NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]


It's interesting to me how many people acted like TF wouldn't be much of a system seller for the 1 because it is multi platform, yet the February beta seems to be the popular theory to explain its boost in sales.


holy SHIT those numbers are way higher than I thought

I guess the only conclusion we can make is FUCK JANUARY, CONSOLE GAMING AIN'T DEAD YET

seriously what was up with january, fuck that month

It's the month after holidays, so I guess less people are willing to spend money in January? I don't know.


Wow PS4 sold 3.5 more times than WiiU , are those DK Tropical F. numbers good?

Xbone´s Titanfall boost has begun , if it does not sell more than PS4 in March that means that even a AAA / Overmarketed game like Titanfall is not enought to beat PS4 in the U.S.
looking back everyone who expected the ps4 to have big lead in the next gen sales race look silly now

xbone isn't that far behind and its being sold at a higher price. kind of a win actually
PS4 has almost sold double the Xbox One. It's only the US where it's holding on, and we don't know how much supply issues are contributing to that
It MIGHT outsell Titanfall on Xbox One, but no way in hell it will outsell Titanfall. InFamous could have a maximum of around 6 million sales... And not even that will happen, 1.5/2 at best?

Just how well do you think the 360 version is going to sell? Nothing is selling well on PS360 at the moment.


Just want Vita numbers. Please don't be under 15k...

looking back everyone who expected the ps4 to have big lead in the next gen sales race look silly now

xbone isn't that far behind and its being sold at a higher price. kind of a win actually
Yeah, those cats that thought that thing would happen that did happen must feel positively foolish now that the thing they thought would happen has happened!
Wow PS4 sold 3.5 more times than WiiU , are those DK Tropical F. numbers good?

Xbone´s Titanfall boost has begun , if it does not sell more than PS4 in March that means that even a AAA / Overmarketed game like Titanfall is not enought to beat PS4 in the U.S.

Xbox One will win March. I just can't see it going to PS4.
Would people really buy a $500 console just for a beta?

Seems crazy.
Unintentional consequence of banking so much on one game-- Offer early access and people planning to buy mostly for it will jump in early. I'd venture the "Titanfall boost" (if there can be proven to be one) will be spread across Feb and March. More specifically Feb 11th to March 11th (Beta start to retail release). It'll be silly if we end up seeing a 2 month half-bump in XBO sales where they can't beat the PS4 in either of the months whereas they could easily win the "11th to 11th" month. It would kind of sting to not get even one month of PR bragging.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
At this point, if Nintendo is localizing DQVII, there's only one month for the release: February. In 2012, Tales of thr Abyss didn't debut badly; in 2013, FE happened + Etrian Odyssey selling 15k in 5 days, which was great for the kind of title it is; in 2014, BD almost debuts as much as KH3D and better than Fire Emblem.
February sounds like a good month for Japanese content...
Would people really buy a $500 console just for a beta?

Seems crazy.

It's not like their Xbox One will disappear once the month ends. If someone was looking forward to buying Titanfall anyway, I could see them buying an Xbox to get into the beta.

It's too bad they didn't wait a few weeks for a $60 price drop, though. That must have hurt.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
Hmm I agree that they will definitely want growth but I'm not sure how stuff like microtransactions and For The Sequels style updates figure into that.

I wonder if they expect Bravely Second to grow as much from Flying Fairy as Flying Fairy did from 4 Heroes of Light. I would guess a 30% growth would be respectable but that may be too low for modern SE.
The data is in. Sales growth is directly proportional to the number of chapters.

Bravely Default 2 to have 64 chapters confirmed!

(j/k I love the game but Jesus H Christ does it go on for too long.)


Congrats to Microsoft, nice to see the console will have a future in NA. Makes me confident in picking one up when the time is right.


So can it be said that every platform holder did pretty well last month? Because I think that's a reason for celebration.

People are going to assign some epic Microsoft vs. Sony battle in March NPDs what with Titanfall and Infamous dropping, but the better takeaway is that it should be another consecutive month of good sales after this one.


Which is not satisfying to fans of XII's unique offerings.

Whereas I agree with you I also accept that this is what I'll get. And honestly? It's awesome.

Anyway, we have all sort of reps visiting us here, latest one was Atlus who stabbed my heart with a funny joke, so to the question, do we have any SE reps that actually gives any form of input? Or are they as horrible as on PS Blog?


Need LR sales for comparison to XIII-2.

What was XIII-2's first month?

DK did 130k combined physical+digital and was the 4th best single SKU for the month.
GTA released on the same number of platforms and sold more for the month.

If we pretend that DK did all of it's sales at retail, the best XIII-3 could have done is <260k. Which, while not unsurprising, still sounds bad for a FF title.


Not bad at all for a 100 dollar more and less powerful console.

looking back everyone who expected the ps4 to have big lead in the next gen sales race look silly now

xbone isn't that far behind and its being sold at a higher price. kind of a win actually

I don't think it's wise to be selective with your context. The 360 had around 15 million advantage over the PS3 in the US. The PS4 is still having stock problems in the US, especially last month. Oh, and for the second quote, I'm assuming you mean the US? Not worldwide, right?

Not crazy at all, especially if they were planning on getting the full retail title down the road.

Ps4 will have a slight lead in us but world wide? lol

PS4 has almost sold double the Xbox One. It's only the US where it's holding on, and we don't know how much supply issues are contributing to that

Yes, the USA is the only country in the world

Ps4 is at more than 6 M worldwide. Lol

Do you mean worldwide or just America where NPD is based?

Well worldwide, the PS4 will have "a big lead".
i was referring to USA where the Microsoft brand has a big market share

i mean i am in a NPD thread
So I think it's a given that xbone will win March NPD and maybe April, with things returning to the status quo by May.

looking back everyone who expected the ps4 to have big lead in the next gen sales race look silly now

xbone isn't that far behind and its being sold at a higher price. kind of a win actually


US and UK are the only territories where it's close. Xbone is getting obliterated by the PS4 in Europe and the rest of the globe.

Dr Bass

looking back everyone who expected the ps4 to have big lead in the next gen sales race look silly now

xbone isn't that far behind and its being sold at a higher price. kind of a win actually

Well, it does have kind of a big lead. They are over 6 million units now. Don't think Xbox One has hit 4 yet. And the lead is only growing so...
Hey, at least we have Nintendo to pick up the slack for the good games they do put out!

...I apologize to long-suffering Dragon Quest fans.

Sony should follow suit and localize Type-0 PS4.

yea right, think of all the indies they could bring over instead with that money :(


looking back everyone who expected the ps4 to have big lead in the next gen sales race look silly now

xbone isn't that far behind and its being sold at a higher price. kind of a win actually

No it's not silly. It's just that everyone lives on planet Earth while you seem to live on planet USA.

EDIT: Just saw your response. Then your original post was a complete strawman, because virtually nobody was expecting the PS4 to have a big lead in the US.
It's not like their Xbox One will disappear once the month ends. If someone was looking forward to buying Titanfall anyway, I could see them buying an Xbox to get into the beta.

It's too bad they didn't wait a few weeks for a $60 price drop, though. That must have hurt.

do the majority of stores not have 30day return policies like they do up here? seems pretty simple to return the console and get the bundle.
Yes. A lot of people are underestimating it. I think it will outsell Titanfall also.

Well, if you mean TitanFall XBO vs. InFamous PS4, I agree. I have no doubt InFamous will sell more in that case. But TitanFall's also on two other platforms. I think by that virtue alone it'll outsell InFamous when taking all 3 platforms into account.

But if it doesn't actually happen like that, it'll probably be a day of reckoning.
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