STEAM | September 2014 - Nice thread. Btw, Bayonetta 2 is out next month.

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So...uh...I might have bought 15 codes.

Then I checked my email.


It's going to be glorious.

Mind if I nab one kind stranger?
I placed an order for ten bronze codes. If it goes through I'll be giving some away here. Got the gold code and chose Alien Isolation, sniper 3 and star citizen.


Most of the time, I hate the fact that I can't sleep, but I just got a game that I really wanted for a damn buck....

This is exactly what happened to me. I was about to go to sleep, couldn't, so I checked Gaf and saw this. Thank you, anxiety, and thank you for posting, Mozendo.


How did it happen?

Did he not use steam guard?

He did, I'm not really sure how the guy managed to log in. I'm guessing that my brother fell for a phishing site, but I don't know much beyond that. I'll look to see if he downloaded anything suspicious tomorrow, he's not internet smart yet.
Awww, I always miss the awesome stuff by sleeping :( Getting Alien and Star Citizen for 60p is one hell of a deal. well played to those that got in.


Anyone get a spare code? I'll give a tf2 key for it.

Edit: hell I'll pay extra

1, 2 and 3 keys for bronze, silver and gold.
Anyone else having problems logging into the amd website?

Yep, and now it's showing some "incapsula" server. Imagine they're getting flooded.

Just hope AMD just do a "Show me the receipts" come Aliens launch :p

Wonder when they will give Star Citizen keys, I mean you can play it now.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I got two codes and redeemed one, but it's been on the final 'stay on this screen or else you'll have to start all over' screen for like, five minutes, afraid it's not going to go through and get demoted. XD;

I'm sure it's just being overloaded, but have to worry.
Looks like the AMD site got hammered. It has been 15 minutes and I'm still on step 6.
I tried creating a new tab / open in a new browser but they just won't connect.


This is what I get for playing AssCreed Black Flag instead of coming to SteamGAF, I would have got some real booty. Bronze is still alright, I guess.


I should have also mentioned to back up Steam.exe. Once you're done reinstalling Windows, throw the folders and exe into a Steam folder and then run the exe -- Steam will update and install, and once you sign in all of your games will be listed as they were before.

Edit: I'd also run GameSave Manager and back up the saves it finds, if you haven't already done so.
ok, thx breh


I got two codes and redeemed one, but it's been on the final 'stay on this screen or else you'll have to start all over' screen for like, five minutes, afraid it's not going to go through and get demoted. XD;

I'm sure it's just being overloaded, but have to worry.

Just stay on it for awhile, same thing with mine


Omg, it refuses to bill me, that´s what i get for being non us, amazon or anything else i try laely block me from buying. :/
Yep, and now it's showing some "incapsula" server. Imagine they're getting flooded.

Just hope AMD just do a "Show me the receipts" come Aliens launch :p

Wonder when they will give Star Citizen keys, I mean you can play it now.

The particular ship their giving isn't done yet. It's called the Mustang.
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