STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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Retail copies of Prey began drying up last year. Presumably whatever contract Sold-Out Software had to distribute the game expired.
Not here though, my local video game site is selling it for 13 dollars plus shipping, and it's never out of stock. I can find more in retail stores with cheaper prices.


Shadows of Mordor is based off of a lost Tolkien manuscript
Fans reacting too fast is always great to see. :D

But joke aside, I am always warry about this lost something stuff. I mean, how many tracks of 2pac and MJ were found years after they died. I mean: did they record tracks and then hide them in some underground dungeons, protected by slimes?

You know what you must do...
Haha. Paca of Mordor Contest!


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Can't you manually save?

Indeed you can, but not during missions. Quite a few people encountered issues with the game not saving progress, however I assumed this was fixed as I had no such trouble.

Not here though, my local video game site is selling it for 13 dollars plus shipping, and it's never out of stock. I can find more in retail stores with cheaper prices.

Ah, nice.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
how much did you bought that for bud?

Mordor is more expensive than the rest for some reason, it was 14 keys. Its why I havent bought it for myself yet (its still good compared to the US/Euro price, but not amazing like witcher 3 for example)
I can't sing Broforce's praises enough. So many possible bros. Broquila (Hard Boiled), Djangbro (either 1966 Django or Django Unchained), Transbroter (Statham from transporter), Bro Lee, Bro Fei Hung (wong fei hung played by any number of actors), Dudebro (Dudebro II), Etc.

What's Universal Soldier's special do though? I see the concentric rings it makes, sort of like Neo's, but I'm not sure how to use it.

Co-op is buggy, but still good.


Finished Kabus 22, which was greenlit on Steam recently and will release for $5 later this year. Anyone want detailed impressions?

Looks like that nightmare sequence from MGS3.


Unconfirmed Member
Fans reacting too fast is always great to see. :D

But joke aside, I am always warry about this lost something stuff. I mean, how many tracks of 2pac and MJ were found years after they died. I mean: did they record tracks and then hide them in some underground dungeons, protected by slimes?Haha. Paca of Mordor Contest!

What is released officially by musicians during their life is a small selection of their work. The others are held for various reasons like the album becoming too bloated, the songs not matching the general theme, or the songs not being ready i.e. the lyrics need work, they need better backup artists/lyrics or the beat is not good enough.


Mordor is more expensive than the rest for some reason, it was 14 keys. Its why I havent bought it for myself yet (its still good compared to the US/Euro price, but not amazing like witcher 3 for example)

yeah its why i'm also holding off on it. seeing Witcher 3 being less expensive than Mordor. yet Mordor has the better chance of being a crappier game is perplexing to me. maybe it's that CD Projeck Red Russian discount.

Alrighty, I'm off to bed. If anyone wants to play some CS:GO tomorrow I'll be around @ 1:00 pacific.

that's too specific man. I don't think I can match that time.


What is released officially by musicians during their life is a small selection of their work. The others are held for various reasons like the album becoming too bloated, the songs not matching the general theme, or the songs not being ready i.e. the lyrics need work, they need better backup artists/lyrics or the beat is not good enough.
Yeah, but with 2pac its weird, he is dead some time now and they still keep finding new songs. Could be media spin to make it sound more interesting, but thats just what I hear. Or heard, I stopped using radio at some point.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I think I have to declare this Divinity Saturday. just fucking veg out and just play / learn divinity all day. I really liked the hour or so I played on release, but it was so overwhelming that it put me off a bit, ill just play it and then ask in the OT anything I dont know or when I get stuck.

Sounds like a plan, and it starts....not now, because I need to walk the dogs and do some shopping. Damn it, this plan is already in jeopardy :(


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
yeah its why i'm also holding off on it. seeing Witcher 3 being less expensive than Mordor. yet Mordor has the better chance of being a crappier game is perplexing to me. maybe it's that CD Projeck Red Russian discount.

I'm surprised that Scamco agreed to the lower price. It's around 30% less than the original.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller

Kabus 22 is a 2006 Turkish survival-horror game that takes heavy inspiration from Resident Evil, Silent Hill, The Suffering, and Devil May Cry. It features the sort of things you'd expect from a game of the genre; fixed camera angles, tank controls, item collecting, back-tracking... But manages to mostly balance out it's elements with a real understanding of what made old-school horror games enjoyable... for the most part.

Kabus 22 follows three different characters through the course of its game, or as I like to call them, the 'Not-Resident-Evil-Force'. We have such memorable characters like 'Not-Ada'

And 'Not-Chris';

And 'Not-Leon';

the story is about a cult rising to power, as members of the cult start experiencing miracles of wealth, love, power... And soon want to overthrow the world government and abolish laws to live freely. And then a nightmare begins. The game features broken English (being of Turkish origin), and one of the worst English dubs I've heard in a long time. But it is hilarious most of the time.

Just listen to this beautiful 'Acting'. And if you can believe it, that's actually one of the better voiced scenes in the game.

Gameplay wise there's not much to describe, it plays basically how you'd expect it to play (outside of a weird decision where the character needs to take a full step forward when you just tap forward before you come to a stop). You move around like a tank, there's monsters, you either avoid them or shoot them down, limited supplies, you collect items and find where items go, and solve puzzles, all while surviving.

The monsters are fairly unique for the most part for a title like this though, and there's a good number of them that get introduced all the way through to the end of the game to prevent them from becoming too familiar or samey. Through the 6-8 hours it takes you to complete the game, there's about 14 different monsters you encounter, and many are quite unique for the genre. The first couple stand-out, the basic 'zombie' monster in this game actually teleports around, and the second monster you encounter it this small shadowy thing that makes a ringing noise, and when you run into it, it causes the screen to get all staticy and for your character to start shaking violently like somebody out of Jacob's Ladder. However, some of the later monsters presented to be pains in different areas.

There's limited supplies, but really they give you more than enough ammunition, yet very sparse healing items (at least on hard difficulty). Some enemies take a shit ton to take down though, and combating enemies usually comes down to knowing what weapons work best on what enemies, and when is the right time to run, or pause and reload (to not sit through the animation). Combat sometimes suffered from weird camera angles.

The puzzles were fun, but were rather easy for anyone with experience for the genre. They come at sporadic points and were entertaining and original enough, at least.

There's also a pretty well executed element I must mention of when switching between characters. In a move I thought was pretty cool, enemies you defeated with one character would be defeated for another character if you went to the same area afterward (or still be there if you didn't kill), and the health, items, and ammo you had with the character stuck when you started playing as them again later in the story instead of resetting what you had, like most horror games in the vein does. You retain all your damage and items from when you were last playing them.


However, to all of the above there's an exception... In the last third of the game, you take control in two different sections a character who plays like Dante from Devil May Cry, and suddenly the game gets a lot more action-focused and involved on combos and magic casting and the like than the classic survival-horror origin. These sections are brief, and only occur twice in the game, but were surprisingly fun and nice change of pace, despite being a bit out of left field.

Graphics are very dated for 2006, but for the type of small niche indie game it is (the game was made by 5 people in three years), it has a classic sort of horror look and feel which fits perfectly wit late 90s horror games.

Audio, voice acting aside, is pretty okay. There's a few free sounds used, but they also use sound design effectively to startle and fit the mood, and the music is pretty good. Some stand-out tracks, and appropriately unnerving/off-kilter songs in places.

This game startled scared me more than I ever expected it too. I wouldn't label it as a 'scary' game, but it did get me good with a number of its startle scares, or how enemy music doesn't play usually until RIGHT when the enemy is on your screen.

The game however catches a spirit that many B-Tier horror games of the 90s and early 2000s even missed, though. And that's the factor of intrigue, build-up, and interesting details and ideas. The game is definitely a B-Tier horror game, don't go in expecting Resident Evil or Silent Hill grade material... But there are moments where the game shines very strongly and brings all sorts of odd feelings together. From the unknown, from the strange. It has new things around the corner, and doesn't suffer from repetition or too much drudgery, instead introducing new things, enemies, locations, ideas, all the way through to the end.


However, the game wears its inspirations on its sleeves. The enemies have a very 'The Suffering' look to them, and there's a few scares and scenes that pull a lot from The Suffering as well. At its core its a Resident Evil clone, and a number of scenarios and moments, while not directly from a Resident Evil game, feel very much like it could of been in an entry of the series. The first two main locations are also designed very much like a RE game (a ruined city in an Apocalypse and a tall tower on an island).

Then there's certain segments that feel like Devil May Cry or Silent Hill. The two segments in the last third of the game are totally dialing Devil May Cry... Silent Hill is mainly at the beginning and end of the game. The beginning of the game very much reminds of the beginning of Silent Hill, especially when you go through a narrow corridor with an almost top-down view with blood, darkness, metal frences... And without spoiling too much, the final area of the game channels Silent Hill so hard, both visually and how you tackle it. It is very similar to the final level of Silent Hill 1 and 3.

And while most of the game is rather varied and well-paced, and I'd even say enjoyable outside of the occasional annoying segment (at least on hard difficulty), the final boss is complete bullshit (after trying over 30 times to beat it, I just said fuck it and used a trainer, at least on hard difficulty), and the ending, without exaggerating is one of the worst endings I've ever seen to grace a video game. I would literally put it in a list of top 10 worst endings I've ever experienced, and googling and looking into it ti seems that's the only ending.

But I did enjoy it. I'd put it as a better B-Tier horror game, one that does have understanding of its genre, obviously loves it, and knows how to keep up the pace, scares, and change things up... Even if it sometimes pulls maybe a bit too deliberately from sources while not fully ripping off.

Still, a solid indie B-effort, probably the best classic-styled indie survival-horror game I've played (especially with such a small team), and I do believe completely worth the $5 it'll be charging for when it hits Steam later this year.


I think I have to declare this Divinity Saturday. just fucking veg out and just play / learn divinity all day. I really liked the hour or so I played on release, but it was so overwhelming that it put me off a bit, ill just play it and then ask in the OT anything I dont know or when I get stuck.

I tried playing co-op with Junko earlier. It was on normal and we died so often. the game is really unforgiving. and it doesn't help that its a bit hard to know what you're suppose to do next if you dont pay attention carefully.

I'm surprised that Scamco agreed to the lower price. It's around 30% less than the original.

Scamco = Namco.

took me a whole 5 minutes to realized that Namco was publishing the game.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, but with 2pac its weird, he is dead some time now and they still keep finding new songs. Could be media spin to make it sound more interesting, but thats just what I hear. Or heard, I stopped using radio at some point.

It creates more excitement when they are "discovered" instead of an announcement that they have a hundred or so incomplete tracks on file and are combing through them to see what can be salvaged with editing or guest appearances to mask the issues.

To bring it back to Tolkien, I don't think anyone has ever released a catalogue of his old papers to the public. So his estate probably holds a decent portion of unpublished work and various revisions of his more famous stories.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Scamco = Namco.

took me a whole 5 minutes to realized that Namco was publishing the game.

Well, I assume CDPR is at least co-publishing the game on Steam as it does the preceding two titles, however Scamco is distributing the game in PAL Land (excluding Poland, which CDPR itself is handling) and also splitting the game's $25m marketing budget with WB, so any price changes on European DD stores need to be okayed with Scamco so as to not rock the boat.


why is it that when you look for custom icons you find stuff like this



like what do people actually do with them

are there really people out there that do this just for "general library purposes" or something cause jesus christ

the only thing I find funnier is the notepad file these are probably attached to


Not sure if this is the right thread but there was a game that came out a while ago (month or two). Looked similar to Cave Story ( I thought it was even from the dev of CS but I'm wrong). It was a side scroller action-platformer and I believe you played a green lizard looking thing. He had a lot of different weapon power ups. Anyone know what it was? The artstyle was not great but it looked alright.

EdiT** Kero Blaster. And it's developed by Studio Pixel and Wikipedia is out of date. And it's not on steam.


After all these years of survival horror, I don't envy the people who have to try to come with something new. But I do expect them to try.

Also, everyone whould know that Rhaknar is awesome. Saw my Walking Dead post and just offered me the 400 days DLC out of the blue.



also stuff like this


do people just attach a random file to their steam account so they can just look at a custom banner for a game they havent bought yet cause it's not available for purchase?

do they!?!?!?


After all these years of survival horror, I don't envy the people who have to try to come with something new. But I do expect them to try.

Also, everyone whould know that Rhaknar is awesome. Saw my Walking Dead post and just offered me the 400 days DLC out of the blue.


son of a gun he is.


Unconfirmed Member
why is it that when you look for custom icons you find stuff like this



like what do people actually do with them

are there really people out there that do this just for "general library purposes" or something cause jesus christ

the only thing I find funnier is the notepad file these are probably attached to

You could use them as banners for something. Some people like to make them for fun, I guess.


also stuff like this


do people just attach a random file to their steam account so they can just look at a custom banner for a game they havent bought yet cause it's not available for purchase?

do they!?!?!?

Kind of reminds me of doodling on your notebook in high school.


also stuff like this


do people just attach a random file to their steam account so they can just look at a custom banner for a game they havent bought yet cause it's not available for purchase?

do they!?!?!?

Also is not like the official icon is much different:


this is from the wishlist, the store page one has a background, but still...


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
also stuff like this


do people just attach a random file to their steam account so they can just look at a custom banner for a game they havent bought yet cause it's not available for purchase?

do they!?!?!?

Grid View images for upcoming games are probably just insurance against the possibility of the official ones being either non-existent or crappy.


Unconfirmed Member
also stuff like this


do people just attach a random file to their steam account so they can just look at a custom banner for a game they havent bought yet cause it's not available for purchase?

do they!?!?!?

I would do it if the image would carry over to my wishlist. Shadows of Mordor still shows up without an image.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I would do it if the image would carry over to my wishlist. Shadows of Mordor still shows up without an image.

More amusing still is that the game doesn't even have a name, haha. I assume this is simply because the app is still private.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I should play Oranges, I could go for some Batman


that arkham city GOTY edition one day just showing up on my library out of nowhere without erasing the old one is just a shit move
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