She is making about $70k a year for the past few years just from Patreon and Kickstarter (still gets unofficial PayPal donations) money.
Thats about 8x the amount my mother makes working at the National Health Service here in Scotland. And she is over 50+ and works full time and drives 4 hours to work and back each day. Makes me sad =[
And all Zoe does is spend the money on alcohol and cocaine it seems. I shit you not.
The guy who was meant to be working on this new game just bailed, split and is just not talking about her or the game ever again. ERASED IT.. except this
Oh.. thats him? He seemed to not receive much based on this Tweet yes was surely responsible for most of the work... He'd love even $500?? How much exactly of the $85K did Zoe keep ...
Oh well, at lease you can be sure that whenever this game comes out it will stay true to the titlular 'Chuck Tingle' character and the creators inspiration...
oh okay. cool. good to know your priorities are sorted.
sounds about right. best update in a long tim... oh here it is
it sure is bitch so where the fuck is the game
. how did you run out of $85,000 (alongside an extra $30k a year from extra donations) when the other guy got paid barely anything, and he was 'the other guy' who was gunna finish it with her right???? seriousely, where did the money go?! an FMV game aswell can be made for next to nothing, you just need a good phone and PC and friends who share the idea!! OR MONEY, SAY $85K TO COVER ACTING WAGES?!!?
oh okay, best of luck you scammer artist! ian rennie which reeeera member are you
ah, the sensible tweet. buried at the bottom, ignored. probably cause hes just so ignorant ....