
So I saw this game for sale in the steam sale, looked at the video preview of it on the steam page, and I liked what I saw, especially at that price. It looked like a symphony of the night type side scroller with RPG elements and that's exactly what I was in the mood to play.
And man, I'm SO glad I bought this game. Been playing it every damn day, since I bought it when ever I get home from work.
The game is hard, like NES hard and the game punishes you for not thinking or taking your time and having poor reflexes.
I like this level of challenging because it's not like the cheap challenge. It's a type of challenge that's like......aaww man, i shouldn't have jumped, WHY DID I JUMP!?
Everything in this game can be over come with the starting level character, if you got the skills. The controls are tight and I feel like i have precise control over my character and their actions. The moment to moment gameplay is just straight up fun. I get a kick out of over coming a hard challenge and winning without even taking a hit.

But that's not what makes the game so addictive, making me want to come back to it every chance I get.
It's the RPG mechanics and the great use of many features that has me coming back.
You get loot, runes, gold, skills and level up to get stronger and change your combat style. I just keep playing trying to get that next str+ upgrade or something.

I like how the game handles death. So if you die, your child will take your place, and each child is different, each having their own stengths and weaknesses and their own traits as well as their own class.

it keeps the game unique with a different character everytime you die. And not only that, but everytime you die, the ENTIRE playing level changes as its procedurally generated. So your playing a whole new experience every single time. You have the option to play the same level you died on, but at the cost of resources though.
I can go on and on about more of the things I like about this game, but I don't want this to get too long.
The game is just addicting if your into these types of games. Soundtrack is great too.
I love this game man. It's so damn awesome. Don't let this one sit in your backlog of never played games, get on this game. Get yourself a controller with a superior D pad and your good to go.