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Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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I pre-ordered the game digitally on PSN during the Alpha. Now that the Guardian Edition is available I want to upgrade to that instead. PSN won't let me upgrade to the Guardian Edition because "You already own Destiny".


Any way around this? I can't find out where to cancel my pre-order.
Settings->PSN->Wallet->Recent Transactions I believe
I thought it was a real cock tease to show the moon story mission 6 that you can't even access.

This was my exact reaction:



I'm having some issues downloading the beta on PS4.

Hoping someone can help!

I got my 3 codes via email and entered the code in through the PSN website last night. Later I went down to my PS4 to try and download it. The destiny beta shows up in my "Library" but when I click on it there isn't an option to download and it hasn't started automatically. When I highlight it and press 'options' button nothing happens.

Anyone know what the issue is and how to resolve it?

Ah, I see we have the same issue. That makes me feel slightly better. Hopefully someone can help.

Yep. That's what I did.

STEP 1: Click here and log in: https://account.sonyentertainmentne...account/giftcard/redeem-gift-card-flow.action

STEP 2: Enter Code. You'll promptly see this:


STEP 3: Go to PSN Store via PS4. If it says "Maintenance", keep on pressing PS button until it lets you through.

STEP 4: Go to "Downloads List". If it says "Maintenance", keep on pressing PS button until it lets you through.

STEP 5: Select "Destiny Beta". If it says "Maintenance", keep on pressing PS button until it lets you through.

STEP 6: Click on "Download". If you see a blank page like this (https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net...33_1459271957674830_8554032848906394303_o.jpg) then don't panic. Keep on trying until it lets you. If it says "Maintenance", keep on pressing PS button until it lets you through.

STEP 7: Repeat STEP 3 to STEP 6 until it lets you download it.

STEP 8: Once the game downloads. Run it and it'll download the 10GB update.

You got the problem in the step 6 ?
Played through it on PS3 as a Titan, just some scattered thoughts and nitpicks:

Game is a lot better in the technical department than I thought it would be, the game performs more solidly than Halo Reach from what I can tell. The only blemish that really stands out are the incredibly blocky dynamic shadows in interior environments, it's odd that shadows actually look better outdoors and in generally larger scale areas, but I'm sure there's a reason for that that I'm glossing over.

Hairstyles are terrible, at least on the human female side. Apparently before my character died prior to the events of the beta they went to a hair salon, I imagine having distracting supermodel hair covering eyesight was a contributing factor to dying in the first place. It's ridiculous that you can have huge poofy pigtails but an option for a simple ponytail was out of the question.

Beta hasn't done well in dissuading my impressions from the previews of the game being Bungie's take on Borderlands. Better at handling the details for sure, but the basic concepts leave me feeling like the general combat is doomed to being shallow. There's no sandbox to speak of, you're just left to your loadout; enemies haven't really shown me that they're doing much of anything than shifting from side to side and shooting; cranking up the difficulty just felt like a numbers game of more damage towards me less damage towards the enemy. I just didn't really take much out of the encounters other than they were a means to see life bars whittle down, see numbers pop, and get gear to better your numbers.

They nail the presentation of combat though; explosions are satisfying, weapons feel weighty, it's got that Bungie flair that I love -- but I just get to an end of a mission with a large boss enemy and infinitely spawning trash coming in waves, and I'm doing nothing the entire time except taking potshots at him while he just shifts left and right and shoots back. There's just nothing really happening.

And the entirety of the Tower just feels like a waste of time, I feel like I'd just prefer a straight menu over the lengthy loading into an area just to walk around for vendors and seeing ugly player faces.

I can't say that I'm disappointed really, the writing was on the wall from everything leading up to this, but I just wanted to see it for myself. I haven't tried the competitive multiplayer just yet but I'm not sure it'll do much to jazz me either. This isn't a condemnation of the game really, I'm sure it'll be fun to party up with friends and do the whole number grind deal, but I'm just not seeing anything here to make it special like Bungie games usually are to me.


I like thee PVE/Coop part, but the 30 seconds crap needs to go. This game needs to be WAY more seamless.

The PVP feels like COD to me, you die way quickly.

I'd also like to see modes where your gear means nothing and there are pickups on the map in a death match style mode.



I pre-ordered the game digitally on PSN during the Alpha. Now that the Guardian Edition is available I want to upgrade to that instead. PSN won't let me upgrade to the Guardian Edition because "You already own Destiny".


Any way around this? I can't find out where to cancel my pre-order.

Are you on EU or US? EU lets you cancel pre orders because they charge right before the game is released, while US charges immediately. If in US I think you may have to call customer service.

Just started, wheres PVP at or am I not far enough yet?

You have to get to level 5 and I believe there's a quest to unlock it then. Don't worry levels go fast.
They really need to do something about the vehicles on that moon map. Having them all at the beginning seems silly to me especially when everyone can already use their sparrows anyway for transport.

They should get rid of vehicles altogether and just add a third type of ammo for your sparrow strewn around the maps like heavy/special crates or something.


I disagree.. the ADS, the sprinting, and the lack of intelligent AI, it doesn't feel much like Halo to me

The AI does kind of suck.

But I am on the its Halo Evolved on next gen fence. Also, reminds me of Borderlands.

I call it Halolands.

Game is alright. Nothing mind blowing except maybe the visuals. Gameplay is same as Halo. Level/Missions are Borderlands. It tries to be an MMO and fails. I don't get the same feeling when playing this as I did when I played WoW the first time. The open world just seems barren when it comes to enemies and players are few and far between. I know it's a Beta so maybe on release these things will be improved.
If I join a fireteam that's literally standing right in front of me, the game shouldn't need to kick me out to orbit...
I believe the reason this is done is because you aren't in the fireteam's "game", even if you are in the same "area". Kicking you to orbit puts you in the same "game"



I pre-ordered the game digitally on PSN during the Alpha. Now that the Guardian Edition is available I want to upgrade to that instead. PSN won't let me upgrade to the Guardian Edition because "You already own Destiny".


Any way around this? I can't find out where to cancel my pre-order.
Log into the SEN website and find the pre-order, which gives you the option to cancel. Refresh the page and you'll be able to pre-order.

Worked for me less than an hour ago.
Can someone explain why there are so many complaints about ADS? I don't. Fucking. Get it.

I played for a good 2-3 hours without using ADS except for snipers and rifles. Playing this way didn't affect my gameplay at all and was actually refreshing as it felt very similar to the original Halos. Accuracy diminished with range for different types of weapons appropriately and at that point, scoped weapons required ADS, just like in Halo (think of the BR or DMR).

If ADS is such a deal-breaker for so many people, don't use it. Simple as that.

ADS slows you down considerably, unlike in Halo.
It's actually not difficult to stand still, ADS with much better accuracy than non ADS, and get a kill real quick.
ADS does seem disadvantageous in most situations, which is a good thing.

Non-ADS is fairly viable in CQC, but it still feels like you can get a better/accurate kill by ADSing in those situations. It's a tradeoff between losing your mobility and getting that accurate kill. Keep in mind ADS also removes the radar

I'm still experimenting with ADS/Hipfire. From what I gather, I may be less accurate when ADSing, but if I'm hipfiring, I have the added freedom to move around/strafe.

I think, and hope, more players will rely on hipfire for closer encounters, which should ensure a better flow (and one that is less like COD).

The closest "COD" experience here is that you can stand perfectly still, expect someone to turn a corner, have your ADS ready, and nail a guy in 2 seconds with accurate shots. I'm not so sure how I feel about that, but if I'm not mistaken, radar seems to point out all players, regardless of what they are doing.

I'd rather ADS not be so reliant, just because the rest of the game has you running, jumping high, floating, and all that becomes finicky when you ADS and shoot at the same time.

But, for the record, I think the balance now is fine. I'm much more concerned about snipers/shotguns/pulse rifles acting as secondaries, because they seem very deadly and everyone always has enough ammo for those guns. I'd rather weapons like snipers be more special, rather than constantly used on the battlefield.


Do we know if each planet will be comprised of multiple "zones?" O mean, Old Russia can't be the only map for Earth... right?

I'm worried there won't be enough content in the full game to suffice, considering the level cap is so low and you reach it fairly quickly.


In PVP, whichever class has the AOE smash special is super cheap.

It requires no thought, and has a wide range.

At least with the Hunter special you actually have to aim.


formerly Oynox Slider

I feel that I've seen most of what the Beta has to offer (at least until Bungie drip-feed some more content) and my insomniaciacal brain-dump is as follows:

1. The Beta sucks when you're on your own. It's probably a result of you being penned into a small demo area but the game only came alive for me when playing with friends (thanks Dax and EverydayMath - I had tremendous fun and hope we can do it again at some point).

2. I'm slightly disappointed that the Beta is largely a retread of the Alpha. That's probably my fault for sinking too many hours into the Alpha, though.

3. I can see loot grinding and equipment tweaking being hugely addictive. Seeing the "upgrade available" pop up is like the first cigarette in the morning. I miss smoking.

4. The tower glitch is depressing. Why am I the only guardian, Bungie? I'm not interested in talking to Banshee-44. He always says the same things over and over again.

5. I hope the final tower is a little bit bigger and is a bit more than just a hub for shops and item management. It would be great if they added more quirky things like the fan and the football to the final game.

6. I miss "that wizard came from the moon". I have faith that it's gonna be in there somewhere.

And finally...7. The snippets of cutscenes really got me interested in the plot. I hope that there are ways to delve into the lore without having to consult the grimoire - the art, design and overall "aesthetic" (eugh) are probably my favourite things about it.

Overall, I'm quite chuffed with it but I can't see myself sinking too much more time into it until more content is added. I'm not shaking my fist at Bungie though - I have only myself to blame for playing the Alpha too much and for being dreadful at FPS PvP. Every time somebody jumps out on me I freeze in place and get headshotted. I'm good at games, honest!


because it makes maps like moon a pain in the ass since it's literally a race to get to the heavy vehicles
PVP in this game is horrible. Hard to believe they could make something more unbalanced and random than REACH.
I don't mind the randomish part of it but yea balance wise this shit will probably be a mess at launch once the level cap is off and everyone has all the crazy shit

At least there is Story mode I guess
In PVP, whichever class has the AOE smash special is super cheap.

It requires no thought, and has a wide range.

At least with the Hunter special you actually have to aim.

It requires thought
Fist Of Havoc can go HORRIBLY wrong
You also can die while doing it


Console Market Analyst
In PVP, whichever class has the AOE smash special is super cheap.

It requires no thought, and has a wide range.

At least with the Hunter special you actually have to aim.

The tradeoff is a slower character without much agility. Can't jump for shit as a Titan.
I believe the reason this is done is because you aren't in the fireteam's "game", even if you are in the same "area". Kicking you to orbit puts you in the same "game"

Yeah I get the "why," but it seems like there has to be a more seamless way to get this done. It just looks a bit silly and takes you out of the feel of the game.


Something strange just happened. I went to the tower and suddenly the bonus slots on every piece of equipment I have opened up. I'm not going to complain, saved me a lot of time haha.
They basically have a ghost that is 5x as powerful as it, and has a rechargeable shield. The only way to take it down is if you have a heavy weapon in your inventory.

And then they put human controller turrets all around the map. It's a joke.
I'm actually impressed at how little I care about the story and the world.

I sure hope I missed like 2 extra hours of exposition because it's beta so far because the gist of the story progression just got under way and so far it's just:

-you wake up
-you get the thing to get to the city
-you get another thing to go to other places
-you kill a big dude
-you go to the leader and he says you must stop the darkness
-now you must stop the darkness with little in terms of motivation outside of " I want to level and get loot"

This is exactly how I feel. The setup for the game doesn't feel epic in any way, does little to make me invested, and feels disjointed. Needs more context, character development, and reasons for why things are happening around you.

Couldn't agree more:


Yikes. I couldn't agree less. Amazing to me how much opinions can vary.
The more I play this the more worried I get, to be honest. The early story beats are clumsy, and I really hope they reign in the "The ____" stuff as it progresses. The exploration is a lot of fun, but it seems to only yield enemies that one shot you (I imagine that's because this is a beta though, with content locked off) and dead ghosts to pick up. The boss fights are giant bullet sponge trudges because every class is essentially a DPS and there's nothing to do except pour bullets into the boss and fight the adds. The PVP is a messy free-for-all that doesn't really cater to any of the class's strengths.

The class divide is what disappoints me the most, to be honest. I know we're only seeing then through level 8 currently, but there is so little distinguishing them right now.
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