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Zombie Bee are now real. (It is just a matter of time before we are next, isn't it?)

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Well . . . we had a good run.


Mutant "zombie bees" that act like the ghoulish creatures of horror films have surfaced in the Northeast after first appearing on the West Coast, a bee expert told ABC News on Wednesday.

An amateur beekeeper in Burlington, Vt., last summer found honeybees infested with parasites that cause the insects to act erratically and eventually kill them. It was the first spotting of zombie bees east of South Dakota, according to John Hafernik, a professor of biology at San Francisco State University whose team in October verified the infestation.

"They fly around in a disoriented way, get attracted to light, and then fall down and wander around in a way that's sort of reminiscent of zombies in the movies," Hafernik said. "Sometimes we've taken to calling [it], when they leave their hives, 'the flight of the living dead.'"

The professor accidentally discovered the zombie bees in California in 2008, and since then cases have been reported in Oregon, Washington state, California and South Dakota, he said.

The effect starts with a fly called the Apocephalus borealis, which latches onto European honeybees — common across the United States — and lays eggs in the bees that eventually hatch and wreak havoc on their hosts, Hafernik said.

"It's sort of a combination of zombies and aliens mixed together," he said.
Aren't there hornets who nest their larva in spiders or something?
I remember reading about them causing spiders to act erratically till the larva ate them from the inside out.

Bugs, man...
I see no bees these days cause its winter and cold

but i do remember bees living in the crawl space outside my home

RIP me in summer, damn you bees


Fuck, as if honey bees didn't have to deal with enough shit as it is. This could be an agricultural disaster.

Not just an agricultural disaster, but a human disaster also. Recent studies showed us that, if the bees were to be extinct from Earth, we humans wouldn't last more than a year!


Not just an agricultural disaster, but a human disaster also. Recent studies showed us that, if the bees were to be extinct from Earth, we humans wouldn't last more than a year!

Mankind has already started manually pollinating plants. https://www.chinadialogue.net/article/show/single/en/5193

I think this will give us more time. Probably prisoners will start doing it worldwide. Underclasses will have to do all of the work nature wont, to appease our banker overlords.
Mankind has already started manually pollinating plants. https://www.chinadialogue.net/article/show/single/en/5193

I think this will give us more time. Probably prisoners will start doing it worldwide. Underclasses will have to do all of the work nature wont, to appease our banker overlords.
Maybe Google is working on a Robotic Bee solution, with all the robotic and AI company purchases as of late.

Say hello to your new food overlords.

But to be serious, this shit is scary. Apocalypse scary.
So if the bacteria/fungus/whatever that makes zombie ants infects the zombie fly, then the fly in it's infected state infects a human with both forms of zombification...

Aren't there hornets who nest their larva in spiders or something?
I remember reading about them causing spiders to act erratically till the larva ate them from the inside out.

Bugs, man...
Here's what Wikipedia has to say about Parasitoid wasps.
Hosts: Caterpillars provide major examples of larval Lepidoptera as a class of host, but various species parasitoid wasps in various Hymenopteran families parasitize their own favoured life stages [egg, larva, adult] of particular species in many other orders of insects including Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera and other Hymenoptera. Some attack other Arthropoda, such as spiders. Adult female wasps parasitize insect species, most species ovipositing into their hosts' bodies or eggs. The females of some parasitoid species also insert secretory products (combinations that may include polydnaviruses, ovarian proteins, and venom) that protect the egg from the immune system of the host. Once a host of a parasitoid that expresses polydnavirus particles has been parasitised, the virus that accompanied the egg during oviposition, infects the cells of the host in ways that benefit the parasitoid.[2]

Life Cycle: Inside the host the egg hatches into a larva or larvae. The larva feed inside the host until ready to pupate, which by then is generally either dead or moribund. Depending on its species, the parasitoid then may eat its way out of the host or remain in the more or less empty skin. In either case it then generally spins a cocoon and pupates. As adults, parasitoid wasps feed primarily on nectar from flowers. If they happen to be species that rely on polydnavirus then all adults include the DNA for their associated species of the virus in their genomes

Maybe Google is working on a Robotic Bee solution, with all the robotic and AI company purchases as of late.

Say hello to your new food overlords.

But to be serious, this shit is scary. Apocalypse scary.

Harvard, actually...

The scary part is that they plan on making them self replicating.
Harvard, actually...

The scary part is that they plan on making them self replicating.

Ooohhh. That is interesting. Self replicating. Wonder how they plan on regulating the replication rate.

So, this story now has elements of a possible society/starvation crash, a zombie apocalypse from cross infection by zombie bees, and a robot apocalypse from self replicating insects. That's a record! :)

Seriously, I doubt any of the three scenarios will happen. But it is disturbing how if we don't take ourselves out, a simple insect mutation could do the job for us if we don't take measures.
Can I just say that that this would make for some great titles for movies and games like....

Zombie Bees Ate My Neighbors

Resident Beevil

Hive of the Living Dead

Beeyond Good and Beevil

and the classic....

The Zombie Bee Project

Though that is strange that could happen, though there are some strange things about insects.


I feel like Cordyceps is a bit creepier because the fungus can adapt for different species of insect, and if it for some reason decides to create a strain for humans then The Last of Us becomes partially real, except with more exploding mushroom people.

Neo C.

I feel like Cordyceps is a bit creepier because the fungus can adapt for different species of insect, and if it for some reason decides to create a strain for humans then The Last of Us becomes partially real, except with more exploding mushroom people.

We are actually being controlled by fungus, bacteria and viruses for centuries. Most of the time, the control isn't obvious, but scientists have seen correlation between risky behaviour and population of certain bacteria. Quite creepy, if we think about it.
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