Ah okay.
Log Horizon Season 2 slated for 25 Episodes: File this under what to watch for the next two seasons.
Log Horizon Season 2 slated for 25 Episodes: File this under what to watch for the next two seasons.
Log Horizon Season 2 slated for 25 Episodes: File this under what to watch for the next two seasons.
Log Horizon Season 2 slated for 25 Episodes: File this under what to watch for the next two seasons.
And Chiaka S2 is only getting 10 episodes. Boo!
Revolutionary Girl Utena 4
An interesting premise, but Nanami's antics kind of ruin the episode. I complained when Yamibo repeated jokes ad nauseam, and I didn't expect to echo those complaints with this series.
And Chiaka S2 is only getting 10 episodes. Boo!
Yeah I still need to get to that. Especially since Hito spoke so highly of it.
Record of Lodoss War 7
Manliest sword fight of all time.As well as the one with the most blatantly rigged results.
Really good episode. When a show realizes what it is, but still takes itself seriously, you can even accept obvious tropes like the guy talking about his family before the big battle.
Hmm none of that seems up my alley but I guess I might try something new and give Barakamon a shot, cheers for the recommendations
Also might pickup a netflix series, what's the opinion on:
Psycho Pass (2012)
Welcome to the NHK
GITS: Arise
D-Fragments 01
Ah, yes. The old problem that all clubs in anime has to deal with. Luckily there's a delinquent they can kidnap and force to make a club member! All while showing off their various attack types.
New PV for Cross Ange, the upcoming Sunrise show with CG mecha, dragons, and girls in really stupid pilot suits.
At least the Nana Mizuki OP sounds nice.
Fate/Zero - 6-7
I love how since Caster and his JYB-voiced Master (yes I'm watching the dub) are essentially breaking all the rules by doing whatever the hell they want. The overseer essentially has to get the other Servants and Masters to team up and get rid of them.(and by that I mean kidnapping and murdering innocent children, the assholes)
Makes for a nice unexpected turn, seeing how these people are supposed to be fighting against each-other and not working together. Although only Saber and Lancer have shown up, I expect Rider and Archer to join the fray fairly soon and kick some ass.
Which will be enough to adapt the remaining LN material at the anime's 2 volumes per episode pacing.
And Chiaka S2 is only getting 10 episodes. Boo!
Sword Art Online II - 10
The manga goes was overboard with the child torture stuff. Pretty horrible. At least they didnt adapt it quite faithfully. It would have been too disgusting to air.
Revolutionary Girl Utena 4
An interesting premise, but Nanami's antics kind of ruin the episode. I complained when Yamibo repeated jokes ad nauseam, and I didn't expect to echo those complaints with this series.
Another one joins the fold. Glad to hear you liked it!Log Horizon S1 - END
I finished this a while back, but I never got to write my review on it. After giving it some thought, I don't think there's any point to writing a big review. Reading Jexhius or Admiral Woofting's respective reviews will give you a much greater sense of what it's about. All in all, Log Horizon is fantastic show marred by a few flaws (Akatsuki is annoying). I highly recommend you watch this if you're even remotely interested in fantasy.
Next up: I'm gonna tackle to Bakemonogatari series
i like bayo but its no dmc1Are you shitting on Bayonetta? Because I will fight you.
I keep attempting to go back and watch the original Mobile Suit Gundam and I always end up dropping in after a couple of eps. I just can't seem to follow it, which is odd because I was able to track most of the other shows in the series (even the aliens bullshit in 00). It must either be the QUALITY animation that's distracting me from some of the finer details.
i like bayo but its no dmc1
still it's much better than revengeance tho
The coin ammo stuff is fucking awesome.Ghost in the Shell: SAC Ep. 14
So, like, this is an episode about a Chinese assassin (that uses coins as ammo for her gun) with a grudge against capitalism targeting a mysterious Japanese capitalist.A deep story scripted by series director Kenji Kamiyama.And it turns out the target died months prior surrounded only by his riches and soulless android maids. Unable to take his riches with him to the afterlife they will probably end up going to the Japanese government.
What's amazing is how her gun is able to fire them in a spread pattern. The power of symbolism.The coin ammo stuff is fucking awesome.
Ghost in the Shell: SAC Ep. 14
So, like, this is an episode about a Chinese assassin (that uses coins as ammo for her gun) with a grudge against capitalism targeting a mysterious Japanese capitalist.A deep story scripted by series director Kenji Kamiyama.And it turns out the target died months prior surrounded only by his riches and soulless android maids. Unable to take his riches with him to the afterlife they will probably end up going to the Japanese government.
I had missed the full title. *bow* Kamiyama *bow*My favorite episode title in all of anime.
You know I've been dissapointed in Tokyo Ghoul's manga adaption.
But seeing this scene animated has eased me and made me a bit happy. Though I'm still mad at Studio Pierrot.