Can someone explain why there are so many complaints about ADS? I don't. Fucking. Get it.
I played for a good 2-3 hours without using ADS except for snipers and rifles. Playing this way didn't affect my gameplay at all and was actually refreshing as it felt very similar to the original Halos. Accuracy diminished with range for different types of weapons appropriately and at that point, scoped weapons required ADS, just like in Halo (think of the BR or DMR).
If ADS is such a deal-breaker for so many people, don't use it. Simple as that.
ADS slows you down considerably, unlike in Halo.
It's actually not difficult to stand still, ADS with much better accuracy than non ADS, and get a kill real quick.
ADS does seem disadvantageous in most situations, which is a good thing.
Non-ADS is fairly viable in CQC, but it still feels like you can get a better/accurate kill by ADSing in those situations. It's a tradeoff between losing your mobility and getting that accurate kill. Keep in mind ADS also removes the radar
I'm still experimenting with ADS/Hipfire. From what I gather, I may be less accurate when ADSing, but if I'm hipfiring, I have the added freedom to move around/strafe.
I think, and hope, more players will rely on hipfire for closer encounters, which should ensure a better flow (and one that is less like COD).
The closest "COD" experience here is that you can stand perfectly still, expect someone to turn a corner, have your ADS ready, and nail a guy in 2 seconds with accurate shots. I'm not so sure how I feel about that, but if I'm not mistaken, radar seems to point out all players, regardless of what they are doing.
I'd rather ADS not be so reliant, just because the rest of the game has you running, jumping high, floating, and all that becomes finicky when you ADS and shoot at the same time.
But, for the record, I think the balance now is fine. I'm much more concerned about snipers/shotguns/pulse rifles acting as secondaries, because they seem very deadly and everyone always has enough ammo for those guns. I'd rather weapons like snipers be more special, rather than constantly used on the battlefield.