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Zoe Quinn #meToo / Alec Holowka suicide -- Update: Article questions ZQ's account of events (link in OP)


I am a virgin

Work and co-collaborators, you say?

Seems like her work is causing social media mobs and shitstorms; I wonder if she has co-collaborators helping her with that work


Unconfirmed Member
Well, if Alec really had some issues himself, it is quite easy to push people away and isolate oneself, even to the point where you lose contact to your family. I am in the same situation, basically. If I die, I'll be found by my landlord because I stopped paying rent, lol.

Anyway, it is actually quite easy to not have a network of people who care, IMHO.

Absolutely. Friends drift away and as you get older it becomes harder to make new ones. And depressed people.. nobody wants them as a friend because they're terrible company. They don't tend to be great in conversation, they're withdrawn, they don't want to do stuff especially if it involves leaving the house, which is pretty much a social-life killer. And yes I speak from prior experience.


Neo Member

Work and co-collaborators, you say?

Seems like her work is causing social media mobs and shitstorms; I wonder if she has co-collaborators helping her with that work

Yeah that does sound very much like she has fuck all intention of doing any actual work. Business as usual then, time for someone to carry her ass through another project.


One of the most baffling (and often unexplored) aspects to this is the damage this constant enabling does to Zoe Quinn herself. Helping words aren't always kind. One of these days, she's going to get herself into serious trouble (if she hasn't already). At the bare minimum, she's conducted a high-profile KickStarter scam and now helped push someone into suicide. Those are serious actions with potentially serious consequences, and based on her new tweet, it seems like she's still learned nothing from this. This behavior hurts other people, but it's also self-destructive. She won't always be so lucky.

If anybody truly, sincerely cares about her and wants the best for her: STOP ENABLING HER.

People love to make the issue out to be black and white. Either you're a "good guy" and you unconditionally support her and defend everything she does, or you're a "bad guy" who hates her (and probably all women) and wants to harass her out of the industry. The truth is that it's not that simple. Nothing is. I don't support people being shitty to each other on the internet, but I also don't support the blind zealotry that caused this current shitstorm. Zoe Quinn is going down a dark road where she's hurting not only the people around her, but herself. Anybody blindly patting her on the back and urging her to continue down that road is complicit in any future harm she befalls because of it. That includes the gaming media, and that includes her army of Twitter followers. That includes everybody working to scrub traces of her wrongdoing from the internet. These people are hurting her.


I am a virgin
davidjaffe davidjaffe A AnnaSlatz
Hey you two

With the admission of Zoe having mental health issues, with the large amount of pressure being in the public eye, would you say that maybe a change in careers would be in order for her?

I speak from a point of having a neurological condition; I work an office job and shy away from manual labor really because if I conk my head, that could cause some major complications for me.
My Mother also has some mental health issues, so she also makes her job choices based upon her health concerns; specifically she ensures she works an internal job with minimal contact with large groups as that tends to set her off

To me, it seems that a lot of her reactions are due to the surmounting pressure from being in the public eye, on top of her job.

Say this was your child, or a significant other; something of that level of relationship, what would be your advice to them if they were in the same shoes as Zoe?

To me, the smart move would be a career change until she can handle that amount of pressure in her career/life then explore that avenue again at a later date when they have things more sorted.

I do understand pursuing your dreams and getting through the struggle, but it seems like maybe she needs to take more accountability for her health and deal with that before pursuing what she's doing.


Unfortunately, the kind of comments in her twitter feed (however funny) are the exact type of responses she needs to claim victim hood. Honestly, at this point I believe it's simply business with her. Why post about how she feels on Twitter.....She knows exactly what she's going to receive in the comments. It's all fuel for her.
I am starting to question just how many of them are sincere we know that Zoe has probably banged half of these people, and that she exaggerates and lies about interactions with people for sympathy.

What if she has been going around and asking these men to be rough with her (slap her, degrade her, etc ) and then uses that to blackmail them?

A girl tried to do this to me before.

I had to go to the police.

Has nothing to do with this case obviously but I had to share after this post.

Another example why investigations, innocent until proven guilty et all are staples of the law.

Werewolf Jones

Gold Member
Fucking HELL. All she had to do was take the L and stay OFF THE FUCKING INTERNET. Professional con artist Zoe Quinn who has yet to release her game or show any real evidence of it gets to walk away freely from a man being dead. His hopes, dreams, ambitions. Gone. He's either in the fucking ground or getting burnt into dust.

She immediately spun it about herself and said she isn't going to speak about it anymore? I don't approve of dissing her personal image or disrespecting her in that way but a man is dead and you're dismissing it?

Crazy how she deactivated her account immediately after the news broke but during the initial stages of you know what she endured the abuse and stayed throughout it. Almost like she knew she holds some form of guilt but even then she's just pretending it's not real.

This woman thrives on the internet and she refuses to quit it because without it she would have nothing. She has no game to show, and only gotten into the comic industry because writing scripts for them is as easy as making lengthy Twitter threads when you have someone else doing the artwork for you.
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Does he mean his penis?


Is this real?

It seems way too conveniently worded to be real. I wish people wouldn't make these things because it muddies up the truth even more.

It's bad enough that potential investigators would need to sort through the conflicting actual evidence, now they'd need to see what actually is evidence or not lol.
A girl tried to do this to me before.

I had to go to the police.

Has nothing to do with this case obviously but I had to share after this post.

Another example why investigations, innocent until proven guilty et all are staples of the law.

Sympathies, man. I've only had a couple relationships, but they were flawless and drama less aside from just drifting apart.

I can't imagine someone using something said or done against me like that. Trust of the foundation of any relationship, and that kind of betrayal is brutal.


I am a virgin

Is this real?

That sounds like something Anna would dig into

It does look pretty shitty for a screen shot these days, even if it was generated by a phone

Here's some food for thought for her supporters; why would a group of people believe this to be true?
There has to be something there that would make a group of people BELIEVE something would fall into a line of logic
Even if there are some people out there just following the herd, people can think for themselves and call bull shit

I am very interested in the validity of that screen shot, for sure.
It would be very telling if it were true; if you notice at the very bottom of the screen shot


"I may have exaggerated half of it, but FUCK HIM. I don't....."

And we don't get the rest, hrmph.


That sounds like something Anna would dig into

It does look pretty shitty for a screen shot these days, even if it was generated by a phone

Here's some food for thought for her supporters; why would a group of people believe this to be true?
There has to be something there that would make a group of people BELIEVE something would fall into a line of logic
Even if there are some people out there just following the herd, people can think for themselves and call bull shit

I am very interested in the validity of that screen shot, for sure.
It would be very telling if it were true; if you notice at the very bottom of the screen shot


"I may have exaggerated half of it, but FUCK HIM. I don't....."

And we don't get the rest, hrmph.
It says f him I don't care that he's dead.
It's fake, and all it does is allow Quinn and her supporters to use it to handily cover up all the legitimate shit she's actually done/said, while claiming people are fabricating things to harass her.

These people also have a history of fabricating death threats to make themselves look good. Her allies during GG even made a fake child pornography board on 8chan (complete with actual pictures of children) to start the narrative that 8chan support child porn.

It would not surprise me if that fake DM came from them.
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Neo Member
These people also have a history of fabricating death threats to make themselves look bad. Her allies during GG even made a fake child pornography board on 8chan (complete with actual pictures of children) to start the narrative that 8chan support child porn.

It would not surprise me if that fake DM came from them.

I think it’s likely, to be honest


These people also have a history of fabricating death threats to make themselves look bad. Her allies during GG even made a fake child pornography board on 8chan (complete with actual pictures of children) to start the narrative that 8chan support child porn.

It would not surprise me if that fake DM came from them.
It honestly wouldn't surprise me either. At this stage though, unless someone wants to do the necessary digging in order to verify it one way or another, I'm not personally bothered in speculating. There is surely enough evidence at this stage, and the fact that an obvious fake is gaining some sort of traction in the only places where people are openly discussing these events does not strike me as helpful.


After reading all of this; fuck Zoe Quinn, Danny O'dwyer, and anybody defending this woman. People can be shitty no matter the gender (if you think for one second women are innocent butterflies you are delusional). Zoe you are not the victim; what you did was kill somebody inadvertently and now you have to live with that. Everything you did led to this, and I hope you can sleep at night knowing what you caused. She should be investigated and tried in the court of law, not on twitter. Shit is fucked and nothing has been proved, so all these white knights can go and look in the mirror and know that everything that they did led to this.
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The Tribe Has Spoken
But man, y'all need to stop with the assumption that anyone who disagrees with you is 'virtue signaling'. It's such a shitty way to argue and debate. God forbid I would simply have an alternative view. But no, that's not possible. No way could I simple disagree with you; instead my views that you don't like HAVE to stem from the fact that I just want people to think I'm 'woke'. Goodness.
Oh god...

I really want to take you seriously, but after seeing some of your past tweets where you are screeching about sexism and misogyny and now seeing someone your age using verbiage from the current day woke lexicon, it is becoming extremely hard.

All that talk about maturity and all...


Oh god...

I really want to take you seriously, but after seeing some of your past tweets where you are screeching about sexism and misogyny and now seeing someone your age using verbiage from the current day woke lexicon, it is becoming extremely hard.

All that talk about maturity and all...
How did y'all go from Texan to Woke? I'm not American, so I'm just curious as to when/how this happened.
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