Fighting Games Weekly | Aug 4-10 | IT DOES NOT FOLLOW ANY REASON

PC component sponsorships = more $$$

I thought this might have been the main reason but did Valle actually give one? I'm looking forward to the PC version being used though. Can't wait to see the game at 1080p with pristine picture quality every Wednesday. Always hated going back to console after playing it on PC with near max settings.


hey juicebox, thanks for the yatagarasu vids. definitely raised my interest in the game and I'm looking forward to giving it a shot when it hits steam.
PS3 sticks altogether or just PS3 sticks connected directly? Cause if WNF is 360 by default for SF4 then 100% of PS3 players can't use their sticks on that either without a converter.

I believe it's PS3 sticks connected directly. Convertors probably work.

It's to do with the USB protocols that the Madcatz sticks use, I believe.


Serious question, can someone explain One Frame Link to me? I watched their promo video and still have no idea what they really do.

Just noticed they sponsor a lot of tournaments and for some reason One Frame Link sounds so sexy to me?


Ok so i've just started playing Third Strike for the first time. I tried Arcade Mode and couldn't get past Chun Li. On 3 STARS OF DIFFICULTY! I'm so pathetically bad its unreal.


Ok so i've just started playing Third Strike for the first time. I tried Arcade Mode and couldn't get past Chun Li. On 3 STARS OF DIFFICULTY! I'm so pathetically bad its unreal.

Welcome to our world!

You'll have to spend a good amount of time in training mode to get past the "pathetically bad" phase to become just "bad", like most of us. Learn some combos, learn the best tools your character have, what each button does, that stuff. It's not an easy path, but if you love fighting games (and 3rd strike in your case), it's worth it


Welcome to our world!

You'll have to spend a good amount of time in training mode to get past the "pathetically bad" phase to become just "bad", like most of us. Learn some combos, learn the best tools your character have, what each button does, that stuff. It's not an easy path, but if you love fighting games (and 3rd strike in your case), it's worth it

It's quite a jump from SFIV, MK and Soul Calibur which i'm more used to (which i'm also terrible at). It plays so much different. I just hate Chun Li. And I don't know which is my character yet.

For street fighter in general i've never managed to land a proper combo. Its weird.


Now people are going to have to make sure their sticks are PC compatible too.

Not a complete hassle, but still, another minor complication.

If your stick is 360 or PS3 compatible, it's 99% likely PC compatible. Not a big deal, especially if those games use proper input configuration.

Hey guys,

Thanks for tuning in our sneak peek of Season 3/4 events!

We're trying out some new things for the fighting game scene such as USF4 and Yatagarasu on PC.

Also in case you're wondering, the PC's are sponsored by Alienware so Super Arcade kickstarter funds were not used for this venture at all.

A full blogpost will be up tomorrow!

Would you ever consider KOFXIII or Skullgirls on PC?

I'm looking forward to giving Yata a shot when it's finished. The old version seems kinda rough though.


I thought this might have been the main reason but did Valle actually give one? I'm looking forward to the PC version being used though. Can't wait to see the game at 1080p with pristine picture quality every Wednesday. Always hated going back to console after playing it on PC with near max settings.

Alienware donated the PCs so that may have some kind of sponsorship deal attached.
Ok so i've just started playing Third Strike for the first time. I tried Arcade Mode and couldn't get past Chun Li. On 3 STARS OF DIFFICULTY! I'm so pathetically bad its unreal.

I wouldn't sweat it too much. AI isn't indicative of playing against a real human. It's so awkward, lol.

Mr. X

Ok so i've just started playing Third Strike for the first time. I tried Arcade Mode and couldn't get past Chun Li. On 3 STARS OF DIFFICULTY! I'm so pathetically bad its unreal.

3SOE difficulty setting is broken (unless that patch actually came out)

Mr. X


No it's not. My PS3 SSF4 R2 TE stick from Madcatz absolutely does not work on my PC but works flawlessly on my laptop. It is a hardware issue, not compatible with Nvidia or AMD chipsets, fine with VIA and Intel. An easy fix is to get a USB expansion that supports VIA for your PC if it doesn't work.

The 360 sticks works fine on PC because it uses 360 drivers.


Anyone think Evo would ever go PC for some of that e-sports scrilla?

I don't think it'll happen in a million years.

I think consoles are less likely to run into issues related to driver updates and the usual small problems that every PC gamer is accustom to. On the flip side I've seen plenty of consoles crashes and patching issues at tournaments as well.
I think consoles are less likely to run into issues related to driver updates and the usual small problems that every PC gamer is accustom to. On the flip side I've seen plenty of consoles crashes and patching issues at tournaments as well.
These things would be less common with hardware standardization which comes with hardware manufacturer CPM. Do DOTA / LoL / SC tourneys ever run into driver problems?


Neo Member
These things would be less common with hardware standardization which comes with hardware manufacturer CPM. Do DOTA / LoL / SC tourneys ever run into driver problems?

That's a different story. for this it's more of a controller issue. Folks with a 360 stick should be fine, but once we get into folks with more exotic setups like ps2 controllers, or even the random MAS stick. we're heading into different waters. I don't have any experience using converters on pc, but I'd bet a dollar amount higher than 5, but less than 10 that there would be issues with at least one out there.

Nyoro SF

Most popular converters work on PC just fine. That shouldn't be an issue unless you use a real voodoo setup. I've seen some weird shit at tournaments (shoutouts to 645's brick) but I'd be shocked if it didn't work on a PC

The most common PS2 to USB adapter out there uses a native input driver for game controllers that has no issues.

Anyone think Evo would ever go PC for some of that e-sports scrilla?

I don't think it'll happen in a million years.

As much as I would love for it to happen, there is just way too much that could go wrong with the sheer volume of sticks and potential problems that could arise with them.
Anyone think Evo would ever go PC for some of that e-sports scrilla?

I don't think it'll happen in a million years.

Evo likely wouldn't be the trendsetter. The community will have already actively backed it and established the benefits for it. When Evo switches to PC, it'll be a surprise to no one.

I could see it happening in three or four years.


The problems with sticks on PC would come from old madcatz sticks. Most PS3 sticks made within the last 3 years work perfectly on PC
Twitch archives are going RIP in 3 weeks.

Get your favorite moments off of twitch asap I guess.

There goes my ability to watch WNF, NLBC, TRB, MAX's Stream, San Diego's Marvel stream.

GG Twitch. I might not be able to talk about fighting games with you guys anymore.
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