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Zoe Quinn #meToo / Alec Holowka suicide -- Update: Article questions ZQ's account of events (link in OP)

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guys have you heard of indie game developer zoe quinn


you know? she makes video games, everyone loves video games.


ah, shes a video game developer.


an independent game developer! that job is tough, putting so much time and money and getting lit..


oh. thats the game. basically 'zoe's moaning power hour' shoddily disguised as a 'interactive' website. pretty sure i was making hyperlinks and shit at 5.

sorry, its just i also make games and put actual time and effort into things
Hey, she's up there with Kojima-san, John Carmack, Sid Meier and Miyamoto, so don't be disrespectful!
The only binary worth listening to (except maybe "Binary Sunset"). All other binary is just nonsense (except maybe math stuff). Binary schminary.

The thing is humans aren't binary anyway. How can a hulk of living flesh and bones be binary? It's a mental view.

But I'm sick of criticizing this new fad anyway. I think I've realised it is a young person's game. It's their generations problem and they will solve it. It feels real to them. It's their way of reading the world. I'm sure if I was younger it'd be cool to be non-binary. I could believe in that. But as an old man, nah. Good luck all you NBs!

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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
No. They closed it a few days ago but did not completed remove it.

Wait a minute. Era has proclaimed themselves to be an anti bully, anti racistic LGBT pro forum, and they are cheering Zoe Quinn for her internet bullying that lead a guy to make suicide, and then the forum mock him?

How can people see themselves as the exact opposite of what they are?



Damn that is an insane read: -

The vagueness of the charges didn't matter. Zhao posted an apologetic tweet announcing that Blood Heir wouldn't be published. She pointed out that she had intended the book to be a critique of indentured servitude in Asia. Contrary to online rumors, it wasn't supposed to have anything to do with slavery in the United States, in other words—meaning a bunch of American critics viewing a book by a foreign writer through an Americacentric lens had successfully "canceled" it on the grounds that it…didn't handle the subject of American-style slavery with enough sensitivity.

I've encountered this Americacentric viewpoint before. It's kind of crazy how blinkered some people get. Case in point I was chatting to someone on Steam once and they asked how my day was and I innocently said 'Well it was a bit of a fag because...' and they went off on this long rant about what a disgusting homophobe I was and I was like 'Chill Winston, words mean different things in different countries' (Fag in the UK is slang for a cigarette or a tedious task, the latter being what I was referring to ) yet despite having been educated on the point, they couldn't concede that they'd jumped to an erroneous conclusion without pause for thought. It was kind of hilarious and sad at the same time.
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She also pocketed over $85,000 on a kickstarter campaign for a second, similar, game. No updates in over a year, apparently the money has run out (not sure if that was before or after her trip to Japan).

Zero accountability for these people, yet fools keep giving them money.

Well I mean she upped the production values - theres actually images in this game and not just text. Though I doubt I'd have near as much fun on it as the Hobbit text adventure.

85k is more than enough to do what she wants. I mean ALL SHE IS DOING FOR THIS NEW GAME, is ANOTHER TEXT GAME. Using some Text Adventure Engine I assume where you add your own content - ALL SHE HAS TO DO IS RECORD HER FRIENDS DOING FUNNY POSES/TALKING. Thats it, and BOOM, game together. It's just her and her stupid friends in a horse mask, why is there NOTHING?!

Is it because Zoe is impossible to work with (like many women have already said) and probably cried until the other people left. At which point she realised she has no talent, and couldn't even complete her previous HTML Website 'game' without the help of 2 other people, so she clearly just fucked off to Japan with the money.

More than enough money to make the game - she clearly has the equipment to record and friends she could exploit to work for free under the guise of 'muh fragility'.
This is really fucked up that this happened. I really feel bad for Alec, since I think the tweet said he was struggling with mental illness (If I remember right, it was mood and personality issues), which hits really close to home for me. I understand these figures that were big in the GamerGate era's concerns, whether I agree with them or not (since I stayed out of that when it was going on), but these figures are starting to get horribly toxic and now Zoe Quinn got a guy to commit suicide.

Sometimes I wish Zoe and the likes would've thought about this logically instead of getting horribly toxic and getting everyone to turn on them, and now it's resulted in a lot of horrendous toxicity with what seems like nobody getting along anymore.


Just realised that Zoe Quinn is sort of like the videogame equivalent of a socialite. You know, somebody who hangs around the industry not really doing anything except getting to know other people and using her influence to get her way. Once made a game, now uses her name. Pretty fucking weird that people buy into that shit because there's a lot more talented people working in the industry.
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Damn that is an insane read: -

I've encountered this Americacentric viewpoint before. It's kind of crazy how blinkered some people get. Case in point I was chatting to someone on Steam once and they asked how my day was and I innocently said 'Well it was a bit of a fag because...' and they went off on this long rant about what a disgusting homophobe I was and I was like 'Chill Winston, words mean different things in different countries' (Fag in the UK is slang for a cigarette or a tedious task, the latter being what I was referring to ) yet despite having been educated on the point, they couldn't concede that they'd jumped to an erroneous conclusion without pause for thought. It was kind of hilarious and sad at the same time.

The sad thing is it seems to be a one way street. The bell will just ring louder and louder. I can’t see how to stop this.

At one stage I imagined licensing individuals to use the internet no different to using a vehicle on the street would help, but then you realise that the majority of the instigators are “verified” known people and it doesn’t stop them.

The last shot solution is for group ideology to be dismantled, where you cannot virtue signal by vilifying others based on not sharing the belief system. Get rid of the mob, back to individualism.


Just realised that Zoe Quinn is sort of like the videogame equivalent of a socialite. You know, somebody who hangs around the industry not really doing anything except getting to know other people and using her influence to get her way. Once made a game, now uses her name. Pretty fucking weird that people buy into that shit because there's a lot more talented people working in this industry.

She is making about $70k a year for the past few years just from Patreon and Kickstarter (still gets unofficial PayPal donations) money.

Thats about 8x the amount my mother makes working at the National Health Service here in Scotland. And she is over 50+ and works full time and drives 4 hours to work and back each day. Makes me sad =[

And all Zoe does is spend the money on alcohol and cocaine it seems. I shit you not.

The guy who was meant to be working on this new game just bailed, split and is just not talking about her or the game ever again. ERASED IT.. except this


Oh.. thats him? He seemed to not receive much based on this Tweet yes was surely responsible for most of the work... He'd love even $500?? How much exactly of the $85K did Zoe keep ...

Oh well, at lease you can be sure that whenever this game comes out it will stay true to the titlular 'Chuck Tingle' character and the creators inspiration...



oh okay. cool. good to know your priorities are sorted.



sounds about right. best update in a long tim... oh here it is


it sure is bitch so where the fuck is the game. how did you run out of $85,000 (alongside an extra $30k a year from extra donations) when the other guy got paid barely anything, and he was 'the other guy' who was gunna finish it with her right???? seriousely, where did the money go?! an FMV game aswell can be made for next to nothing, you just need a good phone and PC and friends who share the idea!! OR MONEY, SAY $85K TO COVER ACTING WAGES?!!?


oh okay, best of luck you scammer artist! ian rennie which reeeera member are you


ah, the sensible tweet. buried at the bottom, ignored. probably cause hes just so ignorant ....

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Xaero Gravity

The thing that strikes me as very odd regarding her Kickstarter game, is that why is there absolutely nothing to show for it AFTER spending the $85K? There has to be something right? Yet nobody in the mainstream media ever asks these questions or talks about it. And then they have the audacity to cry foul whenever someone discusses a lack of ethics in games journalism.


The thing that strikes me as very odd regarding her Kickstarter game, is that why is there absolutely nothing to show for it AFTER spending the $85K? There has to be something right? Yet nobody in the mainstream media ever asks these questions or talks about it. And then they have the audacity to cry foul whenever someone discusses a lack of ethics in games journalism.

She :messenger_clapping: snorted :messenger_clapping: away :messenger_clapping: that :messenger_clapping: $85k

Thats the thing though, the ONE GUY who she touted as being the 'other guy in the team' left the project very early on, got paid very little, then nothing

Again, as someone who lives in the drug capital of scotland, who sees literal junkies doing shits on the stairs through my doors peephole... who sees these people look like all the extras from the walking dead ... she is definitely on the hard drugs... alot.
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My friends, maybe the discussion about what happened with Tingler belongs in another thread.

Yeah your right, sorry.

Was thinking of making another thread about it but im sure its another thing that gets buried and uncovered every 6 months.,

Sorry for derailing.



What an interesting read! Especially the part about that writer called Jackson, an aspiring author who was part of the twitter mobs attacking other authors. He publishes his own book, becomes the target of the same rage mob he was part of, and his reaction is none other than removing his book from publication and writing an apology. The interesting part is that all the complains were written before the book was published and were all about things that never were in the books at all, to begin with. Still, he felt the need to apologize even for the things he didn't write. WTF?

It's insanity. And I mean that literally. Cancel culture is a modern facet of character assassination, which has deep ties to psychopathic behavior. That is not how normal people behave (both the instigators and the mob)... They are continuously spinning reality and facts, or outright making them from thin air, just to serve their own narcissism. It's sickening.


Gold Member
her face (and hair) annoys me. you'd have to be just as crazy as her to go near her.
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her face (and hair) annoys me. you'd have to be just as crazy as her to go near her.

A bit aside from the point but yes you're right. I've turned down romantic affections from girls with 'problems' like Zoe before. They do obviously get together with other people but in almost all cases it's two damaged people with mental health problems coming together and it usually ends terribly.

The memes about 'danger hair' aren't exactly false. Such people - and that includes men too - are some of the most toxic individuals I've ever met.

Edit: This doesn't sound sympathetic but I won't beat around the bush about it.
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A bit aside from the point but I've turned down romantic affections from girls with 'problems' like Zoe before. They do obviously get together with other people but in almost all cases it's two damaged people with mental health problems coming together and it usually ends terrible.

It depends, sometimes someone who has been through similar issues and has seen a way out is able to empathize more so, and could bring the other person out of the funk.

But of course it can also end terribly, and when people are encouraged to air their 'dirty laundry' on social media for public execution, it doesnt really help with the matter.

Lets take some great advice from 2015 zoe quinn



Just realised that Zoe Quinn is sort of like the videogame equivalent of a socialite. You know, somebody who hangs around the industry not really doing anything except getting to know other people and using her influence to get her way. Once made a game, now uses her name. Pretty fucking weird that people buy into that shit because there's a lot more talented people working in the industry.

That is pretty spot on.

When I saw the "Great Women in the Gaming Industry" thread on here it occurred to me that, for the most part, I don't really know who makes most of the games I like.

So you would think that when someone is a well known and renowned game developer like ZQ and BW that they would have worked on some seriously big video games? Nope.

Put together some shitty indie game and then go around bragging about how you are a badass game developer. That's all you need to do.
Then get a few videogame journalists to name drop you once is a while as if you are some indie development rockstar creating groundbreaking games and you're good to go. The sky is the limit.

I used to make crappy games on my Commodore 64 at home. Real basic stuff. I guess I am a game developer now.


It depends, sometimes someone who has been through similar issues and has seen a way out is able to empathize more so, and could bring the other person out of the funk.

But of course it can also end terribly, and when people are encouraged to air their 'dirty laundry' on social media for public execution, it doesnt really help with the matter.

Lets take some great advice from 2015 zoe quinn


Well, that's usually how the relationship begins but I've seen cases where both individuals end up exerting exactly the same issues that brought them together onto each other. The fallout can be terrible as both parties relapse into the same issues that they were trying to work past before the relationship started.

I do know other people with mental health problems (e.g. diagnosed BPD) who are in relationships but it always seems that what makes it work is that one of the parties is a lot more grounded and able to take on the additional pressure. I'm sure they're not without their own problems but I haven't personally seen two strongly damaged individuals last very long.

Of course this is only my own personal experience from a sample size of like 5.

Edit: Well, she flip-flopped pretty hard on that :messenger_expressionless:
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The Tribe Has Spoken
her face (and hair) annoys me. you'd have to be just as crazy as her to go near her.
I’ve stated it before, but I used to be inundated with Zoe Quinn-alikes on a daily basis due to working in a video game/anime store once upon a time. They were horrific. I wouldn’t have touched them with anybody’s dick. I had the opportunity, believe me (hint: they were fucking desperate and I was above their pay grade), but I’d rather have snorted glass and masturbated with a cheese grater than even consider the option.

But yes, of course, they had a gaggle of thirsty social outcasts who were salivating at their every eyelash flutter. Fat, lonely nerds who waved away all the hideousness and warning signs in order to have a hope at some frumpy dyed minge.

Today we call their type “game journalists”.

Do yourselves a favour and avoid at all costs. You can do much better. Yes, even you.


Damn that is an insane read: -

I've encountered this Americacentric viewpoint before. It's kind of crazy how blinkered some people get. Case in point I was chatting to someone on Steam once and they asked how my day was and I innocently said 'Well it was a bit of a fag because...' and they went off on this long rant about what a disgusting homophobe I was and I was like 'Chill Winston, words mean different things in different countries' (Fag in the UK is slang for a cigarette or a tedious task, the latter being what I was referring to ) yet despite having been educated on the point, they couldn't concede that they'd jumped to an erroneous conclusion without pause for thought. It was kind of hilarious and sad at the same time.

Also this whole #ownvoices part of wokeness restricting art and literature where to write outside your own identity is a sin; this must be one of the saddest things to happen to modern culture.

A black man...”"I'd much rather write about the Roman Empire or the Diadochi states after the collapse of Alexander's empire, but it's clear they want a very specific kind of ownvoices from me rather than letting me write about whatever I feel like."

A Latin woman...It's very concerning, and making race relations worse. It's created a double edged sword for minorities. I feel like a mascot if I talk about my race, and I feel that if I play up my race to gain points with these people, I feed their fantasy narrative of how they're heroes saving minorities from…whatever it is they think they're saving us from."

It’s crushing everyone, and cancels and destroys those that don’t adhere.


Gold Member
She is making about $70k a year for the past few years just from Patreon and Kickstarter (still gets unofficial PayPal donations) money.

Thats about 8x the amount my mother makes working at the National Health Service here in Scotland. And she is over 50+ and works full time and drives 4 hours to work and back each day. Makes me sad =[

And all Zoe does is spend the money on alcohol and cocaine it seems. I shit you not.

The guy who was meant to be working on this new game just bailed, split and is just not talking about her or the game ever again. ERASED IT.. except this


Oh.. thats him? He seemed to not receive much based on this Tweet yes was surely responsible for most of the work... He'd love even $500?? How much exactly of the $85K did Zoe keep ...

Oh well, at lease you can be sure that whenever this game comes out it will stay true to the titlular 'Chuck Tingle' character and the creators inspiration...



oh okay. cool. good to know your priorities are sorted.



sounds about right. best update in a long tim... oh here it is


it sure is bitch so where the fuck is the game. how did you run out of $85,000 (alongside an extra $30k a year from extra donations) when the other guy got paid barely anything, and he was 'the other guy' who was gunna finish it with her right???? seriousely, where did the money go?! an FMV game aswell can be made for next to nothing, you just need a good phone and PC and friends who share the idea!! OR MONEY, SAY $85K TO COVER ACTING WAGES?!!?


oh okay, best of luck you scammer artist! ian rennie which reeeera member are you


ah, the sensible tweet. buried at the bottom, ignored. probably cause hes just so ignorant ....


Ya dumb mofos got scammed.


This thread reads like if some AI is replying to itself, "we don't deserve him... <3 SonicFox... how can you not love him... SF stay winning... I wanna hug SF... he is so amazing... he is the nicest person etc. etc. What the fuck is this? It's reads like one of those failed Twitter AI bot you could talk to and they would answer back some nonsensical BS. Also the poor guy getting banned for replying that they means plural and is not the proper way to address a single person. Bamm! Transphobic pedantry!

It reads like vomit.


Hey, she's up there with Kojima-san, John Carmack, Sid Meier and Miyamoto, so don't be disrespectful!

According to them, those are sexist, racists and anti-progressive old men, belonging to the old guard, their games and opinions full of stereotypes and abuse, were women are either absent, damsels in distress or abased sidekicks with scanty clothes. Chelsea is their future and is held in much higher esteem.

Statements by Jennifer Dawe. She makes claims about talking to Alec about being abused by Zoe and Alec himself saying that Scott and others didn't want him to tell his side of the abuse years earlier. Of course the credibilty of Jennifer is up in the air as we don't even know how she knew Alec but if she is telling the truth then this is pretty big.

If this is true...

I will keep repeating myself, over and over: the police have to be involved. This needs to be seriously investigated.
As a Christian, the way these people announce "I'm coming out as X, Y, Z" eerily mirrors the "I've made a decision to be saved/baptized." Followed by applause from like-minded peers. It really is their religion.

Bruh, didn't you get the memo? Nihilism is in. It's cool, hip, woke... And most of all... PROGRESSIVE

Bruh, didn't you get the memo? Nihilism is in. It's cool, hip, woke... And most of all... PROGRESSIVE


This is nothing like Nihilism. Nihilists would brand everyone involved as bad persons and liars, and wouldnt care much.

This is really Christian-like. There are people that are saints, pure, noble and untouchable. And then evil persons to demonize, turn into scapegoats and dispose of.

Indeed, its so cult-like its scary.
According to them, those are sexist, racists and anti-progressive old men, belonging to the old guard, their games and opinions full of stereotypes and abuse, were women are either absent, damsels in distress or abased sidekicks with scanty clothes. Chelsea is their future and is held in much higher esteem.
There are some poison dart frogs that can kill you with touch, but not all frogs are poisonous.

Same with people, not all women are ZQ, but some you'll wish you never have touched.
Giant bombs coverage of this was depressing, they spoke as if a court had already found all of the accused as guilty, and they didn't even consider that at this point, they are simply accusations.

Women are basically being given judge dredd powers by these virtue signalling males.
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