Well it's Wednesday over here and it's my birthday.
Turning 25 feels old man.
Well it's Wednesday over here and it's my birthday.
Turning 25 feels old man.
Which of these are the best games to play? They're part of the new Reboot Bundle 3.0
- Rune Classic
- X-Blades
- Hoard Complete Pack
- Ion Assault
- Knights & Merchants
- Planets Under Attack
But you're a program so it's different.Hey, I don't feel 45. (I'm not quite sure what 45's supposed to feel like, actually. Though listening to some of these guys, I think I should be feeling half-dead, with the reaction times of a comatose turtle. Or maybe three-quarters dead.)
I need to replay Rune. Being able to chop off limbs and then using said limbs as weapons needs to be more of a thing.Rune.
don't even touch xblades its horrible
Which of these are the best games to play? They're part of the new Reboot Bundle 3.0
- Rune Classic
- X-Blades
- Hoard Complete Pack
- Ion Assault
- Knights & Merchants
- Planets Under Attack
don't even touch xblades its horrible
I think Hoard and Ion Assault are the games to check out there. They are simple in their way, but because of that they stand more on their own. With the other titles, you can do a lot better with your time.
It might be a bit cheaper on Nuuvem, but if you have some Playfire bucks you can make the gmg deal real sweet.
Dare any of you in your 30's to get on a DDR machine and play a round.
Do I buy OlliOlli Vita for 3,19 or do I wait for the Steam version? It looks like a game more suited for a mobile device but what if it gets trading cards and Playfire awards? I could earn money by waiting. Argh.
More good deals here for EU-based PS3Vita owners: http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2014/04/09/playstation-store-easter-sale-begins-today/ Wolf Among Us is even cheaper than on Steam (ignoring Russian traders and technical deficiencies of the console versions of course).
£40 thoughI'm pre-ordering DS II immediatly when my Arkham City cashrewards are tranfered to my GMG account. 25% off + 6 Pounds in rewards makes for a nice discount. Not as awesome as what Nabs has, but still. Good stuff. ^^
I don't intend to do any of the playfire rewards stuff but it's always been a better service than raptr. I never understood why people were still using the latter tbh
It might be a bit cheaper on Nuuvem, but if you have some Playfire bucks you can make the gmg deal real sweet.
I know you don't need skills to play those games because I use to be #1 always in most of them. The guns have no recoil, there's no penalty for dying, they have perks to help you hide your lack of skill, etc. That's ok, I mean look at Titanfall. Most modern FPS multiplayer games want to make you feel skilled even if you are not, you can thank CoD and Halo for that.Nah. You still need skillz for COD, its just hard to distinguish kill-streak abusers with those of actual skill. Winning MW3 free-for-all specialist without dying was my greatest accomplishment in COD.
It was also pretty fun to run with pistol only and pwn noobs. So many hacking accusations lol
Vita means life!
A little late on this, but I too use LastPass. Been using it for years. I think I may still even have premium service, as I translated it to Finnish way back when, and they bumped me to premium as a thanks.
edit: Yup. Still premium.
I don't even know what playfire is. Guess I'll just stick with GMG.
Still, thanks.
Did you do something to get that long subscription?
I'm not so sure about that.
Raptr is better at tracking my games and the profile page for playfire is all kinds of messed up. My feed is nothing but console games I have played months ago. My steam stuff doesn't even show aside from my recent activity.
aNY CHAnce for a Webm or at worst a GIF of Alice Madness Returns hair tech showcase please?
Next on Indie Royale (not up yet):
The Atomic Bundle:
Humans Must Answer
Cube and Star: An Arbitrary Love
The Chaos Engine
Super Killer Hornet : Resurrection
Fields of War
I see you posted in the PSN thread, that version doesn't have the glorious PhysX PC hair.
Next on Indie Royale (not up yet):
The Atomic Bundle:
Humans Must Answer
Cube and Star: An Arbitrary Love
The Chaos Engine
Super Killer Hornet : Resurrection
Fields of War
The hair isn't achieved via PhysX.
The post you quoted says he translated it to Finnish for them, I imagine that's what it was.
Next on Indie Royale (not up yet):
The Atomic Bundle:
Humans Must Answer
Cube and Star: An Arbitrary Love
The Chaos Engine
Super Killer Hornet : Resurrection
Fields of War
aNY CHAnce for a Webm or at worst a GIF of Alice Madness Returns hair tech showcase please?
No. Almost everything on Alice herself aren't PhysX, so that even if you turn the PhysX to Low or even Off (by editing .ini or something), she still remains fabulous.No? I've been living a lie.
No? I've been living a lie.
PhysX is only used for fluid simulation when attacking enemies (pared back compared to what Nvidia had earlier demoed), more pretty butterflies when jumping around (seriously?) and terrain deformation in a later level of the game (again, drastically pared back compared to what Nvidia had earlier demoed). Everything else is the engine's own doing.
Interesting note: physically simulated clothing and hair for Alice are not part of hardware PhysX content, and are not affected by PhysX settings (moreover, it is not even using PhysX engine for simulation).
Made by CptCreosote on Reddit.
Why did he only include Xbone?
By the way, is The Amazon Spooder-Man worth it for 17 bucks?
Why did he only include Xbone?
Made by CptCreosote on Reddit.
By the way, is The Amazon Spooder-Man worth it for 17 bucks?
$17, no. Buy it from a trader instead.
By the way, is The Amazon Spooder-Man worth it for 17 bucks?
Made by CptCreosote on Reddit.
I've never bought anything from any trader, how do I get started?
You can buy it from a trader for less than half that price. Last time I checked they were selling it for 2,5-3 keys
the last thing I'd like to see here is some potential system wars bs