It may not be a shield facility, butdidn't T.A.H.I.T.I have a shield symbol?
I forgot about that.Coulson actually said "The Guest House is not a SHIELD facility. We don't know who or what's in there. Be prepared for potential resistance." moments before knocking on the front door.
No. It had a bio-hazard symbol on the door.
Oh okay. I wasn't wearing my glasses at the time and I was watching on an old SD tv...
I forgot about that.
Still, the whole thing is incredibly baffling. Should we assume that Coulson was not brought back to life by SHIELD per Fury's request? Who's that third party then? They don't really look like bad guys, TBH.
Who cares about some fodder? Jack Bauer has killed his fair share of "innocent" guards in chaos he created for ultimately the greater good and we cheer him on.
Then again, he is goddamn Jack Bauer. No one on this team has reached that level. I'm not even going to get into Arrow's murder sprees...
Really though. I'm shocked that this is what everyone is stuck on... well after discussing the Kree(?) that was found behind the TAHITI door.Agents of SHIELD: where following rules of engagement is considered murder.
While the truth of that remains to be seen (unless someone has worked guarding a secret base securing secret and dangerous stuff and wants to chime in..?), meeting lethal force with lethal force is certainly standing operating procedure. One is not more morally correct than the other. Coulson and co hacked their way in, sure. But they tried to talk and were answered with bullets. Justifies their returning fire.
Really though. I'm shocked that this is what everyone is stuck on... well after discussing the Kree(?) that was found behind the TAHITI door.
I don't know why, but the death of those two stuck out to me a lot more in this episode than a blue dude with magic blood.
I wonder who gets to tell Sky that stuff when she wakes up:
"Congrats! You're going to be fine, it only took injecting you with unknown alien blood, killing two random security guards, and blowing up an entire facility meaning that no one else will get to benefit from the magic alien blood!"
MY money's on it being a HYDRA facility because of BOB.
I will say, Coulson has been shown before to be a cold guy when the job requires it, for all his intrinsic compassion and humanity. When it was clear the "Scorch" guy was doomed, Coulson had him taken down and calmly said tough luck to the guy, right to his face as Scorch died.
I guess the thing about these people is that, despite working alongside super heroes, they are not themselves super heroes. They're agents of a shadow organization and they're highly trained killers. The good agents really do care about their own people, and about innocents. But when an opponent is on the other side of the barrel, they will pull the trigger without a drop of sweat. (May should be a good example of this by now.)
and if this was an end of the world scenario, you might have a point. but they just ended twolives to save one life. Hardly fair.innocent
and it wasn't even a SHIELD operation, it was just Coulson and co. going off the rails on a murder spree
Call me cynical but mo way that was an actual Bob AoH refrence. Also the ID badge that was flashed is probably SHIELD issue. It looks like the regular badge minus the SHIELD logo and name.
MY money's on it being a HYDRA facility because of BOB.
The moment they fired, first, on Coulson and co with lethal ammo.. they cease being innocent. "Just doing their job" doesn't justify the Guards actions anymore than Skye's dying justifies Coulson's. You're suggesting that there would have been absolutely nothing wrong with the Guards killing the SHIELD agents because the SHIELD agents broke into the facility looking for help and it would've been ok because that's their orders.
How exactly does that work within the frame of your moral argument?
They're in their right to shoot Coulson and everyone else to bloody sunday. You're failing to see this from the guards perspective, again and again. Your job is to guard a secret base, and your orders are not to let anyone in without answering the call sign. Four armed men walk up to the front door, droning on about needing medical help, with no patient in sight. Why would you let them in? The guards are probably thinking "not this fucking trick again". Then the armed men proceed to hack themselves into the compound. The guards had had every right to kill Coulson and company.
I am appalled at the mental hoops people are going through in here to justify Coulson's murder spree. Pray for Bob. Pray for their families. Let it be a small comfort to them that their bread providers died so a shit character could live. #RIPHEROICGUARDS
Remember: if you break into a bank with a gun in you hand and the guards shoot at you, you are fully allowed to blast them to shit. It's self-defense after all.
Who cares? You're the one creating a controversy where there is none.
Talk about making mountains out of molehills.
No wonder TV writers treat audiences as if they're stupid.
It is not a matter of controversy. It is a matter of a show trying to get us feel for this group of characters for being noble, for doing the good and then they do this without any finesse or anything. They just shoot up people, expect us to act like it doesn't matter.
and this is why SHIELD will always be a mediocre show. its fanbase consists of mindless zombies in for the pretty explosions, not questioning whats really happening
watch the writers wave their hands in the next episode as if nothing ever happened, whilst everyone gets their panties wet over a 'Thor' namedrop
edit: saw some people bringing up Arrow in here. Characters called Oliver out on his homicidal spree plenty of times. Why even bother mentioning the much superior comic book based show lol
They're in their right to shoot Coulson and everyone else to bloody sunday. You're failing to see this from the guards perspective, again and again. Your job is to guard a secret base, and your orders are not to let anyone in without answering the call sign. Four armed men walk up to the front door, droning on about needing medical help, with no patient in sight. Why would you let them in? The guards are probably thinking "not this fucking trick again". Then the armed men proceed to hack themselves into the compound. The guards had had every right to kill Coulson and company.
I am appalled at the mental hoops people are going through in here to justify Coulson's murder spree. Pray for Bob. Pray for their families. Let it be a small comfort to them that their bread providers died so a shit character could live. #RIPHEROICGUARDS
Remember: if you break into a bank with a gun in you hand and the guards shoot at you, you are fully allowed to blast them to shit. It's self-defense after all.
It is not a matter of controversy. It is a matter of a show trying to get us feel for this group of characters for being noble, for doing the good and then they do this without any finesse or anything. They just shoot up people, expect us to act like it doesn't matter.
It is not like they made a big deal of not killing the guy that was going to blow up an entire station in episode 1. Oh wait, they did. The SHIELD writers are already treating us as stupid.
and this is why SHIELD will always be a mediocre show. its fanbase consists of mindless zombies in for the pretty explosions, not questioning whats really happening
watch the writers wave their hands in the next episode as if nothing ever happened, whilst everyone gets their panties wet over a 'Thor' namedrop
edit: saw some people bringing up Arrow in here. Characters called Oliver out on his homicidal spree plenty of times. Why even bother mentioning the much superior comic book based show lol
and this is why SHIELD will always be a mediocre show. its fanbase consists of mindless zombies in for the pretty explosions, not questioning whats really happening
watch the writers wave their hands in the next episode as if nothing ever happened, whilst everyone gets their panties wet over a 'Thor' namedrop
edit: saw some people bringing up Arrow in here. Characters called Oliver out on his homicidal spree plenty of times. Why even bother mentioning the much superior comic book based show lol
You know what pulga?
Shut the fuck up and sit your ass down somewhere until you're ready to have a discussion without acting like a petulant child simply because everyone not only doesn't agree with you, but you making an issue about literally nothing significant.
You really need to rewatch Arrow and think again before you talk about "pretty explosions, not questioning what's really happening." People called out Ollie, sure.. but did he care? Nope. Killed hundreds of people with his bow with literally no effect on his psyche or mental state of being and most of the people he killed had nothing to do with his list. They were just a means to an end to him. The only difference between the hundreds of people that Ollie massacred in S1 and the two people that Coulson's team killed is, most of Ollie's victims had no dialogue.
I'm starting to love this thread more than the
oh I'm the petulant child here?![]()
if you think killing two INNOCENT people to save the life of one person isn't morally bankrupt, may whoever you believe in have mercy on your soul
He says when he throws the gun at the farmers feet before prompting him to "pick up the gun" :lolThey were asked to render assistance and refused. They were given fair warning to stand down when outnumbered and refused. They were told that the SHIELD team would defend themselves.
They fired first. That isn't innocent. They were complicit in the actions that transpired during the shoot out by not rendering aid, but not standing down when given fair warning.
Is SHIELD gung-ho about saving Skye's life, absolutely, but anyone would fight for those they care about. More importantly, anyone would defend themselves when fired upon.
They were asked to render assistance and refused. They were given fair warning to stand down when outnumbered and refused. They were told that the SHIELD team would defend themselves.
They fired first. That isn't innocent. They were complicit in the actions that transpired during the shoot out by not rendering aid, but not standing down when given fair warning.
Is SHIELD gung-ho about saving Skye's life, absolutely, but anyone would fight for those they care about. More importantly, anyone would defend themselves when fired upon.
Do you guys realize you're getting really pissy and probably on the verge of banned over what amounts to an average 90s syndicated action show?
It's not a question of it's morally bankrupt or not to kill two innocent people to save one, it's about the judgement of Vic Mackey and his own morals.
What is morality? It's your own fucked up beliefs about what is good or bad. We don't know how we got morality, personally I believe God gave them to us, but clearly Vic Mackey is not a believer in any religion. He is a street boy, with power, it doesn't matter what your morals are, the good thing about The Shield is watching him and his morality play out, and what the other agents in The Shields reactions to that is.
Fake spoilers:
The season finale will be titled C.O.U.R.T. M.A.R.T.I.A.L. and it's going to be about Coulson and crew being tried by a S.H.I.E.L.D. tribunal for gunning down the Guest House soldiers.
Scumbag Coulson is now a thing.
Run with it.
Ollie had a serious case of PTSD going on when he was murder-happy, and yes, he did eventually come to care and put a stop to his killing spree.
Some of you guys have got to be plants to try and excuse this as morally okay. I mean I can understand the guys going "they're not supposed to be good so whatever" but some of you dudes going "yeah but they shot first, doesn't matter if shield broke into the place they were guarding whilst heavily armed" are some new level of testing one's faith in critical thinking.
But overall yes this thread is way more entertaining than the actual show :lol
He says when he throws the gun at the farmers feet before prompting him to "pick up the gun" :lol
Christ this thread :lol
they were drawn into a firefight once Coulson and company hacked their way into the compound. If Fitz hadn't done so, they'd be back home playing Tropical Freeze with their children by now. For all the guards know, Coulson and co. could be HYDRA trying to break into the super secret compound. Valiant heroes they were. You could say their blood is on Fitz's hands.
ive done all this arguing and haven't even brought up the night night gun. where was the night night gun? why werent these men's lives worthy of preserving? why
Scumbag Coulson is now a thing.
Run with it.
As an aside, it's remarkable how DC vs. Marvel has broken boundaries into other mediums. First in film with Dark Knight vs. Avengers and now the two tent-pole comic book shows are being compared and it just happens to be a DC property vs. a Marvel property.
It never ends.