Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12

''it's shame midtier games are dying and going only to mobile... Only same looking AAA titles =/''
*Sony shows bunch of great looking midtier games
''Where are my AAA games?''


At TLG Funeral Party:



Sorry Sony, but that conference was terrible. Couple good games, but MS wins this round. Nothing with Vita? Come on...

I love my Vita too, but this is an insane statement.

Vita is still a great place to play. But it's dead, accept it and continue to enjoy it for what it is.


It was an all round solid conference from Sony. Nothing major, but it was varied and did the job. Microsoft did have more game footage rolling though, but they didn't blow me away either.

I'll Call it a draw both sides and leave it there.
My god, it's impressive how many indie games they can fit into one conference. Blech.

what, these games may not be the triple A games like Uncharted or Assassin Creed, but they're much bigger than the usual 2d indie games we've seen before. this is basically the mid tier game we've been missing since last gen. I love this show, it is amazing, so many interesting games that's not just a shooter.
Meh. No terrible spots like the Powers and Shawn Layden segments from E3, but nothing new that was too exciting for me. If I didn't already own a PS4, this would have done nothing to convince me I needed to get one. I won't be excited about share play until I see it and see that there are good uses for it for reals. Can't imagine that that feature will be available for a good long while. Missed the Bloodborne trailer since I joined the conference a few minutes late, but I suspect that'll be more exciting to me than the rest of the conference combined. Off to watch that now.
Someone mentioned that HellBlade was a timed exclusive? Where did they get that from?

It seemed like a full exclusive. Especially since it seems to be set in the HS universe and Sony owns that IP.

I didn't watch the stream, so did I miss something? Did they allude to the fact it was only timed exclusive?


Despite the guy on stage reiterating that Sony has not gotten complacent, they most definitely have. What a horrible show.
No Planetside 2
No Everyone's Gone to Rapture
No The Last Guardian
No Gravity Rush 2
No Gran Turismo
No Sony Bend
ZERO Vita games

WTF did I just watch? I am selling my PS3, Vita and PS4 right now


I seriously cannot believe the negative comments. So many new games, almost all 3D, yet we STILL get the "ugh more indies". WHAT IS IT ABOUT INDIES YOU DON'T LIKE? Indies can come in any form, as has been shown today with a wide variety of genres. Exactly what kinds of games are you wanting?

I love my Vita too, but this is an insane statement.

Vita is still a great place to play. But it's dead, accept it and continue to enjoy it for what it is.

Exactly right. I didn't at ALL expect any Vita announcements.


Someone mentioned that HellBlade was a timed exclusive? Where did they get that from?

It seemed like a full exclusive. Especially since it seems to be set in the HS universe and Sony owns that IP.

I didn't watch the stream, so did I miss something? Did they allude to the fact it was only timed exclusive?

Sony said it themselves during the show
Someone mentioned that HellBlade was a timed exclusive? Where did they get that from?

It seemed like a full exclusive. Especially since it seems to be set in the HS universe and Sony owns that IP.

I didn't watch the stream, so did I miss something? Did they allude to the fact it was only timed exclusive?

It's a new IP, independent game from Ninja Theory.

Also, Jim Ryan called it 'first on Playstation', the only ones he cited as full exclusives were Rime, Tomorrow Children, Wild and AlieNation.


wish I'd been watching the giant bomb 'we talk over the sony briefing' - I imagine quite a few of those games will have piqued their interest.
Good conference overall, but a few missteps were still made.

- There was no need to devote any time to Destiny. Everyone who's watching this conference already knows about the game and many have played the beta.

- Too much time was spent on Driveclub. I just don't see that game doing well commercially. I feel the same way about several other games.

- Ubisoft is probably embarrassed that their 10-key share program was promptly upstaged by the Share with non-owners feature in firmware 2.0. It wasn't a secret that the PS4 Share feature was on Sony's roadmap. What the hell was Ubisoft thinking? Idiots.

I'd give the conference a B+ overall.

None of the games shown at the conference compelled me to want to buy them day 1 (aside from those that I was already sold on, such as Bloodborne). However, the Ethan Carter game looked interesting and the new Rime footage looked really awesome and far better than the initial reveal last year. Both of those games are now on my radar.


Gold Member
Decent but no great:

- Lots of games which is allways nice

- Same stuff that looked good at E3 still looks good (Bloodborne, Far Cry, Driveclub, shadow of mordor, etc)

- I would have wanted some more exclusives. I like indie games and downlodable stuff but I still want my share of big AAA games and they are still lacking.

- Wild looks great as a concept, I hope we got more info soon

- That horror game looks as bland as it did when it was for Move

-Not a fan of media molecule but Teraway looks nice on Ps4. Though If we are talking about vita games comming to ps4 I'd have preffered gravity rush.

- Sony Bend? Santa Monica? Japan Studio? Those still exist....right?
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