STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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all I have to say about Broforce is:

it's a good game, and it's hella fun


the most engaging/fun thing about it is STILL the unlocking system and to keep going till you see who's next

so they better stack up on bros cause once you have em all the game loses quite a chunk of it's appeal


Pretty much.

They're continually adding new levels and characters I think. Part of the reason why I won't pay $10 for it.
Get it for $4.50 from Dunder then bro it up with some of your bros.

I've had a blast with it so far, though online play can be buggy at times.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
morning. I was completely wrecked last night and just was out as soon as I laid in bed, what happened with the giveaway? I saw some PMs about modbot glitched and had premature winners, but then saw other PMs saying stump said it wasnt a glitch and the winners were correct... so which is it, what happened? :/


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
all I have to say about Broforce is:

it's a good game, and it's hella fun


the most engaging/fun thing about it is STILL the unlocking system and to keep going till you see who's next

so they better stack up on bros cause once you have em all the game loses quite a chunk of it's appeal

Broforce needs more Jason Statham (Transporterbro?)
and Jason Momoa


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
who won divinity last night, anyone knows? I dont have a receipt for it, the giveaway doesnt show, but I dont have it in my inventory

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller

Finished Kabus 22, which was greenlit on Steam recently and will release for $5 later this year. Anyone want detailed impressions?
who won divinity last night, anyone knows? I dont have a receipt for it, the giveaway doesnt show, but I dont have it in my inventory

Divinity: Original Sin -- MB-75843327821B8C25 - Taken by Leg-End. 160 entrants total.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor -- MB-3B3C3B3011F9F267 - Taken by ANuclearError. 173 entrants total.
Dead Rising 3 -- MB-65FC92C0FC07DC64 - Taken by wilflare. 156 entrants total.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt -- MB-AAD4F7D22B3D2F0A - Taken by masterkajo. 161 entrants total.


I played some Broforce after picking it up last night, and I played a bit this morning as well. All told I've put 2 hours into the game, but I seemed to have reached the end(?) of the campaign, as there is nowhere else for me to LIBERATE!

I'm guessing it's just an "Early Access all of the levels aren't done yet" kind of thing, huh?

Hasn't the game been EA for a long time?

Would have thought they have more than 2 hours gameplay.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I believe it went by the second giveaway's rules but the first giveaway's timer.

GA Begin Claims: Selected wilflare to win game 65FC92C0FC07DC64	17:59:28.433000	1404511168.43
GA: Claim Process: Reading posters from thread 847028	17:59:28.433000	1404511168.43
GA: Claim Process: Reading posters from thread 844556	17:59:30.373000	1404511170.37
GA: Claim Process: Poster nominally meets no-lurker requirements: wilflare -- 132	17:59:35.539000	1404511175.54
[b]GA: Claim Process: wilflare meets giver requirements. Has 7 giveaways during eligible period.	17:59:56.883000	1404511196.88[/b]
GA: Claim Process Throttle: Poster has won 4 times in last week.	17:59:56.917000	1404511196.92
GA: Claim Process Throttle: Use 900	17:59:56.920000	1404511196.92
GA: Claim Process Throttle: Poster must not have a win since 1404510296	17:59:56.923000	1404511196.92
GA: Apparent last win is 1404301180 so OK	17:59:56.956000	1404511196.96
GA: Claims Process: I am going to give Dead Rising 3 to wilflare. Added to PM Queue.	17:59:57.088000	1404511197.09

Based on that line from the log, it was the second giveaway's rules.

I believe I've figured out why the timer thing happened.

Yes, that is the cause. ModBot check eligibility (including the global throttle) when it selects you to win, not when you enter. So if you ever enter an expired raffle, win instantly, and there's more than one previous entry, those other people were ineligible.

ok going by this, all tht happened was it ended prematurely correct? no "multiple winners" situation, and it still used the new rule that didnt exclude bundle fodder winners. Thats all I care about, the timer is a shame but meh, as soon as stump implements 1 hour raffles thats all ill use anyway

So it had proper winners just sooner than expected


the panic I got in some PMs indicated some other sort of catastrophe, glad it was just like a 30min difference or whatever between raffles

thanks pheonix, wasnt showing for me


gave away the keys to the kingdom.

ModBot said:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Aeon Command -- MB-572A807CBA957200 - Taken by bobnowhere


I'll be happy to buy Broforce when it's actually released. I want to play it in all its glory, not while it's still getting there.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I'll be happy to buy Broforce when it's actually released. I want to play it in all its glory, not while it's still getting there.

The base price won't be changing so you'd hardly be doing yourself a disservice by buying it now.


I have an idea for a big giveaway with tasks and whatnot. Think it would be pretty neat.

Would anyone be interested in giving away some games? We could work together in setting it up.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I have an idea for a big giveaway with tasks and whatnot. Think it would be pretty neat.

Would anyone be interested in giving away some games? We could work together in setting it up.

Enco does what Valve doesn't. :p


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I have an idea for a big giveaway with tasks and whatnot. Think it would be pretty neat.

Would anyone be interested in giving away some games? We could work together in setting it up.

nope, hate those, have fun tho o/


oh... I missed Stump's post. weird to see my name constantly appear in code... lol.

hmm is my
i5 4570
280X 32GB (is it a rebranded 7850 or 7950?)
gonna suffice?
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