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Summer 2014 Anime |OT3| where everyone watches doremi for hito

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Dood, you get drunk or what.... wut, bye'
talking about drunk why I suddenly remember about seaman, that dreamcast game.. random as fuck
Gurren Lagann 19

Not the best prospect.

I guess both Simon and Rossiu are trying to do what they think is best, and they might both also be a bit correct about what they say about eachother. Of course... What Rossiu does isn't good at all. And former enemies might make new allies soon?


Heads up: this show is very dry and kinda bad. Sword fights are nice.

I'm willing to endure quite a lot for a few minutes of good sword sakuga.

Also, it's loosely based a real person...and I better not see you hating on the talking skull!


It has a little girls voice.

It's name is Belle.

It's sporting a blond wig and a full blown noble attire.

I mean
Terraformars 01

Now that I've watched this I can give my proper opinion. The censorship was worse than I thought. When Hizamaru was fighting the bear I had to double check the manga pages just to see how he died. This might just end up being worse than Tokyo Ghoul's censorship because Terraformars is known to be particularly gory. I did like the main character introductions and must admit that Hizamaru does get me pumped up to kill some bugs (which is not a good thing, which I'll get to later). He's like an old-school Go Nagai protagonist that gets by with balls and hot-blood alone, great for this sort of pseudo schlock Starship Troopers storyline. The animation, the stuff that wasn't covered up at least, so far doesn't look too janky which is nice. Of course this being the first ep that is all subject to change. The anime skips a lot of the backstory of some of the characters while only giving a pittance to the other characters. I can already tell some storylines are gonna get chopped to bits. Now onto probably the biggest issue: This is Manifest Destiny the anime. That includes all the implications that Manifest Destiny brings to the table. I've read some of the manga so I already know how some things will play out, and I can already see myself cringing at them. While the movie Starship Troopers understood what the implication of a war to eradicate an entire species entailed and thus played it up for satire, Terraformars doesn't have such insight. I'll give it some more time but I'll have to fight myself to continue watching because of that censorship.
R̶e̶c̶e̶n̶t̶l̶y̶,̶ ̶M̶y̶ ̶S̶i̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶U̶n̶u̶s̶u̶a̶l̶ Le Chevalier D'Eon 01

So, the premise: France, during the reign of Louis XV, seemingly somewhere between 1746-1756. Our titular chevalier has his sister murdered in a mysterious circumstances. He joins the secret police with the aim of finding the culprits of that murder. Covert meet ups with King and Queen transpire, secret organisations abound, magic hijinks ensue.

This was a weird one. I feel they could have easily made out 2 or 3 episodes out of all that happened here. Multitude of events play out with really no time to breathe between them. Maybe they were just being considerate and wanted to get to that supernatural moment so no one tuning for the next episode could complain about where things went.

I like what they have done with the setting so far. I was expecting the Louis XV to come off as an indolent fatass so this was a surprise. The guy with the biggest balls among all the Bourbons finally shown in what seems to be a favourable light. I'm 99% sure this particular D'Orleans is supposed to be dead for a long time now though. Not sure yet how I feel about the supernatural. The talking skull and one-sans soul taking control of oni-chans body does seem to take things bit too far. Oh well I knew about the latter when going into it so we will see how this develops. What else to say hmmm pretty good production values and nice music. Older D'Eon as narrator and that title card makes me think they will end this on revolution.

Woah thanks for showing me this. Definitely going to watch. Whats animegaf's impression?


Woah thanks for showing me this. Definitely going to watch. Whats animegaf's impression?

I remember watching it when I was a teenager and somewhat disliking it. My memory's sorta hazy on this as I haven't seen in like a decade but I thought some of the supernatural elements were stupid, it was boring as fuck at times, and the animation could be sub-par.

I think it did have a good climax though.


Poet Centuriate
I'm willing to endure quite a lot for a few minutes of good sword sakuga.


It has a little girls voice.

It's name is Belle.

It's sporting a blond wig and a full blown noble attire.

I mean

Belle is best girl, don't be hatin'. I gotta watch out for my fellow skeleton kin.
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's

So that was OK by the end I guess.
I still don't quite understand quite what happened in this series.
I guess violence solves all problems?

Not unless you go with the option of talking with Nanoha when she offers that option. :p

It's time for some birthday wishes!

Happy Birthday hosannainexcelsis, icarus-daedalus and AmethystEnd.

Happy Birthday to all of you!

Gurren Lagann 18

Not the outcome anybody wanted.

The full story has come to light as well.

Oh, and these are the slow parts? Wut?

There are some people out there that really dislike the first half of the second arc (or even all of the second arc all together).

I can see why, given the
really positive tone the first half ended with only for the second half to have a lot more negativity.
But I'm one of the guys who likes it, mostly because of the revelations and great character developments.

i forgot about how awesome Simon becomes.

How could you possibly forget such a thing?!?


Saint Titanfall

I was actually thinking what could have been with the thrown out caster route idea for the original scenarios. Then I found out she was a loli and I was like nope. Do not want.

Current caster would be fine though. I'd imagine it'd be similar to UBW aside from Casters now buffing Shirou.


Haven't catch-up to recent info yet, so... does anyone know if the expected YURIKUMA ARASHI PV will be exclusive to Machi☆Asobi vol.13 or will it be uploaded shortly after the event?
There are plenty of shows where the main female character doesnt give a shit about men or isnt even exposed to their presence at all. My two favorite shows, Haibane Renmei and Kinos Journey feature strong female characters that either rely on other female characters for support or not at all. In Kinos case she wouldnt hesitate to blast a man out of existence if he threatens her. There are quite a few other examples of female characters who dont require a strong male presence. Most anime males are weakshit to begin with.!
That's true, I should have said that the only exceptions are shows with no significant male characters in them. That is right, in those shows it's usually not like that. And yeah, Haibane Renmei and Kino's Journey are two of my favorite animes too, of course (#s 2 and 3 on my list behind only Lain).

However, if the only way to have a truly strong female character in anime is to have a series with no important male characters, you have a problem. Such a thing would never apply to male characters, of course! You don't need shows with only men in order to have strong male characters, the male characters are strong almost all of the time.

Excuse me, but you are not espousing equality.
I am by any grounds other than backwards, anti-fairness "faux equality" measures such as opposing affirmative action. Sometimes you must treat people unequally in order to further the cause of equality. That's what affirmative action is about, and that's what this is about too.

Opposing this, just like opposing affirmative action, is saying that you want the problem to continue, and not get any better. That makes things worse. "Equality means that all people should be treated equally period, which means get rid of any measure to reduce inequality" is a trick that the right uses to try to stop any efforts to help women and minorities, since they only care about rich men, not anyone else. I'm not saying you agree with that worldview, but that's where this kind of thinking eventually leads.

To get to the point, the world is not an equal place, and domestic violence is not equally distributed either -- most of it is committed by men, and almost all of the most violent domestic crimes are committed by men, so naturally that is the bigger problem.

Equality would be viewing Kashima as a character first, and a woman second.
She is a female character. The two are not separate. Not in anime. Anime is sexist, and characters are virtually always stereotyped by gender -- and Nozaki-kun is very definitely not an exception! Ideally we could do as you say, but we can't.

In the terms of a slapstick comedy, she was fulfilling the role that her character was assigned. What you are trying to say is that women should never ever fill that role.
Not at all. I'm saying that they shouldn't when it's written as sexist trash, as it is in this series. Not in every single possible case anywhere. If someone said "you can hurt any man anytime but never a woman" it would of course be sexist, yes. But the sexism women face is far worse.

Yes, domestic violence is bad, as is all violence. I am not trying to argue against that. There is a reason, however, that children are taught to separate fiction from reality at a young age, and I feel that this is why you are being ridiculed for this argument. A woman being hit as punishment, just as a man being hit as punishment, is a heinous act, but I doubt anybody watching this show would try to emulate the violence on display, at least on a scale that exceeds playfulness. Anybody who would would be deemed maladjusted in our society.
I'm being "ridiculed"? Maybe in your mind... anyway though, I didn't say that people were going to emulate it! This is like the question of whether videogames cause violent acts or not, really. I don't think they do, but they definitely do reflect the feelings towards violence, or sexuality, in the society that created the game. That is, the way the "other" -- women, foreigners, gay people, what have you -- are treated in media does matter because it shows what values the society believes.

They surely also help to perpetuate that culture. Claiming that it has to cause actual violence, or actual sexist actions, is moving the goalposts; that doesn't usually happen, and isn't the problem. The real problems are the culture that created the idea that such things are okay, and the impact that perpetuating such negative stereotypes has.

Yeah she's the best character in there aside from all of the other characters.
Nah she's all right but she has boobs. =[
And that disappointed me very much.
You are about as wrong as is possible on all points here. :)

Still better than Shirou though. My hate for him has never burned so brightly before watching this show.
Really? Fate/Kaleid Shirou's mostly inoffensively useless. It's a nice change from the idiot sexist jerk of F/SN. He's still a terrible character, sure, but not as bad as he is in F/SN.

I mean, Rin is hot for Shirou in every incarnation of Fate/stay Night including every route and all the spin-off material.
I know, trying to think of an alternative to that stupidity is exactly one of the main reasons I think Rin/Lluvia would be great! Rin is a great character (one of my favorites in the franchise), and Shirou one of the most annoying ever. The terrible protagonist is of course F/SN's biggest weakness. He's much less prominent in Fate/Kaleid, thankfully, but I wish they'd gotten rid of the stupid "everyone loves Shirou" thing in this alternate universe too. Ah well. (Also of course, yuri is nice, and the F/SN universe could use some. I'm not counting the Fate/Kaleid's fake-yuribaiting (
mostly in 2wei here, probably
), they're too young for that to be real, and we know it isn't anyway.)


Saint Titanfall
I know, trying to think of an alternative to that stupidity is exactly one of the main reasons I think Rin/Lluvia would be great! Rin is a great character (one of my favorites in the franchise), and Shirou one of the most annoying ever. The terrible protagonist is of course F/SN's biggest weakness. He's much less prominent in Fate/Kaleid, thankfully, but I wish they'd gotten rid of the stupid "everyone loves Shirou" thing in this alternate universe too. Ah well. (Also of course, yuri is nice, and the F/SN universe could use some. I'm not counting the Fate/Kaleid's fake-yuribaiting (
mostly in 2wei here, probably
), they're too young for that to be real, and we know it isn't anyway.)
Seriiously you should at least properly read UBW and HF rather than base your entire analysis of the characters on the shitty DEEN adaptations. There is a reason why Rin likes Shirou and it's not simply because he's the MC.


Seriiously you should at least properly read UBW and HF rather than base your entire analysis of the characters on the shitty DEEN adaptations. There is a reason why Rin likes Shirou and it's not simply because he's the MC.

DEENime is a fine adaptation, just because the Fate route was actually that awful and even I didn't think much of Shirou until the basement scene. I'm sure though that the upcoming UBW adaptation will change the general impression people have of the guy.


Saint Titanfall
Dem high jumps.

Well that's pretty much the initial crush which is due to the fact he's the exact opposite of her, (similar to Shirou's own Crush) it's mostly due to the relation with Sakura personality types and significant character development and interaction that goes on.


Saint Titanfall
DEENime is a fine adaptation, just because the Fate route was actually that awful and even I didn't think much of Shirou until the basement scene. I'm sure though that the upcoming UBW adaptation will change the general impression people have of the guy.

It was still pretty awful considering it actually manage to miss the amount character explanation Fate route even had (which wasn't even that much). Though I was mostly referring to the UBW movie.


UBW was the perfect choice really. Whoever switched it from Fate made the right call all the way through. It's really Shirou's route moreso than the other two.
All this Fate/Stay Night talk has me wondering:

Was the actual Fate/Stay Night visual novel any good? I mean, I know it got a horrible adaptation by Studio DEEN and now ufotable's taking a shot at it.

But is the UBW route in the game a good enough story, since that's what this upcoming show is going to cover? I know it's insanely popular, but then again, SAO is also insanely popular, so I'm not sure what to expect.

Because after finishing the amazing Fate/Zero, this is quite concerning to me.

UBW was the perfect choice really. Whoever switched it from Fate made the right call all the way through. It's really Shirou's route moreso than the other two.

I really hope this is true. I'm really interested to see how Fate/Stay Night follows up after Fate/Zero.
I've never experienced F/SN and I feel like I've missed out on an important landmark in anime fandom. This will be a great opportunity for me.


The 2nd cour of UBW is going to be pure fucking gold. Action all the way through, badass fights and climaxes, and Gilgamesh getting that pissass smirk knocked off his face.

I'm so hyped for Spring.


All this Fate/Stay Night talk has me wondering:

Was the actual Fate/Stay Night visual novel any good?

I thought it was pretty bad. Lots of bloat, lots of overwrought exposition, badly written dialogue, terribly written and out of place sex scenes.

Some interesting ideas and concepts though.


Saint Titanfall
UBW was the perfect choice really. Whoever switched it from Fate made the right call all the way through. It's really Shirou's route moreso than the other two.

Yeah it's best starting route can't really have HF without it and it properly explains Shirou's messed up mind-set in that's he's pretty much the anti Kirei. and only has one emotion which is the beauty he felt in saving people, nothing else, no pride, no hatred no sense of self..


All this Fate/Stay Night talk has me wondering:

Was the actual Fate/Stay Night visual novel any good? I mean, I know it got a horrible adaptation by Studio DEEN and now ufotable's taking a shot at it.

But is the UBW route in the game a good enough story, since that's what this upcoming show is going to cover? I know it's insanely popular, but then again, SAO is also insanely popular, so I'm not sure what to expect.

Because after finishing the amazing Fate/Zero, this is quite concerning to me.

I really hope this is true. I'm really interested to see how /Stay Night follows up after Fate/Zero.
F/sn is a very unpolished work, has a lot of great ideas and characterization that I'd say easily stomps Zero's but the plotting is sometimes a bit messy and that's where Zero stomps sn. The thing is UBW's narrative is very concentrated with a single thematic conflict that it wants to develop so it's going to feel very different from Zero, where as the Heaven's Feel path is going to feel more familiar to anime-onlys where it has a number of character's arcs running parallel reaching satisfying conclusions.

It should also be noted though that F/sn has a really bad translation, where the translator did the job back when he was in high school and not only was still learning Japanese but English as well, so lol. Though the filler and infodumps are superfluous it's no where as bad in the original language than it is in the terribad tl job.


Saint Titanfall
All this Fate/Stay Night talk has me wondering:

Was the actual Fate/Stay Night visual novel any good? I mean, I know it got a horrible adaptation by Studio DEEN and now ufotable's taking a shot at it.

But is the UBW route in the game a good enough story, since that's what this upcoming show is going to cover? I know it's insanely popular, but then again, SAO is also insanely popular, so I'm not sure what to expect.

Because after finishing the amazing Fate/Zero, this is quite concerning to me.

I really hope this is true. I'm really interested to see how Fate/Stay Night follows up after Fate/Zero.

UBW is great I'd say HF is middling though a good climax. If you've read or watch Zero your better off skipping Fate because there's not much there outside of Shirou and Saber "romance".

UBW is the most concise, to the point and thoroughly thought out. It's one long argument about Shirou's character, and issues of a completely selfless life. the major issue with this adaptation is that quite literally half the main plot is Shirou thoughts and realizatiosn which isn't the easiest thing to convey in an adaptation like this in comparison to a VN which is literally a play by play of Shirou's thoughts.
The 2nd cour of UBW is going to be pure fucking gold. Action all the way through, badass fights and climaxes, and Gilgamesh getting that pissass smirk knocked off his face.

I'm so hyped for Spring.

UBW is great I'd say HF is middling though a good climax. If you've read or watch Zero your better off skipping Fate because there's not much there outside of Shirou and Saber "romance".

UBW is the most concise, to the point and thoroughly thought out. It's one long argument about Shirou's character, and issues of a completely selfless life.

Well, since we're getting UBW for the anime I think I'll be satisfied if we get some good ufotable action in it. I also do love me some badass fights and climaxes. =D

F/sn is a very unpolished work, has a lot of great ideas and characterization that I'd say easily stomps Zero's but the plotting is sometimes a bit messy and that's where Zero stomps sn. The thing is both Fate and UBW are very concentrated with a single thematic conflict that it wants to develop so it's going to feel very different from Zero, where as the Heaven's Feel path is going to feel more familiar to anime-onlys where it has a number of character's arcs running parallel reaching satisfying conclusions.

It should also be noted though that F/sn has a really bad translation, where the translator did the job back when he was in high school and not only was still learning Japanese but English as well, so lol. Though the filler and infodumps are superfluous it's no where as bad in the original language than it is in the terribad tl job.

Obviously I expect it to feel different from Zero. I mean, Fate/Stay night doesn't have any Urobuchi involvement whatsoever to my knowledge, so of course it will feel different.

I'm just hoping that it's at least decent enough. Though I've got good hope that it will be since ufotable's pretty awesome and from what I've been hearing about UBW so far seems to be good news.


F/SN is an okay visual novel which gets good during UBW and the HF route. The whole thing is a great concept with solid characters but it's pretty overrated. I'm just glad we're getting more Rin this fall.


I honestly don't have the patience to be bored out of my mind from watching the last 3 episodes or of Glasslip. Since season 2 of Gundam Build Fighters is going to start, would starting season 1 be possible despite having little knowledge of the Gundam universe? It looks like a fun gateway from the PV at least.

Prism/Illya 9
Something is telling me that Miyu could've won if she fought the long way out instead going all in this attack that apparently don't work on Bazett. That said, I'm honestly impressed with how far Illya got considering her condition. But unfortunately, Bazett has the "I only need to see it once," thing going for her.

On to the finale I guess.
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