Stephen King's IT is shite btw (the film at least), aside from the clown costume. Would like to see a big budget Salem's Lot miniseries
We need to be more careful than that. We dont have infinite pockets, we can't afford to take massive losses on players. Every Arsenal fan would like us to buy more but it must be done intelligently.We couldn't even beat Blackburn and Bradford in cups last season. Who knows who will beat us this year.
Yes there have been restrictions on us and sometimes other teams are just better than you. But we have been our own worse nightmare. the problem is Wenger. Wenger is scared to succeed. He is not willing to take the risk. Have balls, don't be a slave to your own idealistic views. No one gives a fuck.
Kubrick is a god.
Liked the book better.
hoc s02e01 spoilers:i genuinely let out an OHHOOOHHHOHOHOHHH NO HE DIDN'T when he pushed her in front of the metro.
@tancredipalmeri: Wenger met Van Persie agent on 28 january.Both Wenger and Van Persie wants to join back.Mufc open to that. Details:
Someone get Tancredi off his drugs.
I'm four episodes in now with HoC but I'm leaving home in a bit. Gonna go eat at the Hard Rock Cafe and to American Hustle after.
We need to be more careful than that. We dont have infinite pockets, we can't afford to take massive losses on players. Every Arsenal fan would like us to buy more but it must be done intelligently.
Our latest buys have been very good (Podolski, Giroud, Cazorla, Özil, Monreal, Flamini) these are good buys. More is required but we're heading in the right direction.
And I know wenger has made mistakes in the transfer market. Every manager has, paid stupid wages to crap players, every manager has done that too. Wenger put us in this position, this current contract he signs will likely be his last, he deserves the right to see what he can do with it.
Edited fam.What happened?
Woy pls
Enjoy it, buddy!
I'm seeing Lego Movie tomorrow and Her on Sunday.
Someone get Tancredi off his drugs.
Tottenham to sign 41-year-old:
Anyone else reluctant to buy Left Behind until it's like £10, even though they loved TLoU?
Stephen King's IT is shite btw (the film at least), aside from the clown costume. Would like to see a big budget Salem's Lot miniseries
I don't think RVP back to Arsenal is a particularly unlikely notion. He's not looked happy most of the season. Probably thinks Moyes is an under-qualified blowhard. And he'd be right.
Don't know how they'll afford his wages though.
Someone get Tancredi off his drugs.[/img[/QUOTE]
He wouldn't be going back to Arsenal surely after saying he disagrees with the way they were going forward and stuff. He'd have to take a massive blow to his pride.
I wonder if Adnan is going to Nandos today.
Anyone done/got any plans for V day? I met a girl I like for coffee earlier and it went pretty well. Will probably give her a call on Sunday.
HoC S02E01
Never finished Bioshock 2. The setting of Infinite is much better: Colombia vs. Rapture.What's better, Bioshock 2 or Infinite?
They seem to share many of the same problems
Wilbz what do you have against HoC? Pls
Just got into the Titanfall Beta thanks to a Junior. Love it.
Never finished Bioshock 2. The setting of Infinite is much better: Colombia vs. Rapture.
I like shooters so most of the issues people have with Infinite don't really apply to me.
Rapture is the best setting of all time, so how can Columbia be better?
Send her a picture of your balls
Rapture isn't how you spell Shadow Moses.
If my balls were as succulent as yours than I would baby but they pale in comparison
I'm actually really bad with drunken calls/texts and I'm going out tonight so I've already taken the precaution of writing her number down and deleting it from my phone.
The last girl I was seeing I called her after a night out and left her a voice mail telling her that I thought she was really ugly but she had an okay personality which was the reason I was seeing her :lol
She didn't want to see me any more after that surprisingly
A little love from the Ajax training complex.