Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall


PSA: If you couldn't redeem the download code for the game that was included with the gold 3DS XL, Nintendo says (via email to me) that the problem has been solved.


I'm only at the second dungeon, but I STILL can't believe that a flagship title from Nintendo in 2013 has the ideals of a flagship title from Nintendo in the early 90s. A beautiful world and soundtrack combined with high respect for the player's intellect. Now this is what I've been missing from my favorite gaming developer from the past ten years.

It is such a brilliant return to form. Good god, if they transfer this design philosophy over to the Wii U, I will buy it over the PS4
From what little I played there's definitely some signs of increased accessibility... but relative to some of their other titles it's really tame. Just a few steps ahead of LttP itself, marking maps a little more often maybe and A's immediate function being shown. Well, and it's a bit more verbose and you can't backtrack RIGHT at the start but that's not a big deal given you're let loose not too long after.
Game is amazing, at the third dungeon and it's already proven itself to be one of the better zelda titles.
Milk bar musicians play some of the best music i've ever heard in a nintendo game.
If the wii u zelda doesn't follow in this games footsteps then it will be a big mistake.
No hand holding! Finally we are back to the good old zelda i fell in love with!


Hey guys! I created a limited edition screen printed t-shirt design in honor of the new Zelda!
Figured some of you might be interested, it's available today only here! ♥ ♥ ♥


Fantastic. I ordered one :D
Hope it arrives in November (Europe)

RE lover

Could someone help me out? Lorule spoiler below
I'm trying to find the chest in 1F in the Ice Ruins

use the platforms that work as elevators to get to it, it's located right under the start, so "push" against the walls as soon as the platforms start going down


5 minutes in and I'm already loving it :D

Also damn the graphics are sooooooo much better when you're actually playing rather than just watching videos. I hated them before but after playing for myself I actually like them lol.


'Just finished the first dungeon' impressions:

Holy shit this game zips. No unnecessary dialogue, slow text scroll, lame tutorials, bloated plot build up... none of that. This game feels so fluid. And the music? Damn. Those remixes are fantastic. LttP is my favorite, most played Zelda, so the nostalgia is strong.

The nitpicking qualms: The art direction is not very good. It's not bad though, and its definitely better in motion (60fps helps). The character models are weird, and the 3D environments lack a certain grit. The first dungeon felt pretty sterile, but I'm hoping that changes once I get to Lorule. Also, I'm sick of the Ocarina of Time 'indoor house' theme.

Other than that, it's so so rad.


Otto.de won't deliver it today or tomorrow... so I will have to wait till next week. Well, I get it for 29€ but I am a bit sad. Was thinking that I would buy the game for 44,99 and just return the copy that I get lol.


This game is so good.

So far the artstyle is the only thing that is not absolutely stellar, and even there the 3D looks very nice.

Velcro Fly

Anyone splurge on the hardcover guide? I was considering getting it from Amazon with some credit I had just to have later on. Not sure though.


Picked up the game as my online order got messed up.

The graphics, the 3d, the music.... It's everything I wanted and more. They hadn't managed to unpack all the delivery with the XBox one madness so I'm going back later for a hard copy guide.


Are the Pegasus Boots obtainable in this game?

I assume so, as the thief that dashes away from you has them. Anyone have any idea of how to pin this guy down?


is there a walkthrough? stuck at the work dungeon and I wanna know the fastest way to get out so I can go home and play this shit


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
About to go to bed. Got stuck into Tearaway tonight, and it's fantastic, but tomorrow's plan is cemented: wake up, wander down to buy A Link Between Worlds, and spend all Saturday playing. Num num.


If Amazon don't delver today there's going to be a few death threats going customer services way I can tell you that now.

I'm never using Amazon again for preorders if it isn't in this house by the end of the day. They're also going to get a scathing email.

the reality, though, is that I'm going to email them saying that it hasn't arrived in 2 days, request a replacement copy and then sell it on to a mate

that's how you get compensation, ladies and gents


Enjoy BGBW! I just got mine too. Really funny chest I think.

Love the reflective gold cover on the UK version (assume it's the same everywhere).
As expected, the art style looks much better on the 3DS screen. Most media I've digested on this game has been on YouTube or the Wii U eshop, so I was worried how it'd look. Link looks less derpy than I thought he would.


Aww man, can't wait til tomorrow to play this. I gotta finish a paper that's due for midnight so my gf is holding this game hostage for the good of my grades :lol


Well fuck me sideways.. this is the first time I'm properly playing on a 3DS. The 3D effect is great, but after popping in ALBW I was completely blown away. How anyone can say this game is ugly is beyond me.


I'm stuck. 3 dungeons left in Lorule.

I can't get to two of them because of broken bridges and my hookshot doesn't seem to help and the third dungeon entrance is underwater with a huge boulder plugging the water in. Can't think how to blow it up.

Any help please?


I'll get this game for Christmas, cannot wait to play it.

Just entered to the thread to say this is the best Topic title of the forever.


Just started the game, it's SO GOOD. The graphics look really great on the actual hardware and the music is outstanding. Also it can't be said enough how good the buttery smooth 60fps feels when playing, hope they strive for it in future installments.

Too bad I didn't get the chest yet, it was supposed to come with my gamestop preorder but they had had some shipping problems and didn't have them yet, the clerk said I could come and pick it up sometime next week.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Hey guys,

I think I found a bug. I'm currently stuck in the Japan Dungeon, and when I go to the shop in the dungeon, the shopkeeper tells me Zelda isn't available until after Christmas. This doesn't seem right.

Anyone know a way to get around this issue?


God damn, I bought the special edition from game but only the poster came today, the rest must have been shipped separately.


Conor 419

Me: Hello, my copy of 'The Legend of Zelda: A Link between Worlds has not arrived today
Amazon:Thank you for choosing amzon.co.uk chat support.
Me:May I please be absolved of responsibility for this order and be refunded immediately so I may purchase it in store?
Amazon:My name is Ansel.
I understand that you need this item urgently.
I've checked your account and I can see that the estimated delivery is on 22 november.
Me:The order has not arrived, you dispatched it yesterday so I don't think it would ever have arrived today
May I please be refunded immediately
Amazon:Sorry for delayed reply.
I can assure you it your order will arrive on time.
Me:It is the 22nd of November today...
The post has already been, how will the delivery arrive on time, may I ask?
Amazon:Despite all our efforts, however, there can sometimes be unforeseen delays that are beyond our control.
I apologise for this has happened.
Me:Yes, I am aware this has happened, it's absolutely fine, can I just be refunded immediately?
Amazon:I understand this is frustrating, I'm a gamer too.
Give me few minutes, I'll get back to you with an answer.
Thank you for patiently waiting.
Me:You understand?
My wife will leave me if this game doesn't arrive today
And you better believe I'm not joking
she'll take the kids as well
Amazon:There's a possibility if we issue refund, the item will arrive, I'm afraid you need to send it back to us.
Me:Well, you can refund me and I promise I'll send it back
I'm not like amazon, I will actually keep to my promise
I just need the money to buy the game, my wife will be home soon

Fucking Amazon


PSA: If you couldn't redeem the download code for the game that was included with the gold 3DS XL, Nintendo says (via email to me) that the problem has been solved.
Is this confirmed yet? I'm at work and don't want to get my hopes up.

Anyone who ordered from Amazon UK should consider going through Amazon.fr next time. Excellent service, shipped a day after I ordered it and arrived 2 days early. Price after exchange and card fee was £181.
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