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Youtube video's that de'serve more view's

Ostinatto said:
me playing Balrog's theme from Street Fighter IIr :D


Good job sir.

2Pac/Phoenix Wright mash-up - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uuk5duYpLSI (The maker of this one has some other good ones)

Hammer/Sonic mash-up - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EkGMZiBp0g (From the same person as the one above)

Gorillaz/Final Fantasy mash-up - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fePAUaHBiJQ (Different creator, only one I remember liking from that person)


Pachterballs said:

The distortion effect. Pretty girls become monsters.

:eek: ...

Edit: Yea I think there were already some interesting faces inbetween some of them, so they kind of just merge.
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