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Ys I & II Chronicles+ |OT|: A Valentine's Day Double Date With Two Goddesses!


I still need to play Oath and Origin. I'll probably do those in march along with Bastion.

It's been too long since I've played a top down action rpg of this type.


Hmm, fullscreen doesn't seem to work for me in Ys 1. Tried with both a 4:3 and a 16:9 resolution, and with default refresh rate as well as 60 Hz. The game always starts in windowed mode.


XSEED Localization Specialist
Hmm, fullscreen doesn't seem to work for me in Ys 1. Tried with both a 4:3 and a 16:9 resolution, and with default refresh rate as well as 60 Hz. The game always starts in windowed mode.

There's a separate option in the config for full-screen vs. windowed. Did you ensure it was checked off accordingly?



How faithful is this remake to the originals? Some significant differences, like dialog, rebalancing, new stuff, etc. (besides graphics)? Is there a list of changes?


There's a separate option in the config for full-screen vs. windowed. Did you ensure it was checked off accordingly?
Yes. On the later attempts I also un-checked and re-checked it just to make sure. I tried a few other full-screen resolutions now as well, to no avail. Also tried the default "classic" configuration.


Hmm, fullscreen doesn't seem to work for me in Ys 1. Tried with both a 4:3 and a 16:9 resolution, and with default refresh rate as well as 60 Hz. The game always starts in windowed mode.

Maybe the config is having trouble saving for some reason. Try disabling the Cloud or, in the config, hitting "Apply" THEN "OK", then waiting several seconds (maybe 15 to be safe) before starting the game.


Maybe the config is having trouble saving for some reason. Try disabling the Cloud or, in the config, hitting "Apply" THEN "OK", then waiting several seconds (maybe 15 to be safe) before starting the game.
That must have been it. It just now started to work. I assume something Steam related was broken, probably cloud sync. It also asked me to select between the game or configuration every time before, and now it didn't.


That must have been it. It just now started to work. I assume something Steam related was broken, probably cloud sync. It also asked me to select between the game or configuration every time before, and now it didn't.
I have had problems with cloud synching and my configuration with every one of XSEED's PC Ys releases. :(


XSEED Localization Specialist
How faithful is this remake to the originals? Some significant differences, like dialog, rebalancing, new stuff, etc. (besides graphics)? Is there a list of changes?

Dialogue may be slightly expanded, but should still be faithful to the original Japanese -- though the English script is likely a lot different than what you're used to, and has a few tongue-in-cheek additions.

The controls are probably a lot different than what you're used to, since Adol now has full 360-degree analog movement (which can be throttled down to 8-directional if you prefer, and I would actually recommend doing exactly that, as it makes the game a lot easier to play).

And as for new additions, there's aren't too many, but I do know that a whole town was added to Ys I to serve as a sort of "starter area" and flesh out the beginning of the game a bit more.

Aside from that... well, it all depends on what you regard as "the originals." If, like most English-speakers, you regard the TurboGrafx-16 CD versions as the originals, then there are a few other changes as well -- but those are actually changes Hudson added to the TurboGrafx versions that weren't originally part of Falcom's PC-88 titles (which are the true "originals"), so Falcom has since reverted them back.

In all, this will probably be a very different experience than what you're used to, but it's still Ys I & II where it counts -- and every alteration is very much for the better, IMHO.



well done OP.
I really want to play them but guess I'll wait for the sale or something. if there only was a retail version. =(

oh shiet we got XSEED guys on gaf too. =D


Dialogue may be slightly expanded, but should still be faithful to the original Japanese -- though the English script is likely a lot different than what you're used to, and has a few tongue-in-cheek additions.

The controls are probably a lot different than what you're used to, since Adol now has full 360-degree analog movement (which can be throttled down to 8-directional if you prefer, and I would actually recommend doing exactly that, as it makes the game a lot easier to play).

And as for new additions, there's aren't too many, but I do know that a whole town was added to Ys I to serve as a sort of "starter area" and flesh out the beginning of the game a bit more.

Aside from that... well, it all depends on what you regard as "the originals." If, like most English-speakers, you regard the TurboGrafx-16 CD versions as the originals, then there are a few other changes as well -- but those are actually changes Hudson added to the TurboGrafx versions that weren't originally part of Falcom's PC-88 titles (which are the true "originals"), so Falcom has since reverted them back.

In all, this will probably be a very different experience than what you're used to, but it's still Ys I & II where it counts -- and every alteration is very much for the better, IMHO.


Excellent! Thank you very much, Tom! And this coming directly from XSEED! Let alone for this elaborate answer i'll pick it up on Steam.


I love these games but I really can't think of any reason to get this version when the PSP version of the game already looks glorious on the Vita. I'll think about it though.


This is the first time I realized that with pillarboxing, 2560x1440 is perfect for upscaling 640x480. 9 pixels per pixel fuck yeah!
I don't know if it's just a problem on my end, but saving and loading doesn't work in Ys I (haven't checked II). When I save a file, the small picture shows white noise like a non existing channel on a tube TV. Shouldn't it show a small image representing where I am when I saved? And when I click to load the file, nothing happens.

Regardless, thanks for localizing these games on PC, glad to finally own these versions.


I don't know if it's just a problem on my end, but saving and loading doesn't work in Ys I (haven't checked II). When I save a file, the small picture shows white noise like a non existing channel on a tube TV. Shouldn't it show a small image representing where I am when I saved? And when I click to load the file, nothing happens.

Regardless, thanks for localizing these games on PC, glad to finally own these versions.

Some people are getting this problem... I'm looking into it.


I had one problem with Origin that caused me to lose progress in the arena thing after I just unlocked Adol. :/

It took me awhile to realize that you were talking about Ys Origin in particular. I kept trying to remember if I somehow missed a Ys release on Origin. Lol.


Hmm is there any way to make Steam download multiple files at once? It used to do that but now it automatically stops all but one.


Ha. Died to the first monster in the game. Analog control may be a hindrance for me here. Digital it is!
I don't know if it's just a problem on my end, but saving and loading doesn't work in Ys I (haven't checked II). When I save a file, the small picture shows white noise like a non existing channel on a tube TV. Shouldn't it show a small image representing where I am when I saved? And when I click to load the file, nothing happens.

Regardless, thanks for localizing these games on PC, glad to finally own these versions.
Getting the exact same thing. Was going to post a picture.


I've got a weird bug going?

In Ys1 I'm stuck at the screen with the naked chick holding the crystal ball. Music's playing in the BG. M/KB; nothing I'm pressing works.


Press X. Think of this like playing on an emulator, and X and Z are the A and B buttons.

Feel kinda silly now lol.

That did the trick. Thanks.

Maybe that's something that could quickly be patched in. My first instinct was to hit enter, then escape, then mash every button but those two


Feel kinda silly now lol.

That did the trick. Thanks.

Maybe that's something that could quickly be patched in. My first instinct was to hit enter, then escape, then mash every button but those two

Don't worry, I was stuck there for a while too. Kept trying to use my mouse too, until I remembered how Ys Complete worked. Lol.


If Origin's the last one you played, I'd personally go into Ys I & II, but that's just me. Origin and I & II go together well (regardless of which you play first, Origin or I & II). I think following that with Oath might seem just a little odd, but I think it'd go well.

If you played and completed Origin, I think you'll probably enjoy I & II -- especially since there are story links/throwbacks to I & II in Origin that will help make the experience more interesting and cameo-ridden for you.

Probably good to switch things up a bit before playing Felghana anyway, since Origin and Felghana run on the same game engine. I think you should be good to check out I & II next.


Alright, playing Ys 1 first. I see there an option to play complete or chronicles. I chose chronicles because I figure that is the most up tod ate version of the game?


Alright, playing Ys 1 first. I see there an option to play complete or chronicles. I chose chronicles because I figure that is the most up tod ate version of the game?

That's an artwork choice. The Chronicles artwork is more modern, the Complete artwork is classic and beloved. You can switch any time during the game itself. If you mean the configuration program's setting, that decides if it displays in 4:3 with the classic Complete frame or in PSP-style zoomed widescreen.


Also, why are XSEED trailers so cheap-looking?

I do the trailers for XSEED currently. I touched FCP and capture equipment for the first time in my life a little over a year ago, so I've been steadily getting better and learning as I go along. For the YsChronicles+ trailer, it's admittedly not my best. I was doing three trailers within a week and a half and that was the last one. I was getting pretty tired, had a deadline and wanted to do something very easy, simple and just a pure show-off of gameplay, so the callouts had little thought other than to go, 'Hey, these are the functions this new release has that the other ones don't have!' The gameplay was most important. Function over form with the font, really! The font is the same one used in the credits for the games or at least very similar, so I just went with that. I know it's nothing fancy, but it served its purpose, heheh.

So yeah, there's why it's cheap looking. I get feedback about the font issues all the time (which is always welcome, so bring it on dudes). Recently I've been trying to work on the font issues (WotS4 silly trailer, Book of Shadows 'gameplay' trailer, etc.) but this one I just went with the credits font since we were on a time crunch and I wanted this one finished in a hurry, plus gameplay was more important. I'm hoping I can get some formal lessons at some point, because that will expose me to newer and better software, plus there's only so much you can learn on your own through dated software. Until then, it's a slow uphill battle of clumsy learning. I think I've learned to be good at timing, but I'm still stumbling with special effects (cross-fade is pretty sexy), and have a lot to learn about typography.

As I continue to get more experience I'd like to remake past trailers and make them more updated. Not much of a point to doing that, but I think it's good to put the things I've learned here to good use in that respect. It'd be nice if I get the time, anyway. I know I'm answering this a little late, but still. Felt right to give a formal answer.

For those new to the Ys series and are not sure where to start, I can throw in my two cents as well. I'm a tower defense/SRPG kind of person, so Ys games being so action-oriented took some getting used to. If you're new, Ys is kind of one of those bizarre series where you have more fun playing the second time around. The first time you're stumbling, cursing, trying to figure out things (outside SEVEN and Origin, the series is structurally not a hand holder). The second time you've got the basics and the setting figured out, so then you can explore, taking on bigger challenges in terms of difficulty, and search for all the little details that can be found to enhance the game. Ys I&II in particular is filled to the brim with easter eggs, so they're great for multiple playthroughs.

Origin is my favorite, as I think it has the strongest story and character development. Felghana I feel has the best dungeon design and use of items (everything you get can be used effectively and outside of its 'plot purpose', which I like since it allows for plenty of exploration). Ys I&II as a starter game would have turned me off the series, but playing it as an Ys fan after having played Felghana, Origin and SEVEN made me appreciate Adol's humble beginnings, I guess you could say. Origin also has a lot of throwback references to Ys I&II, so if you played Origin you'll recognize and appreciate tracks, bosses, even certain items a little more.

Anyway, I'm done rambling! My one post every five or six months on NeoGaf is complete.


I advocate showing off gameplay in trailers. Wowing me with CGI does not make me want to play your game.

Just my $0.02.


XSEED's Falcom trailers are in competition with Falcom's own trailers, so I think that's one of the reasons why they seem so underwhelming. It's my opinion that Falcom makes some of the best trailers in the industry - they are so good at getting me excited about a game. I just wish XSEED's trailers could do a similar job.


XSEED Localization Specialist
XSEED's Falcom trailers are in competition with Falcom's own trailers, so I think that's one of the reasons why they seem so underwhelming. It's my opinion that Falcom makes some of the best trailers in the industry - they are so good at getting me excited about a game. I just wish XSEED's trailers could do a similar job.

Well... they could! You just need to let us know what we're doing wrong, and we'll work on fixing it. I think our trailers have gotten a lot better over the last few years, personally, with some -- like Brittany's amazing Last Story trailer -- really striking a chord with a lot of fans.

I recall her Ys Origin trailer generally going over quite well too:

And not to toot my own horn, but I still get positive comments on my Corpse Party announcement trailer from time to time:

So yeah... keep offering up constructive criticism, and hopefully we'll just get better and better as time goes on.

Is this version censored?

No, not at all. I don't think any version of Ys I & II has ever been censored here, has it?



That "bump system" info graphic is new to this version, right? I don't remember seeing it in the PSP version. Actually... wait, I'm not sure if I played the PSP version in English or not, despite buying it. Either way, it's a good addition. I heartily approve.
XSEED's Falcom trailers are in competition with Falcom's own trailers, so I think that's one of the reasons why they seem so underwhelming. It's my opinion that Falcom makes some of the best trailers in the industry - they are so good at getting me excited about a game. I just wish XSEED's trailers could do a similar job.

As I understand it, though, Falcom also blows mad bank on some of their trailers - like, to "perhaps unwisely excessive" levels. Never mind XSEED, I don't think most other companies would be willing to blow that much on trailers.

Working great now, thanks. I appreciate the speedy fix.

Sara is an unstoppable coding monster and no bug shall escape her grasp.

( <3 )


XSEED Localization Specialist
That "bump system" info graphic is new to this version, right? I don't remember seeing it in the PSP version. Actually... wait, I'm not sure if I played the PSP version in English or not, despite buying it. Either way, it's a good addition. I heartily approve.

That's new to the PC version, yeah. The PSP version had that same information in the manual, but unsurprisingly, a lot of people never really looked there and wound up being very confused.

Glad you like it!



I started up Ys 1 just to mess around with the settings. I figured I'd go ahead and sort out the free short sword from Slaff since it's kind of tedious even though I don't intend to start playing until later. I was surprised to get an achievement for that, but I guess lots of people don't know about it.


I think this is most likely going to end up being the real definitive version of the game. The only thing I wish it had was the ability to scale a certain whole number factor within a set resolution, and put black bars around the rest in Complete mode. For example, at 1920x1080, you can fit 640x480*2 (1280x960), but 640x480*3 (1920x1440) is too large. It'd be nice to be able to center that 1280x960 2x image with black bars all around the side within a 1920x1080 image, so you could still have the game full screen but not looking all nasty due to an uneven scaling factor if you're not using filtering.


My config menu for Ys I looks kinda messed up. I can't even reach whatever's hiding behind the "Menu" button.


Edit: Ys II's looks the same
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