Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall


I'm on Ganon's Tower in ALTTP, first playthrough ever, and I just think it's a very frustrating experience. So much of the design is clearly not 'good difficult' but just frustrating. Zelda may have gotten easier but mainly it's just gotten less frustrating. Dying on a boss and having to basically go through the entire dungeon AGAIN is not my idea of fun. Good game but I can't help but think TWW > MM > OOT> LA > SS > TP > ALTTP. But I have high hopes for ALBW, mixing all the progression and evolution in game design with some of the old-school simplicity and trust in the player should be good. Tried it for like 30 minutes and it feels great, just gonna finish up Ganon in The Past before I dive into Worlds.
That seems highly probable. ALTTP is shrouded in holy sanctimony for me, but playing it now with the game designs we've been used to must make you wonder about a bit of the old-schoolness of it all.

ALBW isn't like that. You get it, you're glad to be back in THAT hyrule, you know the mecanics and you get on with it. At some point you realise this is all so charming and pleasant you don't really care anymore about the ALTTP skin. It's its own game, and it's probably all the better for it.


Just spent an hour aimlessly exploring the world map trying to work out how to get over the river to Zora's domain. Assumed you needed something like the pegasus boots. Looked absolutely everywhere, getting real frustrated

went back to the area I was stuck on and realised I could just merge with the wall to cross it. dohhhhh

This game, even though I know LTTP like the back of my hand, is really messing with me. In a good way.


Just spent an hour aimlessly exploring the world map trying to work out how to get over the river to Zora's domain. Assumed you needed something like the pegasus boots. Looked absolutely everywhere, getting real frustrated

went back to the area I was stuck on and realised I could just merge with the wall to cross it. dohhhhh

This game, even though I know LTTP like the back of my hand, is really messing with me. In a good way.



Oh man first dungeon completed. It's so good. Love the pacing in the first hour and it's really good to have such freedom.

I'll visit the tower of Hera first

But I have a question; When does Ravio open his shop?


My walmart didn't have the game yet ;_;

Just picked mine up! Can't wait to dive in. I got a free code for Oracle of Ages, first person who responds to this asking for it I'll PM it to you.


Just picked mine up! Can't wait to dive in. I got a free code for Oracle of Ages, first person who responds to this asking for it I'll PM it to you.

So generous :D gotta love the GAF spirit. And to whoever grabs it, enjoy. It's amazing.

edit: Seasons as well. You should totally buy the other one whichever it is.


It is incredibly easy, but I've been spending a lot of time just walking around the world, so that might be why I'm progressing slowly.

It really is insanely easy so far though.

It's the major flaw of the game. But I like that it lets you figure things out all by yourself (or with the help of the ghost if you're really stuck). I can say Hero Mode is going to be much harder already.


Oh man first dungeon completed. It's so good. Love the pacing in the first hour and it's really good to have such freedom.

I'll visit the tower of Hera first

But I have a question; When does Ravio open his shop?

It opened for me before I did any of the second dungeons.
I think I got the power glove and the Zora's flippers, and after that I could use the shop. I don't know if it's enough with one of them or if you need both.


My opinion after 5-6h, Dark World, 6 dungeons finished:

Best Zelda Handheld game after Links Awakening, but not on the same level of quality as ALTTP and Links Awakening.

The whole Ravio 'You get all items from the start!' was definitely something that Nintendo decided to do in the very late development stages of the game since the world doesn't seem to be really laid out for it and makes excuses for this feature all the time.

The overworlds in LA and ALTTP were still a bit deeper / better design wise.
I'm not even as far as you, but I think I can agree on this.

Wow, the floor texture of the dungeons looks really good. Did they use some form of Normal Mapping?

I've always loved shiny surfaces in 3D, the really seem to pop. The textures themselves are great too, I agree.


It opened for me before I did any of the second dungeons.
I think I got the power glove and the Zora's flippers, and after that I could use the shop. I don't know if it's enough with one of them or if you need both.
Ah thanks. Where can I find the second? Must have missed it completely while discovering the area.


Maturity, bitches.
The poster came in a massive cardboard tube, it's quite a large poster.

But I didn't get the rest of the limited edition stuff - including the game - so I'm stuck messing around with a cardboard tube now.
Well I guess GAME isn't so bad then. Though I will not forgive their tacky branding all over the box. What's the illustration on the poster may I be so curious as to ask?

Rental system feels a bit strange, but since I like to complete Zelda games as much as I can I'll likely buy all the items in the end anyway even if I don't die.


wow, why is the
game so bad? One heart I'll probably not get... (100 points? fuck off)

Agreed, it seems really random and badly designed. I want to keep trying it though. But it's quite expensive, so I'll save this for last.

Ah thanks. Where can I find the second? Must have missed it completely while discovering the area.

talking to the zora near the witch house and you'll know what to do


You know for all the talk about the game visuals, it actually looks really good to me now that I am playing it on my 3ds. Textures are nice and clean, and there's some nice effects here and there especially with the lighting. It's miles away from how the game looks in trailers.


People talking about eargasms upon hearing some of the songs... they are not THAT good lol, it's all been heard before more or less. Sound quality is not that amazing.

The game feels/plays silky smooth but everything feels really small. The death mountain dungeon had a lot of floors and I finished it in a few minutes... Whaaat?

Still having a lot of fun though, it will probably last me about 15 hours


I'm guessing that maxing out the timer on the endless cucco minigame is what beat Mario Club. I got 177ish seconds. I wonder what the top prize is.


You know for all the talk about the game visuals, it actually looks really good to me now that I am playing it on my 3ds. Textures are nice and clean, and there's some nice effects here and there especially with the lighting. It's miles away from how the game looks in trailers.
Agreed. Another thing I enjoy is the 3D in this game. I mostly play 3DS titles just in 2D, but this game has some very pleasing effects. When Link jumps over ledges it kind of pops at you.

Edit; thanks poplmouse and Leezard.
Digital releases are fantastic. For a normal release I'd have to go to the store at midnight (if its even open) or wait until today. As it was, I downloaded and played the game last night. Can't wait until after work today to play some more. Its definitely like LttP in how it looks and plays. I've been wanting this game since 1991.
The game feels/plays silky smooth but everything feels really small. The death mountain dungeon had a lot of floors and I finished it in a few minutes... Whaaat?

I agree w/ that. I think it's having the map so detailed and always visible. There is very little aimless searching through dungeons and the overworld when you can see so well. I'm betting Zelda 1 and 3 would have felt smaller with better maps too.
I've got this, a Zelda 3DS XL, and Super Mario 3D World all waiting for me at Gamestop right now. Just have to get this last work shift out of the way first. Fuck, I'm excited.
Digital releases are fantastic

This. I live in the countryside (like THE REAL countryside) and getting a physical copy would be sci-fi...So now that the Internet is everywhere, I can go to the nearest place where I can find Wi-fi and enjoy this game ! And man, from what I played, it is awesome !
I picked up my Xbox One at 9am and waited in line to talk to the clerk. The clerk said "Hey, you got the Xbox One already, what do you want?" (He was stressed coz there was a line of people behind me to get their pre-order of X1.) And I kindly asked "Well. You didn't put Zelda on the shelf... So did you get it today?" The guy was really shocked because he didn't expect that and didn't know if they got it. I feared I wouldn't get it. (Hey, I drove to the university to play Zelda two earlier than I had to)

Lucky for me that the chef was around and said "I will get it for you asap, we didn't have it in the system yet because of X1."

Game is incredible so far. It is fast, music is just awesome. Seriously best 3DS game and the first one where I have 3D always one.


at last, for christ's sake
got a call from taffy, told me this was waiting for me at the store


thank you, mate. He even joked about the fact i could pick up SM3DW as well...I replied WHAT but nah, it was a good joke. Yeah.

also told me that the double SM3DW cover with furry belly is locked..hopefully

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
That intro

That music

That flawless 3D

I think this will be the first game since 3D Land I'll play with 3D on at all time

After seing it in motion I can't for the life of me understand why some find it ugly

Velcro Fly

This game is so good. I can't even begin to describe how it has lived up to my almost unbelievable level of hype.

I'm so fucking happy right now.
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