Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12


wish I'd been watching the giant bomb 'we talk over the sony briefing' - I imagine quite a few of those games will have piqued their interest.

Nope they were actually pretty negative about most everything. Even when they praised something it was very forced and subdued.


could never
No Planetside 2
No Everyone's Gone to Rapture
No The Last Guardian
No Gravity Rush 2
No Gran Turismo
No Sony Bend
ZERO Vita games

WTF did I just watch? I am selling my PS3, Vita and PS4 right now


I enjoyed the show anyway lol


No Planetside 2
No Everyone's Gone to Rapture
No The Last Guardian
No Gravity Rush 2
No Gran Turismo
No Sony Bend
ZERO Vita games

WTF did I just watch? I am selling my PS3, Vita and PS4 right now

Think about all the games they just showed. Now add on all those games in your list. That's a pretty good list right?




Tearaway PS4

Until Dawn


Housemarquee's new game looked SICK AS FUCK

Amazing show. Amazing conference. Amazing. Even the Order's new trailer was fantastic.

Too many games to process all at once.


Absolutely fantastic conference. Sad to see so many people upset cause lack of AAA. There were so many new games and ips.


Was that the shortest press conference Sony's ever done?

- Sony Bend? Santa Monica? Japan Studio? Those still exist....right?

Obviously, which means there's still A LOT more good unannounced stuff to look forward to, in addition to all the games already announced.


What an amazing conference for PS4 owners. So much new game announcements, share coach sounds too good to be true, only sad point is PS Vita absence. Crazy,
Damn. Cutout while they were talking about the update and the game sharing stuff. Really curious about that. Also missed the DayZ stuff, just skipped to later in the conference.

I was super surprised though. Didn't think they would be showing so much stuff. Wild looks awesome and I want to know more. Also the new game from Ninja Theory looks cool (hoping for some sort of gameplay) but fuck yes nordic themed!!

Surprised no Batman...was hoping to see some of the upgraded combat. And GTA V, I figured they wouldn't show anything. We got lucky with E3. Anyone know if they even have a booth at Gamescom this year?
WTF did I just watch?

No previously announced games
Only mostly new games

I love the fascination of "oh, they must show these old games they already showed at E3 earlier this year/last year!"

If Sony wanted to, they could've easily added an extra 30 minutes, doing full gameplay demos of Bloodborne, Rapture, PS2, etc. But they didn't.

But the fact that they didn't, didn't stop those games from existing.


Nope they were actually pretty negative about most everything. Even when they praised something it was very forced and subdued.

oh :(

did they want more sports and shootbang? Maybe the line up would have more suited Vinnie/Alex/Patrick?


The Tomorrow Children and Wild look interesting, I'll see how they pan out. Until Dawn looks pretty good aswell but again, nothing earth shattering. Definitely happy about the DayZ announcement, that was the highlight for me.
I missed the conference but was there any mention of PlanetSide2? What the hell is going on with that game.

Yeah, that is another outstanding PS4 MIA title. I was praying for a 2014 release, but it seems like as if that is out the window. I don't understand why the port is taking so damn long!
You should be disappointed that the public doesnt want one, not that Sony has given up on throwing money at a dead platform.

Oh I'm disappointed about that too it's just that Sony didn't even try to do something, look at how Nintendo is handling the Wiiu, exclusive left and right. I don't even want half of that just a exclusive per event, but even that seems to much to ask.


I just realized how many studios have not yet shown their main project. Many of the Sony announcements this year have been collabs, not studio titles.

GG,MM,SSM,SCEJ,Bend and PD, all have yet to show what they are working on.


I just realized: It is so, so easy to abuse those press-conference-threads to become Member. Why did I not think of it before?
The irrational hate of indie games is one of the most inane things I've seen in awhile.
Yeah, it's baffling. I think maybe what some people can't wrap their heads around is the non-retail nature of the games, in that if it couldn't get a retail release it's somehow deficient. But in fact many of these games would have been retail releases in past generations, as they are full-features and lengthy experiences. It's just that there is no need to take that risk anymore with DD being so prevalent. This allows for a wider variety of these A/AA games to come out without worrying about the retail market and all that entails.


Are the people who are saying the Xbox showing was better serious?

My sister fell asleep half way through Microsoft's conference.
The Tomorrow Children, Volume, Rime, Wild & Bloodborne made the show for me. Best Gamescom conference that I've seen in years.

I'm more excited for Rime than I ever was for The Last Guardian.
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