Giant Bomb X | Built-In Automatic Death Thing For Secret People


That Alien QL makes it look like a really fun game to watch someone else play, but i know i'd be too much of a nervous wreck to play it myself.





isn't this new kotaku prerealece stance basically what jeff was saying on the bombcast giantbomb has been doing?

jeff op


Because the people usually introduce themselves about five seconds in :p. Whoever is running qlcrew can watch the video, but they're adhering to gb's timetable.

Looks like it. They don't want to link to the files until they are officially available as then GB could just put random characters in all the file names - or not put them in the coming up box as soon as they currently do.


Might be the same bug that's allowing Live Bomb to see the complete upcoming schedule? I believe a CBSi dev dropped by and said it'll be fixed soon.

We added an API for Live Bomb to get that info specifically, so it'd stop scraping the front page every few seconds (effectively a DDoS, :lol). That endpoint does not expose any cast information, though. This is pulling from somewhere else that shouldn't be accessible yet, which we'll fix.


We added an API for Live Bomb to get that info specifically, so it'd stop scraping the front page every few seconds (effectively a DDoS, :lol). That endpoint does not expose any cast information, though. This is pulling from somewhere else that shouldn't be accessible yet, which we'll fix.

This turned in to a real NARC thread :D


We added an API for Live Bomb to get that info specifically, so it'd stop scraping the front page every few seconds (effectively a DDoS, :lol). That endpoint does not expose any cast information, though. This is pulling from somewhere else that shouldn't be accessible yet, which we'll fix.

This turned in to a real NARC thread :D

Dammit... Especially since I think that this is the kind of info that should be available on the site... Stuff like video's length and who's on it.


Am I crazy or did they mention messing around with "the new resident evil" on the podcast a couple times? Are they referring to the evil within?


Am I crazy or did they mention messing around with "the new resident evil" on the podcast a couple times? Are they referring to the evil within?

Pretty sure Capcom went around showing the Re-Remake earlier this week. Still embargoed though.

Edit: Or yeah...Revelations 2 makes more sense actually.
Hmm it might be RE remake HD because PS Blog just put up their Impressions. I thought it would have been revelations 2 because it is Game Informers Game of the month.


Sorry, to clarify, the bug only relates to metadata on unreleased videos.

I know... What I meant is that the stuff that is showing up on qlcrew right now through that "bug" is info that should be on the main site itself. QLCrew is doing us a service and you will be blocking it.

Don't get me wrong, I 100% understand why you want to block the holes in the API but that still sucks for us.

lol giant Vinny!

NBA Vinny looks like a giant version of Trevor from GTA5 lol


I know... What I meant is that the stuff that is showing up on qlcrew right now through that "bug" is info that should be on the main site itself. QLCrew is doing us a service and you will be blocking it.

Don't get me wrong, I 100% understand why you want to block the holes in the API but that still sucks for us.

I like the surprise.


I really enjoyed Patrick playing the Alien: Isolation DLC. I agree it does pluck a random moment of the film for the DLC but thought it looked very fun and tense nevertheless. It actually looked more exciting than the regular game (ie, no androids).


I really enjoyed Patrick playing the Alien: Isolation DLC. I agree it does pluck a random moment of the film for the DLC but thought it looked very fun and tense nevertheless. It actually looked more exciting than the regular game (ie, no androids).
I wonder if there are any easter eggs for recreating the movie (as much as one could) at all or subverting the canon narrative in other ways.

It's a Mr & Mrs. Smith episode (Will and his Wife podcasting) of the Tested Podcast. It is usually an interesting listen, as they have good chemistry (which you would expect from a husband/wife team). Thought I would bring it up here, don't shout at me for posting!


Don't worry guys... Even if Nintendo sees the post today and think it's a brillian idea, they'll still need a good 5-10 years before they realize that it should be on their console.

I call this "The Nintendo Delay"
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