehow it was fine because there was a level of honesty. Then you get those super popular dark souls lore channels that just read Reddit theories with a moody voice and pretend they came up with it all themselves, and it is 100% fact.


Gold Member
I watched youtube channels who made it clear he was just reading D&D drama threads on reddit and giving their own half baked opinion. Somehow it was fine because there was a level of honesty. Then you get those super popular dark souls lore channels that just read Reddit theories with a moody voice and pretend they came up with it all themselves, and it is 100% fact.


Oh fuck yeah a new HBomberGuy video!

Side note, did youtube change how skip ads works overnight? Now the skip button doesn’t skip all the ads in a break, it fucking skips ONE. I hit skip and it skipped straight to an unskippable ad….fucking Google.
I know re types love this guy. I won't give him a click. What's "wrong" with James though?
James Rolfe didn't do anything wrong himself. He started collaborating with another company who now write and edit his videos. One of the employees stole other reviews and had Rolfe read the script for Monster Madness videos. The company was alerted, scoured all his scripts and found all new MM videos to be affected. They were all pulled and they quickly made new ones. Rolfe also apologized, although he didn't acknowledge the full situation.

I know hbomberguy from those terrible Dark Souls 2 videos he did where he tried to defend the game with awful arguments. He comes off as condescending and acts like he's infallible, but he obviously does stupid shit himself. Still, this video is pretty entertaining with all the examples he found. Worth watching in the background if you don't focus on him too much.


YouTube is a cess pit of scumbags. Now here's a video from one of the biggest scumbags on it.

Edit: actually, no. I'd like to know why hbomberguy is a scumbag too. What's he done or said that puts him in the same categories as the shitbags he's exposing? Are Jobst and someordinarygamer scumbags too for exposing Jirard's fraud?
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James Rolfe didn't do anything wrong himself. He started collaborating with another company who now write and edit his videos. One of the employees stole other reviews and had Rolfe read the script for Monster Madness videos. The company was alerted, scoured all his scripts and found all new MM videos to be affected. They were all pulled and they quickly made new ones. Rolfe also apologized, although he didn't acknowledge the full situation.

I know hbomberguy from those terrible Dark Souls 2 videos he did where he tried to defend the game with awful arguments. He comes off as condescending and acts like he's infallible, but he obviously does stupid shit himself. Still, this video is pretty entertaining with all the examples he found. Worth watching in the background if you don't focus on him too much.
If you license your name (in this case Cinemassacre) you have to take ownership of anything that comes from it.
If you license your name (in this case Cinemassacre) you have to take ownership of anything that comes from it.
Of course he's responsible for it, but he didn't personally do the plagiarizing. I felt people might get the wrong idea from the thumbnail. He and his company mostly handled the situation well.

What was more shocking to me is how commercialized his channel has become. I unsubscribed because I didn't care about the videos those other guys were making, but I didn't know they were involved with almost all his content. No wonder it just doesn't feel the same anymore.


What was more shocking to me is how commercialized his channel has become. I unsubscribed because I didn't care about the videos those other guys were making, but I didn't know they were involved with almost all his content. No wonder it just doesn't feel the same anymore.
Youtube becoming a monetizable career choice has ruined all its creators. I miss when they did these as hobbies in between real jobs as 7am to 10pm minimum wage cubicle slaves.
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advanced basic bitch
Of course he's responsible for it, but he didn't personally do the plagiarizing. I felt people might get the wrong idea from the thumbnail. He and his company mostly handled the situation well.

What was more shocking to me is how commercialized his channel has become. I unsubscribed because I didn't care about the videos those other guys were making, but I didn't know they were involved with almost all his content. No wonder it just doesn't feel the same anymore.
I'm subscribed to Cinnemassacre and I haven't seen any of his friend's content in a long time. I think they all spun off onto their own channels. Thank goodness. It's just James now I'm pretty sure.


Of course he's responsible for it, but he didn't personally do the plagiarizing. I felt people might get the wrong idea from the thumbnail. He and his company mostly handled the situation well.

What was more shocking to me is how commercialized his channel has become. I unsubscribed because I didn't care about the videos those other guys were making, but I didn't know they were involved with almost all his content. No wonder it just doesn't feel the same anymore.
I don't split hairs between the financial and moral wrongdoings in situations like this. If you put your name on it, you own it. It would only benefit everyone if we all held companies to this standard.


The video the thread is about takes a weird turn about an hour in. It's clear the Filip, illuminaughti girl and James sections are just included to make this not look like a 4 hour gay cat fight. The later 2/3rds is just a limp wristed spat between this hbomerguy and some other gay youtuber. Skim through it with caution of wasting your time. I'm off to the shower.


YouTube is a cess pit of scumbags. Now here's a video from one of the biggest scumbags on it.
I want to make my own criticisms of Hbomb, but I don't want them stolen or leapt on by others as their reasoning. So please clarify instead of soaking up upvotes with contextless badmouthing.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Didn’t sound like animosity toward GAF per se, more like the idea of a professional plagiarizing a casually written GAF post to use as a video script word for word.

Also, Dark Souls 2 is a great game worth defending. And his video on BBC Sherlock being bad was well done too.


Gold Member
I‘m watching it in fragments, about 90 minutes in. It’s fun stuff.

I’m curious as to what the fallout will be like, given some of the channels and such being placed under scrutiny.


This guy must employ the largest army of level 2 autists in the world, and thats not a joke, I'm stating it as a matter of fact.
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Gold Member
I don't mind hbomberguys videos. Of course I disagree and agree aplenty with what he says about certain games, but that's to be expected. They are long but he keeps my interest all the way through.

The only niggle I have is that he seems to need a joke on every page he writes for him to feel it's worthwhile. It gets worse when he has this same type of joke that has him exclaim a certain point, or a call back, only for the point to to be cut off in the edit. Once or twice is fine, but sometimes he (or his editor) gets carried away with it. Like a comedian telling different knock knock jokes. You're fine with the punchlines, but you tire of the same knock knock structure.
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Only discovered this guy 6 months ago. His video's are extremely well-made imo. Gets his point across very well, cites all the (official) sources, and he's funny too. Dude really does his research.

I wish anti-vaxxers and stuff could muster the courage, patience and concentration to watch one of his video's instead of a 50 second long vid on Facebook by ''Epic Ex Doctor Who Found Out Vaccines Cause Autism''


Reseterror Resettler
Good information, much too long winded, and you kind of have to mentally remove the superiority and bias in every one of the dude's sentences to filter actual information out of it.

Capping the lowest common denominator comments from the comments section of a video by a dude you have (valid or otherwise) beef with to try and sneak blanket generalizations about people who watch said dude paints a picture of the creator. Also, bait and switch tactics having all the shit that gets normies curious for the start of the video as a pretense to trick them into watching gay shit slinging and the evils set upon the most diminutive and under privileged group in the world: gay 20 something content creators - that shit is simultaneously brilliant from a cold and calculating business standpoint and allegorical to the favored Trojan Horse tactic entertainment in general is fond of. Gross.

I didn't watch in incognito, either, so youtube recommended is going to think I'm a raging blue haired lesbian barista for the next month.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I skipped to the bookmark for Cave Story and was sad it wasn’t about that most excellent game 🫤
For real, here is my partial review written by myself just now by me for everyone:

Playing Cave Story is like discovering a fantastic NES game you somehow missed back in the day. New retro games are all the rage recently with efforts like Mega Man 10 and Dark Void Zero, but Cave Story did the old school thing back in 2004. It's a cult hit on PC and hopefully a new audience will enjoy it now that it's available on WiiWare. Cave Story just feels right on a Nintendo system.

Cave Story's old school soundtrack is wonderful, although chiptune purists may notice that it's not all authentic NES music. Most of the tunes have that very recognizable 8-bit sound, but at times they drift into more elaborate electronica that wouldn't be possible with the NES' modest sound chip. That's not a complaint; I'm just pointing it out for the retro gamers.

The only real problem with Cave Story is that you've been able to play it for free for six years. Hardcore gamers (the audience for this title) tend to be careful with how they spend their money and I totally understand if they are suspicious about paying for something they can legitimately play for free. But, whether it's being given away or monetized, there is no getting around the fact that Cave Story is a terrific game and developers Studio Pixel and Nicalis certainly deserve to be rewarded for their talents. A few new modes have been added for this premium release. Sanctuary Time Attack challenges you to complete an extremely difficult maze in the shortest time possible. Boss Attack lets you take on every boss from the game. And Curly Story replaces the main character with the fan-favorite character Curly. Oh, and Cave Story runs in widescreen here on WiiWare.


Cave Story is one of the best "NES" games ever made. It tells an elaborate tale full of endearing characters, fun boss fights, and satisfying weapons. The polish and tight controls are on par with what you would have found in a first-party Nintendo NES game. Delightful, whimsical, and curious, this is a game that begs to be explored.
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