Well OP, you obviously could stop it long enough to create a well fleshed out thread to promote this game. Can't be that addictive if you ask me.
i bought it during the Steam Sale i played for a bit...i got frustrated because i never had enough cash to buy upgrades and armor so i quit.
The general idea behind the game is great, but it's just too damn repetitive and grindy. I hate the fact that I have access to bosses but have no chance of beating them without spending hours grinding cash for new abilities/runes/equipment. Yes, I know you can probably beat the whole thing with a lvl 1 character, but the bosses all have a ridiculous amounts of health.
I also wish the classes were more varied. Just give me different basic attacks or something to tell them apart, now they all feel the same.
Yup. Waiting for the Vita port. Spelunky was GODLY on the Vita.Cannot wait for this to hit Vita and PS4. It's gonna be dangerous being able to play this anytime/anywhere...![]()
I've specifically held off on the enticing PC sales of it just to wait on the Vita release. I'm getting impatient.Cannot wait for this to hit Vita and PS4. It's gonna be dangerous being able to play this anytime/anywhere...![]()
I stopped playing it in anticipation of the Vita version and there has been no info on it in a very long time.
I thought I read during E3 that it was coming around August 29.Past month they announced (on twitter) that the release date for PS platforms would be announced in July. I'm guessing they'll make a post on the PS Blog or something. So we wait a tad more.
Man, I absolutely loved Rogue Legacy. One of my favourite games last year for sure. Played over 20 hours of it just after launch but I still haven't touched it since they updated it with changes to the bosses and things like that. Really need to go back.
I've never played spelunky, dont even know what it is. But i hear the games design was influenced by spelunky, they even have a advance class called spelunker. So im guessing its a mining game???
This. Double dippin so hard.Cannot wait for this to hit Vita and PS4. It's gonna be dangerous being able to play this anytime/anywhere...![]()
It was playable at E3 and looked/felt great!
Beat the game only once, i wish there were different music composer (first level music was so annoying)..
OP once you beat it (And try to beat the Neo bosses, they're a lot of fun but so frustrating) and you feel like you want more games like that, I recommend you play A Wizard's Lizard.
It's basically the same premise (procedurally-generated dungeons, rewards to be used after dying, etc.) but it plays top down like Binding of Isaac.
Cannot wait for this to hit Vita and PS4. It's gonna be dangerous being able to play this anytime/anywhere...![]()
Me too.Cannot wait for this to hit Vita...
I disagree 100% with your "poor design" statement. I will not go into why I think that, but just know that it's player CHOICE if they want to engage or not. Rewards should not be the only incentive.
If your only playing just to get rewards, well I see your playing the game for the wrong reasons then. If your not enjoying the moment to moment gameplay of over coming the challenge of defeating the enemies, then I can see this game is clearly not for you.
I believe the rewards should be secondary to the fun of the gameplay.
This game does that very well.
I HATE the Hedgehogs curse. man, I lost close to 5k because of that shit.[/IMG]