Was a European thing, but how one got it depended on where you live. In the UK you had two options, buy it from Nintendo's own store for £40 and get it as a preorder bonus or buy GAME's £50 pack that also gave you Link's Awakening and a poster that I assume was folded.Waitwaitwait, how do you guys get these? Are these just for selected regions? :O
Wait...then how can I connect to the EU eShop and play the Bravely Default demo!?
Me: Hello, my copy of 'The Legend of Zelda: A Link between Worlds has not arrived today
Amazon:Thank you for choosing amzon.co.uk chat support.
Me:May I please be absolved of responsibility for this order and be refunded immediately so I may purchase it in store?
Amazon:My name is Ansel.
I understand that you need this item urgently.
I've checked your account and I can see that the estimated delivery is on 22 november.
Me:The order has not arrived, you dispatched it yesterday so I don't think it would ever have arrived today
May I please be refunded immediately
Amazon:Sorry for delayed reply.
I can assure you it your order will arrive on time.
Me:It is the 22nd of November today...
The post has already been, how will the delivery arrive on time, may I ask?
Amazonespite all our efforts, however, there can sometimes be unforeseen delays that are beyond our control.
I apologise for this has happened.
Me:Yes, I am aware this has happened, it's absolutely fine, can I just be refunded immediately?
Amazon:I understand this is frustrating, I'm a gamer too.
Give me few minutes, I'll get back to you with an answer.
Thank you for patiently waiting.
Me:You understand?
My wife will leave me if this game doesn't arrive today
And you better believe I'm not joking
she'll take the kids as well
Amazon:There's a possibility if we issue refund, the item will arrive, I'm afraid you need to send it back to us.
Me:Well, you can refund me and I promise I'll send it back
I'm not like amazon, I will actually keep to my promise
I just need the money to buy the game, my wife will be home soon
Amazon:I understand that, Give me few minutes.
Me:Thank you
Sorry for being quite agitated, it's been a rough few months, today was going to make it all better
Amazon:I understand your concern, I'm still working with this.
I apologise for this has happened.
Me:she says she didn't poison my pet fish, but I know she did
that's okay Ansel, just let me know soon
Amazon:I understand that, I'm also a husband of weird woman.
she might see
I had this e-mailed to my account, she might be reading it now
I love my wife, she's brilliant
she'd never lock me under the stairs
Amazon:My wife is weird, but I love her so much.
We have one daughter.
Me:I am happy for you
Amazon:Regarding with your concern, I'm glad to inform you that I've already process a full refund for this order.
I apologise for this has happened.
Me:Thank you very much, may I ask when it will go through?
Also, I will return the game as soon as it arrives, if it does so.
Amazon:Usually it take 2-3 business days, I will update you as soon as possible.
I'll take care of this personally.
Me:I see, I hope I have enough to buy the game today
might need to sell something, but as long as I get the game here by 4pm it should be okay
thank you for your help, it is unfortunate that this has happened
Amazon:Not a problem.
I'm glad, I'm able to help you
Me:I don't think all the help in the world would do me any good Ansel, not with my lady wife
I must go, she'll be back soon, I need to clear my browsing history and prepare the house, she has cult members coming round tonight
goodbye Ansel, speak to you soon
thank you for your help
Amazon:Thank you for choosing amazon.co.uk chat support.
You're welcome.
I'll send you an update email after few minutes. okay?
Kindly wait for my email regarding this issue.
Me:that's fine, I'll print it out and hide it
Amazon:You may close the chat window now. We hope to see you again.
Any difference buying from the eshop or actual store?
Is this serious?Fucking Amazon
Was a European thing, but how one got it depended on where you live. In the UK you had two options, buy it from Nintendo's own store for £40 and get it as a preorder bonus or buy GAME's £50 pack that also gave you Link's Awakening and a poster that I assume was folded.
I went with the former myself.
Beat the first dungeon. Enjoying it so far.
Was a European thing, but how one got it depended on where you live. In the UK you had two options, buy it from Nintendo's own store for £40 and get it as a preorder bonus or buy GAME's £50 pack that also gave you Link's Awakening and a poster that I assume was folded.
I went with the former myself.
Beat the first dungeon. Enjoying it so far.
Arg this is gonna be the longest work day ever.
Fuck Amazon they have yet to ship my order yet they took my money three days ago.
Is this serious?
Guys how many blocks is this for download?
Game Size - 5,482 Blocks/ 685MB
Is this confirmed yet? I'm at work and don't want to get my hopes up.
Anyone who ordered from Amazon UK should consider going through Amazon.fr next time. Excellent service, shipped a day after I ordered it and arrived 2 days early. Price after exchange and card fee was £181.
Yep, just had the conversation now.
How can they possibly refund you when the game is already in the hands of the post office? Should they take your word for it that you will mail it back when you get it in?
Just go buy it and return the Amazon copy to the physical retailer when it comes in, or mail it back to Amazon.
Zelda, treasure chest and ridiculously sized poster arrived. How quickly can you enable streetpass?
Hey guys! I created a limited edition screen printed t-shirt design in honor of the new Zelda!
Figured some of you might be interested, it's available today only here! ♥ ♥ ♥
Everyone here is probably getting the game
but the first to quote this message gets my Zelda ALBW Club Nintendo Code in a PM anyway
Yes, like I took their word that they'd deliver on time.
gimme, getting the game but will give this to a friend so he can do that free super mario 3D land promotion.
Hey guys! I created a limited edition screen printed t-shirt design in honor of the new Zelda!
Figured some of you might be interested, it's available today only here! ♥ ♥ ♥
Should I buy this, GAF?
I played three Zelda games (ALTTP, Oracle of Seasons, Minish Cap) in total, and only one to completion.
I fucking loved Oracle of Seasons as a kid, can't remember much of ALLTP and even less of Minish Cap.
I really hate the no-manual trend in 3DS games. It's poopy.![]()
Should I buy this, GAF?
I played three Zelda games (ALTTP, Oracle of Seasons, Minish Cap) in total, and only one to completion.
I fucking loved Oracle of Seasons as a kid, can't remember much of ALLTP and even less of Minish Cap.
I really hate the no-manual trend in 3DS games. It's poopy.![]()
I had to plug my 3DS into my Logitech THX speakers. It had to be done.The music is too good.
I really hate the no-manual trend in 3DS games. It's poopy.![]()
Anyone know how long the Zelda 3DS will be available? Is it just a one-time thing, and once stock is out it's out?