HWMonitor, Realtemp, Coretemp.
HWMonitor, Realtemp, Coretemp.
I am guessing a decrease of a few fps.
As for lower clock, it could be wear and tear. It could also be your old setup didn't push the card as much as your new CPU/MB setup, so maybe, the factory overclock was never 100% stable at the speed. I am seen that happen to a few people.
Yeah. Just saw it from a YouTube video. It's blue so USB3. Is there another cable for case front panel USB3 connection?
You should be able to do that in the Catalyst Control Center in the Overclocking section.
You can buy USB3 header adapter to connect on the MB inside, or if long enough, run the cable through the back of your case / MB and connect it to one of the USB3 on the outside.There is a USB3 connector on the control panel on top of the case which doesn't work, obviously because i have no idea how to connect that cable : / I didn't see an obvious way of connecting the two ;(
Think she's a true 256.
Hm, okay, so now I'm torn between these two ...
Crucial MX100 256GB
Read Average 278.56 MB/s
Read Sequential 440.79 MB/s
Write Average 229.67 MB/s
Write Sequential 306.26 MB/s
Samsung 840 EVO 250GB
Read Average 358.19 MB/s
Read Sequential 504.43 MB/s
Write Average 288.52 MB/s
Write Sequential 391.49 MB/s
On paper at least the the 840 EVO seems quite a bit faster all across. Not sure how well it translates into real world use, but the price difference is minimal - 85 for the Crucial, less than 100 for the Samsung - so I'mLiverpoolingleaning towards the Samsung. Yay?
I'd go for the cheaper Crucial. You'll not notice the speed differences in real life usage.
I'd go for the cheaper Crucial. You'll not notice the speed differences in real life usage.
This. Unless you have special needs for a super fast SSD, even a "slow" SSD is more than enough for gaming.
If prices are close, I would go with the Samsung. I notice, from posters, Crucial's SSD seems to have more issues.
You can buy USB3 header adapter to connect on the MB inside, or if long enough, run the cable through the back of your case / MB and connect it to one of the USB3 on the outside.
Think she's a true 256.
Budget? Solely office use like Web browsing, word, Excel etc?
In that video, that's what I suggest in 2nd part. If you want to internal (1st part), you a USB3 header adapter. Before buying, make sure your MB has a connector for the female head. I am surprise it didn't come with the case.Found this vid:
at around 19:20 he gives the solution.
Basically... you run that fucking cable through the back and plug it in a usb slot on the mobo. That activates the USB3.0 slot on the top of the case. That surely isn't standard??!
This is why I recommend Samsung SSD if the price is close to a Crucial. I can't remember the last time someone had a problem with a Samsung SSD.Anyone here had a 128gb Crucial M4 die on them? My boot drive did just that last week. One minute browsing the web fine, the next, not responding, black screen with a cursor and no way to do anything other than a hard reset. The bios couldn't detect it and as far as I can tell, it's dead...
Anyone here had a 128gb Crucial M4 die on them? My boot drive did just that last week. One minute browsing the web fine, the next, not responding, black screen with a cursor and no way to do anything other than a hard reset. The bios couldn't detect it and as far as I can tell, it's dead...
This is why I recommend Samsung SSD if the price is close to a Crucial. I can't remember the last time someone had a problem with a Samsung SSD.
Fuck that is scary, sorry to hear that.
$400 cdn,
Yeah just office use like word, excel, browsing, sometimes youtube/netflix videos.
Edit: or I could upgrade her current office pc, the inside is pretty clean but it is prety old, she bought it in 2006.
If prices are close, I would go with the Samsung. I notice, from posters, Crucial's SSD seems to have more issues.
Yeah, that's a good shout and have to agree. From what I've read I came to the same conclusion and have ordered a Samsung EVO.
I know, it's pretty worrying. Luckily it was a boot drive and had a Macrium Reflect back-up handy from May. I just wiped another drive I had with nothing particularly interesting on it and I was back up and running in like 20 minutes. However the machine didn't want to do anything for quite a while, turns out the dead HDD was still connected physically and was screwing with the system still... Really weird.
That is just. The worst.Anybody want to give the 411 on these specs remember I mainly just want to play 2k15 on 1080p/60fps and with mods in the game(do mods take up more processing power?)
CPU: AMD Athlon X4 760K
GPU: Sapphire Radeon R7 260X
RAM: G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB)
HARD DRIVE: WESTERN DIGITAL 500GB (easy up-gradable but 500gb is enough for a lot of stuff right now)
POWER SUPPLY: 430W Corsair CX430 (80+ bronze certified saves you power and is top of line)
CASE: Rosewill Galaxy-02
That is just. The worst.
We need more info... price? I don't think it'll run anything at the vaunted 1080p60
That is just. The worst.
We need more info... price? I don't think it'll run anything at the vaunted 1080p60
I wouldn't say "worst" It'd be around XboxOne level... so no... not 1080p/60... unless you turn all the settings down, then maybe a stuttery 1080p"60ish"
I mean I'm reading reviews of these parts and other people don't have any complaints
Anybody want to give the 411 on these specs remember I mainly just want to play 2k15 on 1080p/60fps and with mods in the game(do mods take up more processing power?)
CPU: AMD Athlon X4 760K
GPU: Sapphire Radeon R7 260X
RAM: G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB)
HARD DRIVE: WESTERN DIGITAL 500GB (easy up-gradable but 500gb is enough for a lot of stuff right now)
POWER SUPPLY: 430W Corsair CX430 (80+ bronze certified saves you power and is top of line)
CASE: Rosewill Galaxy-02
A used 290What's the best card for under 300$ right now? Not looking to play at anything higher then 1080p right now as my monitor doesn't support it.
We apologize for any inconvenience, but we are currently out of stock of suitable or comparable replacements for your unit(s). In this case we will need to provide you with a refund based on the market value of $68.00 Will you accept this refund?
How much? been looking at the bsthread for i3/5 and a used r9 2xxMy used 290 specifically
Ask for a GTX 760 or if they are being picky as for an OC model 750Ti. Both of those are comparable.
Note MSI IIRC is 2 years labor 3 years parts so it might be a $50 'labor' on top of your refund.
IDK if price is still current but $260 shipped for a reference card (Runs loud and hot) but benches at 1135/1500 OC'd. Know what you are getting into if you buy. Tolerable if you run at 40%-50% fan... sort of.How much? been looking at the bsthread for i3/5 and a used r9 2xx
Unplug and replug all power and data connectors. Hold power button when PC is off for 20 seconds.Sapphire 6870, i5-2500k, 2x4gb Hyper-X, Asrock H61M-S, display is connected via dvi-to-hdmi
Since three days ago I've started getting "display driver stopped working" etc., couldn't be dust because I cleaned the case six days ago, yet I still decide to turn the thing off, take gpu out and see if there's dust stuck in the heatsink choking it up (albeit temps were fine). Not really, so I put it back: fan spins, black screen, no boot. Take it off, hook monitor to onboard, it works no problem. Try again back with gpu, nothing. Have power supply checked for failing unit, nothing, test is alright. Hook three much older working cards, still black screen. Before someone asks: yes, the main adapter is set on pci-e even if I use onboard gfx.
Other than trying the main gpu somewhere else, which I haven't been able to find someone to try it out yet, are there other reset methods or trick I can use to see if my mobo is toast?
No, would have been if it happened a few weeks ago :\
Any suggestions for testing for solutions just so I can remain optimistic? The fact I've only changed my CPU/Mobo makes me feel like you're probably right though...
About to order this. Any last minute recommendations for a gaming pc
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: Intel Core i5-4690 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor (£157.00 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: ASRock H81M-HDS Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£36.95 @ CCL Computers)
Memory: Corsair XMS3 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1333 Memory (£65.76 @ Scan.co.uk)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£37.14 @ Aria PC)
Video Card: XFX Radeon R9 280 3GB Double Dissipation Video Card (£151.54 @ Scan.co.uk)
Case: Zalman Z3 Plus ATX Mid Tower Case (£31.56 @ Scan.co.uk)
Power Supply: EVGA 500W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply (£31.55 @ Aria PC)
Optical Drive: Samsung SH-224DB/BEBE DVD/CD Writer (£10.22 @ CCL Computers)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 (OEM) (64-bit) (£83.90 @ Amazon UK)
Monitor: Asus VE247H 23.6" Monitor (£125.88 @ Scan.co.uk)
Total: £731.50
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-09-02 09:23 BST+0100
Cooler master 212.
And you should be overclocking
I didn't consider that I could be forced to take out the mobo to mount it. :-(
That is SO uncool, I just don't have the expertise and time to disassemble and reasseble my PC.
My case is a CM 690 II Advanced and there's a small window in the back to access the rear of the mobo (AsRock P67 Extreme Sandy Bridge), but I'm afraid it's not enough (or could the mobo have been incorrectly mounted?) since I think one of the four holes to mount the rear pice of the CM 212 EVO is not visible...
You should have just about enough space. This is the back of my CM690 II. Not sure how one screw wouldn't be visible, it's a pretty big cut out
If you spent the extra on a z97 and a K processor you should definitely be messing with the bios or you just wasted money. Those are for overclocking.quick question: I shouldn't need to mess with BIOS on a Z97 board using a 4670K right? it's only the DC chips that don't always work straight away because the boards launched before Intel released the new chips?
oh, and good to see ya posting more, Haz.