Dragoon En Regalia

Gematsu article + trailer
Excerpt from opening (fan-subbed)
More game footage
Launching on PC via Steam, GOG, and likely Humble Bundle. Possibility of console port(s) remains, depending on PC sales.
Zwei II is a standalone sequel according to XSEED, taking place way far away from the setting of 2001's Zwei!! but featuring the first game's protagonists as NPCs later on. You can play either game in either order . Like in modern Ys games, previous details and events are referenced, but non-essential for new players to know beforehand.
XSEED PR said:Story
Pilot, treasure hunter, and courier Ragna Valentine lives a life of adventure flying the high skies of Granvallen. But on a routine delivery to the remote floating continent of Ilvard, he finds himself ambushed by two dragon-riding ne'er-do-wells who send his plane spiraling to the ground.
Fortunately for Ragna, his crash was witnessed by someone in a position to do something about it: vampire princess Alwen du Moonbria. Pulling the dying Ragna from the wreckage of his plane, Alwen forms a blood contract with him, saving his life in exchange for his services as her vassal.
Her request is far from simple – Alwen needs Ragna's help both to recover her stolen magic, and to retake her castle, wrested from her mere weeks ago by villains unknown. Ragna's ready to ante up, but on one condition: instead of acting as Alwen's servant, he wants to undertake their adventure as equal partners...even though it could very well make the going tougher!
So begins the unlikely duo's trek across Ilvard. Along the way they'll meet the isle's strange and colorful residents, battle the minions of darkness, train pets, learn potent skills from a macho masked luchador, and discover the meaning of (slightly dysfunctional) friendship. Sure, the bad guys might have the upper hand, but luckily for Ragna and Alwen, they never saw a team-up this weird coming!
Originally released as Zwei II in Japan by acclaimed RPG developers Nihon Falcom, Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection contains a standalone story featuring a brash pilot named Ragna who is forced to partner up with the haughty vampire princess Alwen after she saves his life in exchange for a blood contract.
The real-time combat is tied to a unique leveling system that allows players to choose when to apply experience towards leveling up, and pets can fight alongside players to help take down some of the massive bosses in the game. Boasting a story with a large cast of colorful NPCs that often takes itself lightly, fans of vampires, treasure hunting, fairies, ninjas, luchadores, cat-people, vintage airplanes, magic castles, robots, chickens that lay bombs, and more will find lots to love!
Key Features
- Two Playable Characters At Once (Plus a Pet) – Ragna roughs up foes in melee range, while Alwen fires off salvos of powerful magic or locks down enemies from afar. Switch between the two on the fly to create crazy combos!
- Unique Food-Based Experience System Gives Greater Control Over Leveling – Experience is gained through eating food, which can be cashed in immediately or saved to trade later for food worth even more EXP. Entire game can be played at level 1, if you dare.
- Strange and Quirky Setting with Strange and Quirky Characters – Taking a page from the Legend of Heroes series, the residents of Ilvard are a lively lot, and a lot can be learned about each one as the story progresses. What's the deal with that chain-smoking nun? Which of the three maids shirks the most work? And... is that a girl in a giant penguin costume?
- Brand New, Expanded English Voices – Over 2000 voiced lines have been added to bring the twists and turns of the story to life.
Nick @ XSEED's confirmed to have licensed a work-in-progress fan translation (which included work on Zwei!!, but this may not have been part of the licensing deal) as their base for editing.
He's also hinted at something special coming up soon for "true believers", which is ambiguous but could be a hint at the first Zwei!! coming to Steam/GOG.
XSEED Forums thread with commentary from localization specialist Tom Lipschultz. I grouped some of the quotes here.
Finally, Durante was privy to internal discussions on Steam regarding the localization's development. This is not confirmation of his involvement with Zwei II, but it doesn't hurt to point out since Durante previously fixed the PC port of Little King's Story (Wii).
There has been no confirmation against Japanese voices in Zwei II, only for a full English dub with extra lines in scenes that were previously unvoiced. Dual-voice is still a possibility, as weird as it would be for XSEED to do it for this Falcom game first. Also, the game is currently locked to 30 FPS, perhaps because the game's based on Gurumin which also runs at that (though controls can run at 60), but neither Tom nor Sara @ XSEED have denied trying to improve this. The game's way more than just playable at this speed.
Open screens in new window/tab or click to expand. Screenshots do not reflect final technical quality ("Sara [XSEED's internal programmer] is making the standard improvements to it")
Some choice quotes about the game:
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=111055012&postcount=74 said:I agree, Gurumin 2 would be amazing (Gurumin is also pretty up there in my list of favorite Falcom games of all time!), but honestly, Zwei 2 was close enough for my tastes. I absolutely loved the characters (Gallandou forever!), the story and writing were far more amazing than they had any right to be...the graphics contain easily the best 3D Falcom's ever produced, the gameplay is super-fun (I absolutely love using the Anchor Gear to grab enemies and hurl them at other enemies!) and the level designs are top notch all the way around, with cool gimmicks and cool bosses.
I just wish Zwei 2 had done a little better, as the ending very much set the stage for as many as four additional sequels, and I would've been SO down to play them all! (Though Nayuta no Kiseki is kind of like a spiritual sequel, and while I didn't much care for the story or characters in that game, I found its gameplay, level designs and bosses to be almost unmatchably glorious, and its soundtrack is one of Falcom's best of the last 10 years.)
...But, we're kind of veering off topic here!
http://www.xseedgames.com/forum/index.php?threads/zwei-the-ilvard-insurrection-announced-for-e3.29273/#post-948173 said:I mean, it was a PC game originally, and while it actually required some reeeeelatively decent specs back in 2008 to run smoothly (nothing super-high, but higher than usual for Falcom, on account of the fact that this was their very last original PC title they ever made, and easily their most technically advanced PC title by far), that was nine years ago. Chances are, your computer can run it just fine -- and while yes, Sara is making the standard improvements to it, she's not rewriting the source code wholesale or anything, so it should still be pretty resource-light by 2017 standards.
http://www.xseedgames.com/forum/index.php?threads/zwei-the-ilvard-insurrection-announced-for-e3.29273/page-3#post-948639 said:Oath/Ark/Origin because you actually do get to jump, and the weapon/magic you have selected COMPLETELY changes the way you attack, as opposed to simply functioning as a skill. Ragna's "Grab Gear" weapon, for example, is kind of like if you were wielding a Castlevania whip, but whenever you whip an enemy, you actually grab it and pull it into your hands so you can then throw it at other enemies or objects. His "Glide Gear," on the other hand, turns his weapon into a bladed skateboard of sorts, allowing you to coast through areas and just ram into enemies.
Meanwhile, Alwen can fire off rocks in multiple directions with her earth spell, shoot out laser-like beams with her light spell, or slap enemies with giant screen-filling devil hands with her dark spell.
And it's because you've got both Ragna and Alwen (or, at certain points in the story, someone other than Alwen!) in your party that it's a little bit like Seven/Celceta, since you can swap your active character on the fly, with the other one (and your pet) controlled by AI in the meantime. It plays out a little more smoothly than in Seven/Celceta, though, since when you switch characters, the two instantaneously change places entirely, so you can quickly and seamlessly switch back and forth between attacking with Ragna and firing off magic with Alwen in the middle of a single fight, and there won't be any disorientation (since you won't ever move from the spot you're standing in), nor any interruption in the flow of combat. It'll be literally no different than if you'd pressed a button to switch bangles in Felghana, save for a sudden change in the visual appearance of your character.
https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/comments/6h2vs1/zwei_ii_e3_2017_trailer/div6epm/ said:This game is amazing. Hidden in one of the dungeons is a little HUD widget that when equipped, it displays simple math problem like 7*4 + 13 = ? and if you type in the correct answer, you get rewarded a small amount of gold. There is no limit on how often you can use it, it just dispenses gold every time you correctly enter the math problem. The more you get correct in a row and the faster you can solve them, the more gold you can get. Genius!
Also, there are a whole bunch of crazy little HUD widgets with their own little functions that can be found throughout the game.
It is mostly a dungeon crawler but with a lighthearted story and lovable characters. Similar to Final Fantasy, it is completely independent of the first game, so you don't need to play it to enjoy the game. Though the main characters do occasionally make some cameo appearances and exists within the same universe.
r/Falcom Discord said:[11:46 PM] Jack FroSTALKER: I just discovered that you can sometimes get different dialogue from NPCs in Zwei 2 by talking to them with Arwen instead of Ragna
[11:47 PM] Jack FroSTALKER: I've been trying to get every bit of dialogue I can so now I'm worried I missed some because of that
[11:47 PM] Jack FroSTALKER: shit
And for giggles, where were you when Dio predicted XSEED would use the fan translation?
I'm very excited for this release, especially if XSEED can put out an even better playing version of the game which Falcom can be proud of. Please give this some attention and spread the word! We really can't afford another great Falcom PC game to go overlooked because of tentpole announcements and so many only seemingly caring about Ys and Trails (which need attention too, but so does Xanadu Next!).