Quantum Zeno Effect:
Unstable particles were theorized to never decay if observed, but this has since been expanded to include other types of interaction like measurement, environmental interactions, etc. This behavior has now been confirmed:
Note: Observed/watched = measured. In order for a system's behavior to be measured, it must be interacted with in some way. It's that interaction fundamentally changes the behavior of the system. Atoms have not been confirmed to possess any sort of sentience or awareness.
'Zeno effect' verified—atoms won't move while you watch
Exciting time in Quantum research given the recent breakthrough with Quantum computers.
Full article linked above and here.
Further reading (Thanks to Air for the link):
Emergent Classicality:
The quantum Zeno effect (also known as the Turing paradox) is a situation in which an unstable particle, if observed continuously, will never decay.[1] One can "freeze" the evolution of the system by measuring it frequently enough in its known initial state. The meaning of the term has since expanded, leading to a more technical definition in which time evolution can be suppressed not only by measurement: the quantum Zeno effect is the suppression of unitary time evolution caused by quantum decoherence in quantum systems provided by a variety of sources: measurement, interactions with the environment, stochastic fields, and so on.[2] As an outgrowth of study of the quantum Zeno effect, it has become clear that applying a series of sufficiently strong and fast pulses with appropriate symmetry can also decouple a system from its decohering environment.[3]
Unstable particles were theorized to never decay if observed, but this has since been expanded to include other types of interaction like measurement, environmental interactions, etc. This behavior has now been confirmed:
Note: Observed/watched = measured. In order for a system's behavior to be measured, it must be interacted with in some way. It's that interaction fundamentally changes the behavior of the system. Atoms have not been confirmed to possess any sort of sentience or awareness.
'Zeno effect' verified—atoms won't move while you watch
One of the oddest predictions of quantum theory – that a system can't change while you're watching it – has been confirmed in an experiment by Cornell physicists. Their work opens the door to a fundamentally new method to control and manipulate the quantum states of atoms and could lead to new kinds of sensors.
Quantum tunnelling through a barrier. The energy of
the tunneled particle is the same but the amplitude
is decreased.
Phys.org said:Previous experiments have demonstrated the Zeno Effect with the "spins" of subatomic particles. "This is the first observation of the Quantum Zeno effect by real space measurement of atomic motion," Vengalattore said. "Also, due to the high degree of control we've been able to demonstrate in our experiments, we can gradually 'tune' the manner in which we observe these atoms. Using this tuning, we've also been able to demonstrate an effect called 'emergent classicality' in this quantum system." Quantum effects fade, and atoms begin to behave as expected under classical physics.
"This gives us an unprecedented tool to control a quantum system, perhaps even atom by atom," said Patil, lead author of the paper. Atoms in this state are extremely sensitive to outside forces,l he noted, so this work could lead to the development of new kinds of sensors.
Exciting time in Quantum research given the recent breakthrough with Quantum computers.
Full article linked above and here.
Further reading (Thanks to Air for the link):
Emergent Classicality:
The larger a system gets, the more it's constituent particles interact, and you get into something called the semi-classical or classic limit. The particles are constricted more and more to smaller and smaller areas by the interactions with neighbours, so exhibit less and less wave properties. This is why you don't diffract when you go through a door. This principle applies when you throw enough photons at a particle to know where it is. As soon as you know approximately where it is (by detecting where the photons go) it's been restricted to some small region by the photon interactions, and so cannot display the wave characteristics that lead to diffraction and tunnelling, because the waveform is too local. This is called collapsing the waveform. Apologies for any formatting errors, I'm on mobile.