NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]

So these are ordered by sales ranking, right? It's interesting how the Wii U SKU outsold the Xbox One and PS4 SKUs.

Meh. It is a kiddie title and though the Nintendo fans don't want to hear it, Nintendo consoles tend to be the kiddie consoles. Heck, they used those small discs on the Gamecube so the kids could hold them easier.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???


Get dat shit out of here lol :p


Very solid bump for the XO if legit. That is actually incredible given last months sales... why isn't MS cheering this on?


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Xbox One almost doubling January?!?...the heck happened O_O

I want to see more, at this point.
Nice to see Bravely Default in the Top 10. Heard it outdid Fire Emblem: Awakening during the same release period. Hopefully, it'll show Nintendo to release more Squeenix RPGs that are stuck over there in the east *coughDQ7remakecough*.
Sony really need to get its shit sorted in the US before MS drop Kinect.

This was a perfect chance to gain a large lead in that territory and they are messing that up. (well for a sizeable global lead so HEY!)
"In early 2013, Fire Emblem Awakening launched for Nintendo 3DS and became one of the surprise hits of the year. Bravely Default, which launched for Nintendo 3DS on Feb. 7, improved on the launch of Fire Emblem Awakening by more than 10 percent, selling more than 200,000 combined units in just over three weeks."

They just couldn't give us the current Fire Emblem numbers.
Anyway. Wasn't FE supply constrained?


So DK did good?

Meh. It is a kiddie title and though the Nintendo fans don't want to hear it, Nintendo consoles tend to be the kiddie consoles. Heck, they used those small discs on the Gamecube so the kids could hold them easier.

Nothing wrong with family friendly games.


So in March the xbone will trump the PS4 because of Titanfall?

Thief at Number 4 is kind of surprising. Good sales on xbone and PS4 because of no competition?
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