After playing Destiny finally, all I can say is ouch. Bungie really just fucked Microsoft. I feel like they just stole Halo back. I really don't see myself picking Halo 5 by 343 over Destiny. Destiny is more like Halo than Halo is now.
Also, by the way, not to start a war but how the fuck did people who played both this and Titanfall anoint Titanfall the king of new gen shooters? It seems pretty clear with the available feature sets of both games being exposed now which one is clearly superior in terms of legs.
You realize that it's a multiplatform game right? Not really sure how they fucked Microsoft by releasing on Xbox as well.
Knee jerk reactions like yours aren't taken seriously by anyone who actually stops and thinks about these things.
This game is not like Halo when Halo was the king. Halo 2 and Halo 3 were the most influential games in that series. That's when Bungie was king. Those games didn't have powers or abilities or half the things you see in Destiny. When armor abilities and all those extra things started making their way into Halo, it started dying. Reach wasn't liked by anyone.
Destiny isn't doing anything new or interesting in terms of multiplayer shooters. No doubt it seems fun from the small amount we have seen, but what exactly it so revolutionary about it? Powers? Kill streak super moves? Vehicles? Turrets? Game modes?
You bring up Titanfall and it made me laugh. Titanfall on the other hand does do something completely different. No other shooter currently available offers anything like it in terms of player movement and agility. It's unlike anything else. It also manages to mix two completely different shooting experiences into one game. The mechs and the humans work perfectly together.
Titanfall has an incredibly high skill ceiling if you're willing to give it the time it needs. Learning routes and mastering wall running and traversal add a new dimension to the gameplay that other shooters just don't have.
Titanfall's biggest weakness was the complete package. The "single player" was a joke and it's campaign and story are atrocious. They take away from the core experience. Destiny looks like it will have a good if not great story with a meaningful story experience.
I'll hold off judgment until the full game is released, but after playing the alpha and the beta, there is nothing in this PVP experience that would make me play it over Titanfall. It's just not different enough.