how do you know he was taking a shit? did you listen?
Lol wrong thread? Funnier in this one anyway.The pizza is not going to bake itself, his daughter and her boyfriend were starving.
way too obscure, may be.
Take comfort in the fact that they wont live as long and be sick more often than hygenic people.
I only wash my hands after public shits and only due to social pressure. I don't mind walking around with shit hands.
Lol wrong thread? Funnier in this one anyway.
Not to play devil's advocate buuut maybe they have a superior immune system, like people who eat their boogers.
Just went to the bathroom the other day and this guy taking a shit just leaves without washing his hands. Why are people so lazy about washing their shit covered hands?
Nope, right thread. I knew it was too obscure.
Ugh that is my brother. He says he washes his hands before shitting to avoid infections on his ass but he doesn't wash afterwards.
I can't even....
You touch surfaces and come into contact with other people dude.
I'm not sure if you're serious or not, but no, it's really not.Does the disgust come from a religious upbringing? e.g. "cleanliness is close to godliness"
I mean, it's really not that bad, and frankly, irrational to be so disgusted about this.
The worst is when the exit door has a handle and you see them put their shitty shit hands on it and then you gotta open the door next.