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Zelda: 4 Swords shipped - Post when you get it!


i'm playing single player and it's surprisingly really addicting. switching formations is quick and easy and everything just flows really nicely for something that seemed to initially be designed strictly for multiplayer.

i love the WW graphics touch, too. really adds a lot to the game's style. hopefully i'll be able to find people to try out the multiplayer with.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Loving the game. There are no words to describe how fun it is. And some of these puzzles or the ways in which you have to defeat bosses and enemies are just so clever! You can't help but smile. Wait until you get to the Hyrule Castle level in world 4 (I think it was 4).

The only real problem with the game is that my friend and I are playing with a few different other sets of friends, and it can be frustrating for the other 2 when we know all the puzzles and where everything is, yet it's all new to them.

Oh, another thing. This is no big deal, and Zelda continuity and plotlines are already so confusing and filled with so many holes, but this game is doing wacky things to the storyline. It combines what seems to be locations and characters from various games that are suppose to take place far far apart from eachother. No big deal, but it's got me going 'hmmm'. I can't help but wonder what point in the timeline this game is suppose to take place at.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Got my copy today, at wall mart *shudder*

Havent started it yet, i've got ninja gaiden to finish, eventually.. Thief 3, RSC2, FSW, riddick, splinter cell PT, and have to log in some FFXI whenever i get the wireless adapter to get to lvl 30+ and get my ninja class.

So many games, so little time ; ;


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Mr. Lemming said:
"What aren't we going to do this time?"

"Break the pots."


Repeat several times.

Pretty much. Twas kinda annoying but hilarious. =)
Totally digging on this game. Charming graphics, fun singleplayer, great minigames (Horse race kicks mega ass).

then you've got the multiplayer, which is totally in a class by itself! Really fun.

Hope Nintendo realizes the no brainer-ness of bringing this over to the DS just like Square did with FFCC. I want new installments with no cords and now extra hardware requirements!

Kumiko Nikaido

Been playing Zelda: FSA off-and-on for the past couple of days......just got to the Death Mountain region. Closest thing to A Link the Past. The graphics, music, gameplay, are trademark 16-bit Zelda, with Wind Waker-style thrown in. Cool.

I don't like the fact the structure of the game is not one coherent adventure. It's a series of areas broken down into stages. You lose all your items and start from square-one each time. Boo-hiss. And it sucks that you only can carry one item at time.....no inventory management here. Lame. And even more suckage that each of the four Links are not "unique", i.e. they don't have their own specific attributes. Would have been cool and much more interesting if one excelled in power, one in speed, one in items, etc.

Other than those irks, the game is quite fab and enjoyable. :)

Dave Long

Playing with my son again tonight. My wife was literally ROFL when he dropped in a pit and then proceeded to fly back out and go right back in again. She was also laughing at me trying to get him to do stuff. :)

The game makes a tremendous case for the power of co-op gameplay and connectivity too. If everything was on the main screen there, you wouldn't be as chatty during play nor would you have quite as much of the surprise moments that make it so fun.

To top it off, the game looks and plays damn great with lots of cool puzzles and some really exciting encounters. Great stuff.


I just picked it up today and I friggin love it, and that means a lot considering i'm a bit of an xbot :) I want more 2d games! And I don't mean fighters or gba games.


Christberg said:
Hope Nintendo realizes the no brainer-ness of bringing this over to the DS just like Square did with FFCC. I want new installments with no cords and now extra hardware requirements!

Plus Wi-Fi play!


Pimpbaa said:
I just picked it up today and I friggin love it, and that means a lot considering i'm a bit of an xbot :) I want more 2d games! And I don't mean fighters or gba games.

"a bit?"


I bought the game today for $35 at Toys R Us (price matched Fry's price). Very good game so far and I look forward to progressing further into the game.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Getting together tomorrow with people to do 4-player, but I went solo this week off and on and played just beyond Eastern palace. I am fascinated by this game.

Loved that Wizzrobe duel in the second dungeon! Just really wish there was selectable difficulties, it really would be nice if the action could match the puzzles. Totally getting a Wind Waker vibe with all the free heart pieces and minimal damage balancing. Nintendo is REALLY afraid to kill us anymore. Stacking up those fairy lives that never get used just feels so pointless. Maybe this will all change in multiplayer though...


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I noticed that as you get farther in the game everyone on the team starts dying more... the problem is you have 10,000 fairies by that point. =(


(more a nerd than a geek)
Eh... I got clobbered in the end of either world 2 or 3.... when the giant bomb hurlers attack...

40 giants on a screen, and they begin tossing you back and forth... with no way to escape.

(Yeah, the second time through, I made it...)
We just did the first three worlds in four-player mode last night.


It was so much fun beating the shit out of each other and stealing the keys to try and get the 100 force gems for opening the door. Once I was running up with the key and I knew my friend was going to ambush me, so I threw the key at him, then rolled up and slashed everybody while they were wondering what the fuck I was doing.

Then I knew my friend was going to come in a room on the GBA screen. So I ambushed him by charging the sword up to full power, then letting loose with a crazy spin the second he came in the door. Then I was out before he even realized what happened and I laughed and I laughed.

After we beat the giant bird boss, my friend was winning by a lot but he only had a quarter of a heart left.

So I killed him.
Kobun Heat said:
After we beat the giant bird boss, my friend was winning by a lot but he only had a quarter of a heart left.

So I killed him.


On that note, what's everyone's favorite way of screwing over their "teammates"? I'd have to say that I prefer lighting them on fire above all. The hilarity that ensues only barely edges out the fun of picking them up, using Roc's Feather to jump over a pit to an isolated ledge, and leaving them there.
Buggy Loop said:
Got my copy today, at wall mart *shudder*

Havent started it yet, i've got ninja gaiden to finish, eventually.. Thief 3, RSC2, FSW, riddick, splinter cell PT, and have to log in some FFXI whenever i get the wireless adapter to get to lvl 30+ and get my ninja class.

So many games, so little time ; ;

Can I ask you a question : Why did you buy the game now If you don't have time to play it right now? The game will wait for you.


Finally beat the game (on two player). Very fun. Couldn't see it done better as a 3D game or "true" Zelda game (would be easy to get lost in both). Also, thought it would have been very frustrating to have a small section go up in the corner of a screen whenever you entered a cave or a house. Truely, this is probably the best implementation of connectivity in a complete video game.

On the graphics side of things, I'd really have liked it if Nintendo tried to make really nice looking 2D sprites (they did look good, but looked like their GBA counterparts). I thought the special effects looked nice too, but I'd've also liked a cel-shaded opening or ending or something.

Also, until about the 6th level, I was getting a serious LA vibe from the game. With Malon, Talon, Kaebora Gaebora, and others from OoT, it felt somewhat like Koholint. However, once we found out that
Ganon was all behind it, I got more of an ALttP feeling. I really thought the "plot twist" was unnecessary. They could have made Vaati a cool alternate villain in the Four Sword timeline.

All in all, I thought it was a very enjoyable experience. Challenging puzzles, and good competitive modes. At the end of the game, if I had to give it a score, I'd have to agree with IGN completely though (8.7/10).

Deku Tree

I just got it in the mail a few days ago. I haven't really gotten into it yet.
I wanted to get a second GBA for super cheap so that I could play 2 player with my GF.
But I haven't been able to find a cheap GBA.

I'm going to break down and settle for one player this weekend.
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