NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]



Xbox One top titles in the generation eight console game title list in the U.S. include: “NBA 2K14,” “Battlefield 4,” and “Thief,” “Call of Duty: Ghosts,” and “Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare.”
Xbox 360 top titles in the generation seven console game title list in the U.S. include: “NBA 2K14,” “Call of Duty: Ghosts,” “Fable Anniversary,” “Grand Theft Auto V,” “Minecraft,” “The LEGO Movie Videogame.”

No love for Thief on the 360?
This is why MS locked up the exclusive. They are betting all their money on Titanfall to keep them competitive until fall when they can price drop. Looking at this months numbers I think it'll work until they run into the Destiny/PS4 combo in September.

?? Ps4 will win every month, maybe even march......

Mr Swine

Is this the end of Donkey Kongon Wii U? It hasn't broke 200k if we count only Japan and USA. Will this game even make money for Nintendo?


so 360+ONE = 258k+114k = 372k so rest of the market would be (372k/ 0.43) - 372k = 865.1k-372k= 493.1k

PS4: 258,000 / 0.9 = 286.7K
Wii U: Nearly 82.5K (+~25%)

So PS3+Wii would be 493.1k - 286.7k = 206.4k, correct? (I'm assuming handheld don't count for the "console" market)

You didn't take out the 82.5K of the Wii U in the final figure...

493.1k - 286.7k (PS4) - 82.5k (Wii U) = ~123.9k


PS3 < ~85.3k (+ 286.7k (PS4)) = less than XBF
Wii < ~38.6k (the remainder)


Solid sales for the Xbone considering the price and the bad PR. Dat Titanfall effect.

Makes you wonder how much it would have sold at 399$, though.

In any case, I'm glad that there's two healthy consoles on the market. The next few months should be very interesting now that games with real sales potential are beginning to pop up: Titanfall, Infamous, MGS, KSR, Watch Dogs.

Edit: Here's hoping that Mario Kart 8 can revitalize the Wii U as well.


Retail software sales really have to stop going down so much.

Crazy hardware sales were up so much with software still down nearly 10%.

The problem with tracking software sales is the lack of digital data. 10 percent in retail means software sales are probably up when including digital.

?? Ps4 will win every month, maybe even march......

I think this is definitely possible. I'm just saying XB1 will be competitive in NPDs instead of being doubled up. Destiny is the tipping point where I can see PS4 starting to pull away in a bigger fashion.
Germany still has bundles and my Canadian WOW friend said he bought a bundle in Canada. Why does it feel like the US are now getting screwed?

Maybe they had the attitude that the US was their strongest performance last gen and had the chance of getting early adopters without the need for a freebie.


I was just re-reading that PR line. At first I thought it was unclear what they were referring to, but they do specify the "Xbox platform" and that it sold more than any other "platform." So you're probably right.

(I usually take platform to refer to a specific system)

BTW, both Nintendo and Sony have been doing this for years... The Nintendo family and PlayStation ecosystem (or do I have that backwards?). This is the first time MS has really had a family or ecosystem.
Supply constraints were still about in February I guess (for PS4). I forget this doesn't reflect the current situation.

And yeah, Japanese launch. It's only recently Amazon got PS4 back in stock isn't it?


i was lucky to get a ps4 today.called/went to about 10 stores before finding one at target. gamestop just directs you online if you want to try to find one.
Time for my monthly NPD question:

Can you please post Sonic Lost World LTD on both Wii U and 3DS creamsugar? :)

Hey I'm a Nintendo Sonic nut, I like keeping track. :p Plus I'm a writer at SonicStadium so I can pass it along to them if it's posted.


I'm pretty sure Namco already have a cross gen version of Dark Souls II.

Yeah, its called the PC version.

Edit: Any idea how the 3DS Feb numbers? It'll be noteworthy if the 3DS is the only platform to not improve from Jan. numbers. (Well, and the Vita too I suppose.)


Happy to see Xbox have a good February and most likely have another this month. As a PS4 owner mind you, the competition can only help both boxes.
yeah I'm surprised to not see castlevania (or garden warfare) on there, especially compared to some of the titles that did make the list.


I think they're finally doing the reverse of what they did before and making FF titles into new IPs instead of other series/teams into FF titles.

This has the benefit of less reliance on one brand's image and each brand can cater to its own audience.

Like if you liked FF12, then you've gotten no games like it from Square since 2006 whereas if it was an Ogre console game or whatever they could have made another title without fretting that it didn't fit the FF brand enough.

Bravely Default as a series picks up where SNES era (especially FF5) FF left off, and I feel they should continue diversifying in that manner with mainline FF doing whatever makes sense to sell 6+ million in the modern market.

Those are some very good points. Does mainline FF even have the potential to move 6+ million copies anymore? I was under the impression that FF as a franchise had been severely diminished. I used to love FF for the story and the battle system, but the last game I've ever finished was FFX-2, as I couldn't really establish a connection with any of the characters in sequels until BD.
My theory: Sony sent a lot of units to Japan.

Didn't they send something like 330,000 to Japan for the Launch? Those numbers come right out of the stock for the other regions. Also, if Amazon gives any hint, March has had the PS4 on sale more times, and longer periods, than any other month previous from my observations.

I think Sony will have lots of stock in the supply chain this month. Japan launch is over, they know Microsoft is banking on Titanfall, and Sony wants to give as many people a chance to get that PS4 in March, especially in North America to battle Microsoft. Throw in Infamous, and I think Sony may have a nice little blueprint for March.
Free game packin doesn't hurt. Also Beta Titanfal.

I honestly expected Xbox to beat PS4 this month because of the supply constraint, Titanfall hype, and beta. Guess I was wrong. If Sony can win next month with huge supply and heaving Infamous advertising (real pushing better graphic power) kind of promotion.

It's over.

What's over? The Xbox one will cease to exist? The PS4 will win in sales while the Xbox one continues to sell well, meaning MS will close their doors forever?

As wrong as people were with their predictions, what's preventing them from being wrong more in the future?


Poor Wii U can't catch a break anywhere.

Nice to see strong sales for the PS4 and Xbone. And sales are sure to be strong this month too given the games coming out.

The "consoles are dead" crowd can always move the goalpost back to April, May, June though. I'm sure it'll work out eventually.


Those are some very good points. Does mainline FF even have the potential to move 6+ million copies anymore? I was under the impression that FF as a franchise had been severely diminished. I used to love FF for the story and the battle system, but the last game I've ever finished was FFX-2, as I couldn't really establish a connection with any of the characters in sequels until BD.

Well, FFXIII did ship 6.3 million units according to the last press release Square Enix sent out, and I think the Action RPG/open world direction of FFXV is correct, but the market gets tougher every year they sit on that one.
I see MS beating Sony in the U.S this year in LTD. If the xbox one is $400 before the holidays,i see MS winning the holidays and LTD.
Get 1 good month for XBO, lose your shit and get delusional.

Look, it did well folks, but let's not kid ourselves. NA is still PS4's to lose, if anything. We'll see by March where things really stand.
Meanwhile they passed on localizing a dinky little 3DS game and it did just as well as LR on a much smaller user base.

Square-Enix's business model is completely fucking nonsensical.

Their biggest success with FF recently has been the HD port of X which was the last time the series was an event (no offense to XII).

It has been for years. They really don't get it. When Eidos are holding the entire operation together, you know there's issues.


So, 741.2k consoles sold in total, excluding the PS3 (where are its numbers?). Not bad at all, considering all the doom & gloom of this mobile age.
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