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Zoe Quinn #meToo / Alec Holowka suicide -- Update: Article questions ZQ's account of events (link in OP)

There's still one more fly in the ointment for me. Even with all of this to take into context, which I lean towards agreeing with you on, it seems like her coworkers are in agreement with her claims. The thing that you or I would look to, and I'm making an assumption about you being an upstanding person, the thing that we would look to in a situation like this, where someone places us in the crosshairs for creepish or abusive behavior, is the support of our peers. Think about the character that is Zoe Quinn--are her co-workers springing to her support due to peer pressure or fear, or do they genuinely have her back because she built a good working relationship with them? And what about Alec? Are these people that he worked with just willing to burn bridges with him regardless of the friendships that may have been made? You know what I mean?

I'm calling into question the character of Alec Holowka as well as Zoe Quinn. They believed her accusation so willingly as to cut ties with Alec and postpone a physical release. Of course, they'll go forward with that release and make the money, but it still makes me wonder how they would be so willing to throw a team member under a bus like that. Publicly. I can imagine people doing it to someone they don't like for reasons (could be political, or maybe the guy is the stereotypical creative asshole). You'd still have to like the person making the accusations as opposed to the BPD type that you're describing where typically people assess you from a distance and tread carefully.

Yes I do agree. I would probably wait for another couple of weeks, maybe months, until more evidence comes out: hopefully Holowka will make a response. And honestly I am being something of an asshole (although due to personal experience and knowledge about Chelsea,) I'm not believing her at her word, I can't. And this is a difficult line to balance on. I am basically inferring that I don't believe this happened. Without knowing any of the details, other than Zoe's own words, I'm very nearly dismissing this out of hand. Purely because I don't trust Zoe Quinn's own words at this point. I very well may be wrong.

And I do know what you mean about the rush to cut ties with Alec following Chelsea's accusations, but I've seen a version of this before. I think a bit part of it is that Zoe Quinn is incredibly convincing. I've called her a liar in the last few posts I've made but that really doesn't do her justice. As far as I can tell (and I really am putting my armchair psychologist hat on now) she seems to believe the lies she tells when she tells them. And will then build on said lies until her entire persona is made out of a giant tower of gaffer tape. But that's just my analysis. Chelsea is really convincing liar.

Of course there's another problem here: as mentioned before the media coverage of her has been overwhelmingly positive (baring places like Breitbart of course - although even then Milo Yiannopolous came a bit late to the party and barely covered her. To clarify my positition in case anyone from the outside world is reading this: this is not a defence of Breitbart or Milo's political views or even the tone of said coverage) and the media loves established narratives. In this case being the narrative of a woman being unjustly accused of crimes she didn't commit and being a kind of martyr figure for online feminism and internet harassment. Never mind the fact that to this day people close to Quinn keep writing long-ass call-outs about her behaviour and how she betrayed them or acted psychotic or whatever.

Honestly I think Quinn's story struck a nerve back in 2014, that of how hard it is to be a woman with opinions on the internet. I think people wanted that story and needed a figure to rally behind, although if I remember correctly Anita Sarkeesian got harassed very shortly after her and kinda stole Chelsea's thunder a bit at least as far as good copy goes. And I'm not going to go into what I think of Anita here, she's actually a different person with completely different problems to Quinn. Unfortunately Zoe, Anita and the batshit insanity of Brianna Wu tend to be lumped together by both sides: one into a kind of singular feminist martyr figure and to the other a kind of straw-feminist figure, guilty of every slight possibly imagined. I've seen people mix up the actions and characters and accusations against all three on both sides of the divide.

Anyway back to established narratives. Looking at the coverage for Night in the Woods it does seem like the game got a lot of press from places like Rock, Paper Shotgun, Kotaku, Polygon et al. Places which historically have defended Chelsea against any and all accusations. Is it possible that Infinite Ammo are cutting ties because they don't want the wrath of these outlets? That they want to make sure future games still get covered by these sites? (And looking at Infinite Ammo's output I can't see many other places that would cover the type of indie games they tend to make.) Possibly. But honestly I somewhat doubt it. It may be a factor, really. But I would put good money on them believing Chelsea at her word, despite any evidence to the contrary.

Even Eron Gjoni goes into this in his Zoe Post. She's incredibly manipulative to the point where Eron found himself believing entire complex strings of lies. Plus any and all press (baring Breitbart, but they've long since moved on, and Drama whore YouTubers who still act like it's 2015) will automatically take her side. Have you ever heard of the Murray Gell-Mann effect? It's where you might read an article in a newspaper on a subject you're well-versed in only to find the article full of misinformation and poor reasoning. Only to turn the page to read about a subject you know little about and believe it wholeheartedly despite having just seen how completely inaccurate some coverage can be. The media narrative around Quinn is so set-in-stone by this point that I think the entire world (or at least those who know about her) believes in it.

Shit, I forgot where I was fucking going with this. Okay look, I think it's likely not political: more peer pressure by social media, combined with just believing Zoe Quinn at her word. A lot of people trust her and a lot of people don't, however the second group turned into gamergate several years ago which turned into a bonkers soap opera past a certain point and nearly every talking head associated with it turned out to arguably be either far worse than the people they were criticising or else guilty of the very things they were railing against (albeit on the other side of the political fence.) I would wait until further evidence comes out for obvious reasons. The point I've been trying to get across is that, due to previous circumstances, I wouldn't believe a thing Zoe Quinn says.

Oh and as far as treading carefully goes: I don't think many people know that Zoe's likely BPD. That's kinda lumped in with all the harassment she's received as being another ploy by MRA's or gamergators or the alt-right to discredit her.


Oh and as far as treading carefully goes: I don't think many people know that Zoe's likely BPD. That's kinda lumped in with all the harassment she's received as being another ploy by MRA's or gamergators or the alt-right to discredit her.
lmao jesus fucking christ. write another novella length post trying to defend her. i think that will finally get her to fuck you. zoe quinn is a piece of shit end of story.


Gold Member
This is why I deleted all of my social media, especially the hate-platform Twitter.

Nothing but a bunch of screeching assholes, who's opinions are usually found on a scale between vomit and shit.
No Twitter. No Facebook. No social media that ties back to me.

Their power relies on the mob. Step outside of that crowd and they are powerless. In fact, they won't even know you exist.
I've got a Linked In for jobs and colleagues, and a Facebook for friends and fam and close coworkers. That's it.

Linked In for scoping jobs, FB for occasional photo uploads. Past 5 years have been a trainwreck for Linked In as people are treating it like FB v2. All these personal blogs and people liking and high-fiving each other's articles. I even see Happy Birthday messages on the feed. WTF.

Don't get me wrong, I love reading stupid shit on Twitter people re-post (like Trump), but don't care for having my own. Or Instagram, Pinterest or any other ones out there. I love surfing the net, but I don't see how anyone can keep up with updating a million social media sites so often.
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lmao jesus fucking christ. write another novella length post trying to defend her. i think that will finally get her to fuck you. zoe quinn is a piece of shit end of story.

Oh come on how is that defending her. Look I'm trying to be as charitable as possible because I kinda want people from the other side to finally open their eyes to this. Because the problem with the initial scandal around her that eventually evolved into gamergate is that 4channers were calling her a whore and a slut and hey, they did find her nudes within hours and trolled her Wikipedia page. This caused a lot of people to just shut it all out and assume that everything that was happening was sexist bullshit. Just like the media were saying, just like she was saying.

Plus how is that defending her at all? I'm implying she has BPD and is probably lying about sexual abuse to the entire world causing some guy to get fired for something he likely didn't do. Shit, I've implied everything about her is a lie, down to her goddamn name and birthday. Well, more than imply I think I showed fairly accurate proof of that fact.

But I kinda love your avatar.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Look I'm trying to be as charitable as possible because I kinda want people from the other side to finally open their eyes to this.
The intelligent people, the open-minded free-thinkers already know. The ones that refuse to look at reality are the dumb-as-fuck, brainwashed oxygen wasters. There is no hope for them. They are too stupid.

That’s the way it is.



This dude has done his research and is joining the dots. (y)

Just as I already noticed.



Oh come on how is that defending her. Look I'm trying to be as charitable as possible because I kinda want people from the other side to finally open their eyes to this. Because the problem with the initial scandal around her that eventually evolved into gamergate is that 4channers were calling her a whore and a slut and hey, they did find her nudes within hours and trolled her Wikipedia page. This caused a lot of people to just shut it all out and assume that everything that was happening was sexist bullshit. Just like the media were saying, just like she was saying.

Plus how is that defending her at all? I'm implying she has BPD and is probably lying about sexual abuse to the entire world causing some guy to get fired for something he likely didn't do. Shit, I've implied everything about her is a lie, down to her goddamn name and birthday. Well, more than imply I think I showed fairly accurate proof of that fact.

But I kinda love your avatar.

It's not about believing, because they don't believe it themselves, it's about presenting it as truth to get goods or services.
I told you, wait until they're out the business, and then crack the champagne. Now that they made up another scandal, here's 5 more years of feminist seminars with mentally disabled people attending and funding their pensions.
They're probably the biggest shysters in the history of gaming, and they don't even belong close to gaming to begin with.
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Edit wars can be stopped by -you guessed it- liberal wikipedia moderators.
And they are liberal, because?
All that is rather theoretical. While there is some freedom on how one reflects events, solid arguments can make it through bias.


You can go there, register, engage in edit wars.
It's not Left's fault if US Right are not doing that.
Doesn't matter when almost all of admins and high rank members are from the regressive cult. I've watched it play out numerous times. If that's not enough, their 'reliable sources' system, which the left forced through instead of the '5 pillars' system they had before, means it's inherently biased. They refuse any sources right of Fox (and even some Fox sources) yet Washington Post, MSNBC and CNN are all reliable sources according to them, despite being caught lying numerous times in recent years

This system means nothing on there can be trusted. Imagine someone on WaPo decided to write an article labelling you a nazi without any evidence what so ever. Then someone creates a wiki page about you, referencing the WaPo article and stating you're a nazi. Now you are a nazi in the eyes of anyone randomly searching for your name and unless you can provide articles by leftist media stating you're not a nazi, you can't get that article removed
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Doing nothing will only make it worse.
Did you read the rest of the post? There is nothing we can do at this point except if someone managed to dele the entire wiki and all existing backups. Jimbo is too busy doing the fundraiser thing and has no real power there anymore. Wiki is gone, has been for at least 2 years but probably more


And they are liberal, because?
All that is rather theoretical. While there is some freedom on how one reflects events, solid arguments can make it through bias.

You missed the whole problem with liberalism: it can't say anything wrong. A liberal is never wrong.
When you push that notion, there's no "solid argument", there's "the argument that pushes my agenda is right, yours is wrong".
Doing nothing will only make it worse.

Actually no. Last time a group tried to do something about this it became the gamergate clusterfuck and people are still blaming it for the world's problems all these years later. It's a real Gordian knot, there is no winning move mate. If you try you will labelled a nazi or sexist or an incel or whatever else. Besides those Wikipedia articles are locked down because people tried to do exactly what you're saying 5 years ago. Really the only winning move is to just ignore them, especially people like Quinn. They thrive off attention, good or bad, so don't give it to them.


Actually no. Last time a group tried to do something about this it became the gamergate clusterfuck and people are still blaming it for the world's problems all these years later.
Then electing Trump was a mistake too, since someone out there somewhere till won't shut up about it.

It is an uphill battle, but as with all battles, you have a 100% chance of losing, if you don't show up.


Then electing Trump was a mistake too, since someone out there somewhere till won't shut up about it.

It is an uphill battle, but as with all battles, you have a 100% chance of losing, if you don't show up.
No, this particular battle has already been lost a long time ago. Better to spend the energy elsewhere while reminding people that wiki is propaganda. I know that it does not apply to everything on wiki but any page for something even remotely political and controversial is controlled by leftist
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Then electing Trump was a mistake too, since someone out there somewhere till won't shut up about it.

It is an uphill battle, but as with all battles, you have a 100% chance of losing, if you don't show up.

Maybe I wasn't clear enough. You said that "Doing nothing will only make it worse," and I'd argue that a large group of people did try to do something 5 years ago. And despite some good coming off it (making sites like Kotaku update their ethics policies, getting several rather annoying game journalists to leave game writing and arguably distracting Gawker for long enough that they didn't even bother to prepare or look into who was funding Hulk Hogan's sex-tape lawsuit against them resulting in their bankruptcy) in the end the existence of gamergate gave a reason and purpose for the 'woke' mafia to exist. Before then it was just idiots dog-piling people on twitter for 'abusing their privilege' or whatever else. Now it's pure madness and has a far bigger hold on actual game companies. And that's not even going into the madness that formed on the gamergate side.


Existence of gamergate gave a reason and purpose for the 'woke' mafia to exist
Said mafia exists in all areas, most notably, in academia, and, wait for it, for decades.
The push is so hard, that guys like Jonathan Heidt (a leftie) founded "Heterodox Academy" to somehow fend them off.
Gamergate (which I learned existed only from this site) has nothing to do with it, hence.
Said mafia exists in all areas, most notably, in academia, and, wait for it, for decades.
The push is so hard, that guys like Jonathan Heidt (a leftie) founded "Heterodox Academy" to somehow fend them off.
Gamergate (which I learned existed only from this site) has nothing to do with it, hence.

Even Haidt's said that it started going properly crazy around 2014, the same year the original Zoe Quinn scandal happened. Yes, I think in part gamergate was the first big push against it by a large group that wasn't just made up of conservatives. The problem is that it's Quinn we're talking about here. This is the person who stayed on 4chan for a week looking for anyone who said anything remotely threatening about her. This a person who used google alerts to stalk her ex-boyfriend and then use that 'evidence' to drag him to court. This is the person who started an anti-abuse network called the Crash Override Network (which hilariously shortened to CON) an organisation that spent all its time not helping people abused by the internet but instead spent a solid year and a half gathering 'evidence' to try to bring those pesky gamergators down. And yet the press still act as if she's a saint. There is no winning condition here.

She isn't some Machiavellian genius or anything, just someone in the right place in the right time with the right gender and the right mental disorder. Leave it alone mate, it'll only translate to more money in her Patreon account if you try anything. And that's been the case since well before gamergate.


Golden Boy
Posting about such accusations on twitter, especially without evidence should be punishable by law as false statements. Its too easy to destroy someones life these days with a single accusation on public media when regressive SWJs accept everything as truth if it comes from the mouth of anything but a white male.
Fair enough, this is 1996:

Point taken. I think these things do come in waves though, the French post-modernist movement came to western academia in the late 60s and took off in the early 70s then it faded in the 80s. Later it came back in the 90s only to fade again in the early 2000s. The problem with this wave of it is that it's spread online far beyond the reaches of academia. If you were to stop this kind of teaching today it wouldn't get rid of ResetEra or twitter mobs or anything else. The genie is well and truly out of the bottle at this point.
Point taken. I think these things do come in waves though, the French post-modernist movement came to western academia in the late 60s and took off in the early 70s then it faded in the 80s. Later it came back in the 90s only to fade again in the early 2000s. The problem with this wave of it is that it's spread online far beyond the reaches of academia. If you were to stop this kind of teaching today it wouldn't get rid of ResetEra or twitter mobs or anything else. The genie is well and truly out of the bottle at this point.
That's okay, though. The mob of proles always always always finds a way to ruin the shrewd machinations of the Masters. Now the rest of us can point and laugh at the genie while academia screeches at us for being too stupid to understand their "genius".


wtf, Quinn is actually hot?


The last paragraph "I currently do not see a place for myself in games or on twitter".

That hurts. I lost a sibling and I can understand the pain and grief she is going through no one should have to deal with a situation like this especially given the events leading up to it.


Abusers are often times abused. Most well adjusted people don't commit the things he's accused of.

Handling problems in a professional matter instead of using a hate mob should have been the way this kind of thing is handled.
Abusers are often times abused. Most well adjusted people don't commit the things he's accused of.

Handling problems in a professional matter instead of using a hate mob should have been the way this kind of thing is handled.

The guy may have had issues (according to his sister), but how do we know he did the things Zoe accused him of? It sounds to me she wanted HIM to go down, knowing his weak points, in order to get revenge and the attention she so desperately craves. She didn't want him to recover and being a better person, she didn't want him to be in a better place at all. My goodness people, learn the traits of the severely pathological narcissist.

Believe me, by now it should be known that that woman has absolutely no conscience. She can walk over dead bodies as far as I'm concerned.
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