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Zenless Zone Zero ༺*|OT|*༻ Gotta Waifu 'Em All ♡(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭♡

Looks like we're about to have a new chapter in the Thick Thighs Save Lives Thick Thighs Save Lives gif creation saga.
cheeks don’t actually spread like that lmfao, but I’m here for it.


I would have thought that they would slowly improve tutorials and the whole explanation of the game systems, but still nothing.


Tears of Nintendo
The story will probably be done in 1,5 hrs so I don't expect anything remarkable from it. The end game stuff though and some of the events they showed, yeah, this is !THE SHIT!, can't wait to dive deep into all this :messenger_horns::messenger_open_mouth:


Trigger looks pretty cool ngl. Stun character with cool animation and can stun off filed too? I was going to skip but now I'm 50/50, will see also depend what Vivian and Vlad will do. I need a nice buffer character in Jane doe team she great and strong first patch but now my Jane feel like shit compare to my other teams.


Trigger looks pretty cool ngl. Stun character with cool animation and can stun off filed too? I was going to skip but now I'm 50/50, will see also depend what Vivian and Vlad will do. I need a nice buffer character in Jane doe team she great and strong first patch but now my Jane feel like shit compare to my other teams.
I thought it was because there were no physical damage weakened opponents for a long time, but even with that Jane feels weak now.


Tears of Nintendo
It's not that Jane is bad (she's amazing and one of the strongest characters in the game), it's just that there's barely anything in the game to use Jane for now. Like, I don't remember the last time I used her in SD and in DA literally never, plus and before 1.6, there's literally no Physical stunners in the game and you had to rely on Koleda to daze the fuck out of enemies (before Lighter came out) cuz enemies weaks to Physical DMG were always paired with enemies weak to Fire DMG. Caesar can do daze shit and act as a support, but she's not a dedicated stunner. The fact that there's a Physical stunner now in the game (we're about to see how good she is) is a clear indication that there'll be more SD and probably DA stuff for Physical characters. Also, I don't think there's anyone here who pulled Jane's W-Engine hence and even as strong as she is without it, there's still ~25-30% of her potential left on the table, so when she'll have rerun and depending on how good (or not) the new characters will be at that time, it's a good idea to finally get her W-Engine and I hope that when they'll launch her rerun, there'll be character story for her as well which she doesn't have. Anyway, what are your plans for pulling' ma dudes?

It's kinda tempting to pull for both but that means W-Engines are out of question, so for now I lean towards pullin' for Trigger and her W-Engine and maybe get Zhu's W-Engine as well. Since we'll get Pulchra for free, I don't need to pull her 5 copies during SAnby banner cuz I bet that I'll get them all anyway sooner or later by just pulling normally and if it'll take more time, I don't care. There's also a question of disc sets. Clearly one of em' is made specifically for Trigger and she clearly needs Crit Rate cuz her W-Engine gives her 24%, so not only do we need to build her around that, but Impact stat as well and it'll be interesting to see which disc set is better cuz Impac set is build around Daze build up from literally anything you do and stunners rely heavily on that. There's also no F2P W-Engines with Crit Rate so it'll be difficult to achieve 80% without her signature... unless you don't care about the buffs and effects beyond just stats that is. Idk for whom the second disc set is made for though and it's not like anyone except Miyabi needs that 112 AM as a baseline. There's literally no Anomaly characters in 1.6 so I guess it's for some future characters we don' know about yet (which is about to change in a week or so).

All in all, I think 1.6 looks great so far and it's good to see that there's more tuning calibrators as rewards but I still think that there must be at least 5-6 per update cuz 3-4 (incl. F2P and BP) is not enough and there must be more ways to farm disc mats for crafting cuz there's no good and sane option for that at all in the game, not to mention that a lot of crafting mats go to waste cuz of BS RNG.
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Tears of Nintendo
1.6 pulls count:
Looks like I'll have around ~200 pulls for 1.6 all things considreded (not counting pulls I'll get back after pulling dupes of characters), which is not enough for 2 characters and at least 1 W-Engine. Idk about Trigger's W-Engine, will probably wait for calcs to see which F2P one will be OK for her. Anby's W-Engine worked fine with Qingyi and Trigger is not a huge DMG dealer anyway, so I might use Anby's W-Engine.

Also, it's basically confirmed that the girl with umbrella will be Ether Anomaly agent cuz new disc set is basically meant for her. If they'll release her and Hugo in 1.7 then I can finally skip the whole update in terms of pulls and save 140 tapes for much better characters.
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Tears of Nintendo
If only weapons were guaranteed, I would try them from time to time. But I simply can't waste 160 pulls like this.
Yeah, it's a huge issue WuWa fixed completely. I lost my first 75/25 to Rina's W-Engine and had to waste another ~30 pulls to get Evelyn's signature, feels terrible man.
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nah pulling for some weapons is 1000% worth it, miyabi and lighter are good examples for an amazing uplift with the weapon, astra's however is a complete luxury item that nobody should pull for unless you're a whale or have nothing else to pull for.


nah pulling for some weapons is 1000% worth it, miyabi and lighter are good examples for an amazing uplift with the weapon, astra's however is a complete luxury item that nobody should pull for unless you're a whale or have nothing else to pull for.
I find 20-30% damage from an engine for such a high price not worth it. I could use almost the same number of pulls to cover an element I'm missing or a class like stun where I don't really have coverage. And if the Engines become mandatory at some point, then I can play something else.
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I find 20-30% damage from an engine for such a high price not worth it.
well that depends, if the baseline is low then a 30% increase would indeed maybe not be worth it, but if the baseline is high, like with miyabi, that 30% increase might be equal to an entire character's baseline and would be absolutely worth it. Lighter's is also a good example because it makes him a much better stunner and also provide support for the entire team.


Tears of Nintendo
I got Lycon. But still waiting to see how bad or good Pulchra is before i level him.
Lycaon is amazing stunner, I use him in my Ice team with Miyabi and Soukaku. Not sure why would you not lvl him up and wait for Pulchra, unless of course you don't like him for some reason or don't have enough mats and currency.

As for W-Engines, I just don't see a point in gettin' Lighter's signature cuz he melts everything just fine without it in Evelyn + Astra team and I'm sure that he'll be more than fine if you replace Astra with Lucy.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
I really like this 'punished' Silver Soldier Anby, and it would be so cool if they added this version as a skin/outfit or something like that.


Liquid Anby
Solidus Anby
Venom Anby
Punished Anby
The Anby who sold Eridu

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Lycaon is amazing stunner, I use him in my Ice team with Miyabi and Soukaku. Not sure why would you not lvl him up and wait for Pulchra, unless of course you don't like him for some reason or don't have enough mats and currency.

As for W-Engines, I just don't see a point in gettin' Lighter's signature cuz he melts everything just fine without it in Evelyn + Astra team and I'm sure that he'll be more than fine if you replace Astra with Lucy.
Yeah i dont have enough mats. It could also be that Pulchra is better, I'll wait another week and then decide.


Tears of Nintendo
78% Crit DMG?:messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:

Wow, they really are desperate and now even more so than before. What a piss-poor tactic to make people pull signatures without fixing the main problem with them which is that and it's been mentioned before - there's no guarantee and you can get 1.0 W-Engine instead. But even if signatures will be guaranteed, there's not enough polys and tapes to get a second charactar unless you literally want to pay for it. Anyway, you can give SAnby Evelyn's W-Engine (provided you already have it) and it'll be just 10% worse.

We'll see how many pulls it'll take to get SAnby - my guess is 70+ pulls at least even with 100% in my case. I'll wait for 1.7 marketing soon after 1.6 launch to see who'll come next and then decide what I'll do with my pulls.
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I'm still unsure if I'll go for W-Engine or not. I have a decent savings right now, but one lost 50/50 takes it all away. I want both Anby and Trigger, so I better put those dreams to rest.


Tears of Nintendo
To have guaranteed Trigger and Anby one needs to have 240 tapes right? I’m on a 50/50 chance for next pull.
It depends on the luck and RNG. No one can tell you how many tapes you can waste before getting a character when you're in 50/50 mode, hell, even 75/25 when in comes to W-Engine channel. You can only get guaranteed when you lose 50/50 and then it's complete unknown until it happens again.


On a side note.

Just out of curiosity, I checked WuWa forums for leaks and what people are saying. So the jelly fish girl stuff is leaked and in regards to her weapon people are saying that - well, why would you pull her weapon if there's this and this already exists and if you already have it? That got me thinking. So all the buffs and stuff specific for the character will be lost, yes, but you'll ge such a massive Crit DMG bonus (as well as higher ATK) if you'll pull SAnby's W-Engine that it could probably carry you through lots of content in the future and you can get other stuff via drive discs and sub stats, same goes for Evelyn's W-Engine. So in a way, some W-Engines can be a good investment and more future proof than others and even more so than 1.0 ones, so in a way they can be more valuable than a character cuz you can give it to any character in the game, not pull for their signatures and get a new character instead in the future. That being said, current W-Engine channel is shit, so I'd say go for characters instead.

Now, why would you even need a signature? Well, for the end game, but here's the thing, the end game in ZZZ is so bad and I'm talking about the Towers here first and foremost, that you don't even need signature W-Engines cuz everything else is a lot easier and DA... the rewards are so pathetic there in comparison to SD that it's not even worth it to get all the medals. Honestly, W-Engines is more like a luxury item rather than something you really need to have in ZZZ cuz there's no not brain dead end game content in the game for which you need signatures. Like, many people don't like Zhu (for example), but fuckin' hell, I use her a lot still and she's great even without her signature which has nice buffs and stuff, but you really don't need it and it's not a must have.

If the real end game had great rewards, wasn't brain dead and lazy af by design and if signatures were guaranteed, people could've more incentive to pull and get them, but as it stands now there's just no fuckin' way they could sell signatures to majority of the game's audience. Moreover, I think there's no point in wasting our breath to try and change something via surveys cuz they won't listen and slow af anyway. WuWa did a lot of things better since the disastrous launch and ZZZ almost a year later don't have even half of what WuWa fixed, did right and better.
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So I just finished up Ellen's limited time quest rewards, and damn, the music during her battle sections is fucking amazing. It's prog-rock that reminds me a bit of Polyphia, one of my favorite bands.

Is there some sorts of menu/section in the game that you can play/listen to the music? I'll admit, I'm not into most of the urban/city style music that they put in the game for most parts, but that song was insanely good.

Found it on YT:


Tears of Nintendo
Loved this quest to death, one of the best in the game (aside from really underpowered Ellen build they let us use). I wish there were more for dedicated stories like this for each character in the game and not just one and done thing as they like to do. You can argue that some events can count as character quests as the one with the Treasure Vault with Nicole, the one for Miyabi and Soldier 11 and I would agree with that, but that's just a drop in the ocean:messenger_pensive:
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the music player is in proxy's room.
This is the entire OST on apple music, but it hasn't been updated with astra/evelyn update yet:
Now that you mention it, I do remember seeing a music player in there. For some reason it was just totally blocked out of my mind. There are a few battle songs I like too, I'm off to find them. Thanks for the info!


Tears of Nintendo
As expected. Definitely skip, I don't like her design at all. She just looks out of place in the ZZZ world / theme visually and should be in HSR or Genshin instead. Hugo is up next so the whole 1.7 is hard skip in terms of pulls. Good, finally I can skip the whole update and save up some polys and tapes for what'll come next.
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As expected. Definitely skip, I don't like her design at all. She just looks out of place in the ZZZ world / theme visually and should be in HSR or Genshin instead. Hugo is up next so the whole 1.7 is hard skip in terms of pulls. Good, finally I can skip the whole update and save up some polys and tapes for what'll come next.
Skipping Ether anomaly in this economy, wouldn't be me...
sassy anders holm GIF


78% Crit DMG?:messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:

Wow, they really are desperate and now even more so than before. What a piss-poor tactic to make people pull signatures without fixing the main problem with them which is that and it's been mentioned before - there's no guarantee and you can get 1.0 W-Engine instead. But even if signatures will be guaranteed, there's not enough polys and tapes to get a second charactar unless you literally want to pay for it. Anyway, you can give SAnby Evelyn's W-Engine (provided you already have it) and it'll be just 10% worse.

We'll see how many pulls it'll take to get SAnby - my guess is 70+ pulls at least even with 100% in my case. I'll wait for 1.7 marketing soon after 1.6 launch to see who'll come next and then decide what I'll do with my pulls.
They probably want to see if they can get away with making the engines mandatory.
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