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Polytron Hacked?

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Sooo, saw this last night but now I wake up to find out the possibility it was faked? I thought that mightve been a possibility given he's such a huge Andy Kaufman fan and all pf Fish seems Kaufmanesque but if that's not the case then I feel bad for the guy.


I don't understand the thinking that he did this himself. I can't see any real benefit, if it's all fake docs etc that's a lotta effort that will eventually be proven to be fake. If it's real, I seriously can't see why he would do that. It makes no sense to me


Doesn't kiddy porn or what amounts to kiddy porn get posted to 4chan. How is this site not banned from being spoken about?

4chan isn't THAT anonymous. People get busted by the police by thinking they can post kiddy porn on it. They did an AMA about it a bit over a year back how all the details of people that do get sent to the FBI.


The general level of journalists rallying with the developers against the passionate consumer is strange and concerning. Who's serving who here?


Let's not forget this has all stemmed from one insignificant indie dev who slept with a few people and had a blog post written about it. All of this, because someone had the audacity to sleep with a colleague.

I can't wrap my head around this type of stupidity.
We don't know that for certain. Look at the volume of data that was stolen. Does it honestly seem feasible that someone managed to hack into and gather all this stuff over a matter of a few days? I'm just a guy on the internet but it seems to me that this type of hack would have taken more time to pull off. You have to break into an account, find out what you have access to, install keyloggers or whatever to gain more credentials over time, slowly take over other accounts to gather more data and then download it all and pack it for the doxxing. Only then would you actually reveal the hack and make it all public. At that point you can claim it was due to whatever "justification" you'd like, that doesn't necessarily make it so.


The general level of journalists rallying with the developers against the passionate consumer is strange and concerning. Who's serving who here?

They're not "defending against the passionate consumer," they're condemning the distressingly large number of immature reactionaries in the community.


There's a reason why 4chan is sometimes referred to as the cesspit of the internet. You can post completely anonymously and you can post anything you want. When people say that you shouldn't take 4chan seriously, its because the anonymous nature of the forum encourages trolling, contrarian stances, people posting content that they shouldn't, etc etc. But let's look at Phil Fish: he is a public figure who won a few gaming developer awards, released a pretty successful game, and is generally a known game developer. Having an actual public figure engage with the public as if they were posting on Something Awful's FYAD is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Let me say that Phil Fish doesn't deserve any of this but he's pissed off a lot of people and its very clear how and why. If you want an example of how not to engage with people on Twitter, he's probably the best example.

Agreed. Hence why no one is above a ass kicking. More metaphoric. Tho I could care less about him for all the reasons you gave. 4chan is run by the lunatics shall we say or those that just enjoy playing in the mud. But you have a public figure acting like he can swing around mud but at same time have some sort of anti mud shield around him.. geez phil what happened to your common sense?
Why? What has he said or done that makes you think that? He has said some dumb shit on Twitter, talked about Japanese gaming etc. But that's fucking it, isn't it? And because of that a "teensy part" of you are willing to believe that he'd put himself through this for attention or something? Get a grip and think about what you're saying here man, it's just your dislike of the man that's colouring everything else.

I don't dislike him. I have no reason to dislike him. And while I don't think it's probable he did this himself for attention, I do think it's possible.


This sucks for Phil, sure he is outspoken but the hate he gets is ridiculous. Is it just related to them or is it all info from their customers as well. I've purchased stuff from them awhile ago before the game was released to support them.
For anybody reading this at normal speed, the Fine Young Capitalists are by no means non-aggressors in this whole mess and if you were around when their competition kicked off years ago (!), you would remember their whole bullshit. Ignore them.


The general level of journalists rallying with the developers against the passionate consumer is strange and concerning. Who's serving who here?

If you're actually talking about this hacking case, It's not really an issue of businesses vs consumers in this case. Phil Fish might be the least likable person in the whole industry but it's not an act of a 'consumer' to take criminal action against him. It's an act of a criminal. Likewise, the airing of Quinn laundry had nothing to do with consumers. Even if she slept around with Pope and Cliffy B at the same time, it was just malicious gossip fueled by paranoia.




I've never heard of this guy before, but he made FEZ? I just downloaded the game off of Playstation Plus, but if he actually said things like "kill yourself", I'm going to delete it tonight.
I've never heard of this guy before, but he made FEZ? I just downloaded the game off of Playstation Plus, but if he actually said things like "kill yourself", I'm going to delete it tonight.

Probably every dev said something like "kill yourself". But not everyone in public so why should you delete a game because somebody said a bad word?


I don't understand how someone so successful can be so angry all the time over internet comments. I have no beef with the guy, nor have I ever insulted him or his work, but really, he needs to just chill the fuck out, the guy is wired with rage.

Phil, if you read this, take a holiday or something man. Chill with your friends or family, take a time out. You are feeding the rage that feeds the trolls, it is inescapable if you don't break it.
I've never heard of this guy before, but he made FEZ? I just downloaded the game off of Playstation Plus, but if he actually said things like "kill yourself", I'm going to delete it tonight.

I heard Van Gogh was an asshole too, better skip that section next time you're at the MET.


We don't know that for certain. Look at the volume of data that was stolen. Does it honestly seem feasible that someone managed to hack into and gather all this stuff over a matter of a few days?

It would be pretty easy if there was a master password file in a lastpass or somesuch that was compromised.

Password managers are great as long as you have rock solid security around the password manager. If you don't it's a big target that fucks everything if it's compromised.


I've never heard of this guy before, but he made FEZ? I just downloaded the game off of Playstation Plus, but if he actually said things like "kill yourself", I'm going to delete it tonight.

The guy (Marcus Beer) called him a wanker and fucking asshole before.
Fish's answer is a direct quote from Futurama.


No, it has originated from a pissed off ex who tried to wash dirty laundry in a place it shouldn't have been washed in the first place..

It stems more from WHOM it was. And what those people was pushing through that median. It gets people thinking that their is some agenda at work being shoved down their throats And I wouldn't put them past it, but at least marvel is straight up about it. But censoring people who have a different view, and or not posting VILE stuff about you, that is wrong. whole site taking down? comments being deleted? WTH?


The general level of journalists rallying with the developers against the passionate consumer is strange and concerning. Who's serving who here?
"The passionate consumer" you are talking about just broke into a guy's private info and leaked it because he said some nasty things on twitter.

As a passionate consumer, I find it offensive to be lumped in with their ilk.
You know, I love video games. And I love discussing video games. But it feels really bad when the last few days have more or less showed the absolute worst of the culture around them...maybe it's time to take a break from the Internet for a while.

Thankfully NeoGAF is mostly devoid of that kind of thing because of its moderation.

As for Phil Fish, he's only popular because people love to hate him. Just because he says dumb things on his Twitter doesn't mean he deserves to be the victim of some crazy Internet mob.
It stems more from WHOM it was. And what those people was pushing through that median. It gets people thinking that their is some agenda at work being shoved down their throats And I wouldn't put them past it, but at least marvel is straight up about it. But censoring people who have a different view, and or not posting VILE stuff about you, that is wrong. whole site taking down? comments being deleted? WTH?

If you don't like it you can scurry back to shitheaps like 4chan where vilifying someone because they have a vagina is considered to be quality discourse.


I just saw someone say that they have no doubt that Phil staged this whole thing and that "Neogaf and anyone who follows the gaming media is blind to it all". Is this really something people still think?? Jesus.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
I've never heard of this guy before, but he made FEZ? I just downloaded the game off of Playstation Plus, but if he actually said things like "kill yourself", I'm going to delete it tonight.

If a developer makes a funny remark while quoting Futurama you delete their game?


I just saw someone say that they have no doubt that Phil staged this whole thing and that "Neogaf and anyone who follows the gaming media is blind to it all". Is this really something people still think?? Jesus.

There is a subreddit where banned Gaffers call everyone liberal faggots because they got banned for their wisdom

So yeah people think like this and they are pretty pathetic
I agree. It is not about whether or not he deserved it, but saying that Phil didn't have a part in this isn't the truth. His own actions lead people to take this course of action, which I am not condoning in any shape or form.

I want people in his public position to be able to speak their mind as they see fit. It's refreshing to see a developer not restricted by a PR department. That said, he's not half as aggressive as the internet mob that he occasionally snaps back against. Those attacking him for being himself and not communicating through a filter are the same people that hate NDAs and canned responses crafted by PR departments and marketing plans. If it's generally accepted that all public figures, especially those surrounding "geek culture," have to tip toe around the internet, in fear of this kind of response, then the whole thing is broken.
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