Listen to Zelda's lullaby!Can't.. Sleep... ;_;...
Listen to Zelda's lullaby!
So GAF I have the physical copy on order from Amazon and an order for the Zelda 3DS XL from Gamestop which comes with the game. As I'm in Australia, both of these won't arrive till next week, am I wrong for wanting to download it now anyway ._.
jesus they butchered Link
Both this and Mario 3D World is downloading. Going to be a great night
Both this and Mario 3D World is downloading. Going to be a great night
Heading out to Best Buy. Goddesses, grant me strength so I don't get mowed down in the Xbox One craze
Just got back from gamestop!!! I'll post impressions in a bit!
So hyped!
There were about 20 peeps there for an Xbone and three Zelda peeps. Long Island, NY
My jealousy is everywhere.Listen to Zelda's lullaby!
Zelda is done downloading, now for Mario to finish up!
Got my XL and I'm all set.
Well... almost (You'll probably hate me for this).
I decided I want the physical copy of ALBW. So rather than pay an extra $40 out the door, I just texted my brother my download code so he can enjoy it himself, then he can buy the game card from a retailer for me this weekend. I'll be visiting him on Monday.
I'm just glad to have finally upgraded my 3DS.
Here, I saw 15 for Xbone and 10 for Zelda. Don't know who is getting Mario.
The only thing stopping me right now is that I know I won't get a chance to play it until next week anyway as I'm trying to finish off Spirit Tracks and Skyward Sword first and should have those done this weekend anyway.You made the wrong choice, now you must suffer.
downloading now...
i cannot believe i'm about to play the direct sequel to a Link to the Past. that game was the holy grail of my childhood.
i should have taken work off. this is like a holy day for me
This is why I keep my Vita handy.My download is going to take all night. Can't even play Pokemon while I'm waiting.
Thanks, Nintendo.![]()
Oh my fucking god this golden 3DS XL is fucking incredible. Jesus Christ. It's BIBLICAL I TELL YOU
Oh my fucking god this golden 3DS XL is fucking incredible. Jesus Christ. It's BIBLICAL I TELL YOU
But it is mine, at last:
Looks kinda bloated. Do you Americans get the clean/reversible cover too?
Looks kinda bloated. Do you Americans get the clean/reversible cover too?