There was a very interesting interview published earlier this week by IGN Japan.
Some interesting points:
- he estimated the end budget of Shenmue 3 at around $20m (not clear if this is just for development, or marketing etc too)
- says he made Shenmue 3 strictly for the fans, but would like to make changes to make 4 more attractive to a wider audience
- is confident about being able to make 4
- thinks that a smaller and more detailed open world design is more interesting (he's especially interesting in designing "confined areas" from a technical point of view)
- wants more in depth side stories and back stories in 4
- says that Shenmue 3 represented a new beginning, and that 4 could build on that, as Virtua Fighter 2 did with Virtua Fighter 1
- would like to add throws to 4
Here are some choice quotes I picked out, but the full translated interview is well worth reading for Shenmue fans:
A blog on the Shenmue series of games from Yu Suzuki with a mission to translate articles, videos and updates for English-speaking fans.