As kids, my brother and I (4 and 6 respectively) played a lot of multiplayer games on N64 and GameCube. Things were all fine and dandy for a good while, we'd play without a thought. Then one day I had a sneeze. As I went to cover with my hands (use my shirt or inner-arm now), I was met with the vile smell of feces. Out of sheer curiosity, I smelled the controller he usually used and decided then that I was never using that one again, and that it was his assigned controller.
Overboard? Maybe. But shoot, that smell didn't come off even after washing. It took years for the smell on that controller to go away; years AFTER he started washing his hands. It was horrible.
Also, people who don't wash... Please don't shake hands. Or pick up products you plan on putting back. Or do anything involving others food.
People who ain't taking your *