I hope he is right. Last NPD thread was rather boring. 
Giving away free games just to get on the top spot isn't exactly a great way of competing. It shows desperation.
It absolutely is desperation. Microsoft is essentially giving away every big new game to get people to buy their console. Thats forgoing a lot of revenue and is not something theyd want to do.Actually, I think it shows determination.
Why aren't free games a great way of competing, as long as they are quality titles?
Well software is supposed to be the counterpart to the loss-leader hardware. When you start giving both away at a loss, your bottom line starts looking less appealing. Obviously it's not the end of the world for them, but they need to make the system desirable as a value proposition without an additional freebie
No it shows an excellent display of capitalism.
The consumer is the winner here.
Obviously they'd like to sell the Xbox as is, but I think they're willing to bite the bullet to make the Xbox a bit more relevant this holiday.
And as a gamer, that still isn't a reason why bundled games is a bad precedent. In fact, I wish all consoles came with a game to play right away.
Also, I thought the rumor was that they weren't selling the Xbone at a loss.
Well software is supposed to be the counterpart to the loss-leader hardware. When you start giving both away at a loss, your bottom line starts looking less appealing. Obviously it's not the end of the world for them, but they need to make the system desirable as a value proposition without an additional freebie
It absolutely is desperation. Microsoft is essentially giving away every big new game to get people to buy their console. Thats forgoing a lot of revenue and is not something theyd want to do.
Sony is cruising into this holiday season with a ton of momentum. No price cuts. No free games. And they will still outsell the competition. And thats because they executed their game plan well.
It absolutely is desperation. Microsoft is essentially giving away every big new game to get people to buy their console. Thats forgoing a lot of revenue and is not something theyd want to do.
Sony is cruising into this holiday season with a ton of momentum. No price cuts. No free games. And they will still outsell the competition. And thats because they executed their game plan well.
I honestly never thought I'd see Biker concerned about Microsoft's financial well-being.
Pachter Predicts: Xbox One outsold PS4 in September
I love a good GAF meltdown.Interesting.
They would be fantastic. The shift is happening!
Why would you list securing third party exclusives?They executed their game plan really well a year -plus ago. Since then it's been a lot of sitting on their asses. While Microsoft begs gamers to give them another chance Sony charges full price for their bundles, doesn't secure third party exclusives and takes forever to implement OS features that were promised over a year ago. I guess as a first month ps4 owner I don't feel burned because the ps4 prices never dropped the way I might had I bought an xb1 at launch, but in the time since launch I've been pretty underwhelmed by what I've seen from Sony.
I can't see XBone winning by a 30% margin during Destiny month. The UK saw huge PS4 increases solely from that game's release. Pachter either has some inside info or he spent the weekend in Colorado smoking bowls.
I don't own either consoles, but from what i hear PSN handled Destiny fine, it has primarily been Drive Club that is having the server issues.
The PS4 Destiny bundle did indeed do well, but so did the unofficial X1 Destiny bundle.
I could see it being close in the US with the PS4 inching out a win.
It handled it better than the so called "superior" live service and it had double the users, I think some people just spout BS because no one calls them out on it to prove it. Then you also get the people that dont care about sales at all for months on end and now an analyst says the xbox one may have won in just the US for one month and they go ape crap crazy like the tides have turned, they will all go away again when NPD comes out and shows PS4 ahead easily again, and pretend sales dont matter again.
Putting aside the xbox numbers for a second, the PS4 numbers just look unrealistic. Those PS4 numbers are barely August numbers extrapolate out for the 5 weeks in September. August will have had lower numbers due to people waiting in the destiny white bundle, so both August will have been proportionately lower, and September will be proportionately higher.
It handled it better than the so called "superior" live service and it had double the users, I think some people just spout BS because no one calls them out on it to prove it. Then you also get the people that dont care about sales at all for months on end and now an analyst says the xbox one may have won in just the US for one month and they go ape crap crazy like the tides have turned, they will all go away again when NPD comes out and shows PS4 ahead easily again, and pretend sales dont matter again.
Giving away free games just to get on the top spot isn't exactly a great way of competing. It shows desperation.
What happened to Live during Destiny's release?
You've heard of the concept of value adds right?
Adding free games isn't always a sign of desperation. It can often be a sign of there being some room for a price cut but instead of having an actual price cut, games/subs/etc are added.
It's why you're seeing so many great PS4 and X1 bundles in the UK. A PS4 with three free games and a year plus sub for £399.99? Is that a sign of desperation from Sony?.
Or a similar bundle for a similar price from MS?
Could be for the long term , this position your taking looks like your clutching straws.This may shock you, but giving games away for free isn't really an inherent good for a company's bottom line.
Come on ms wouldnt be price cutting and tossing in free games if it was leading the ps4. It is what it is and if pachter is right (giggles) the free games and getting a bit desperate might have worked for a month.
How does it being desperate make it a bad precedent? Do you not like bundled games as a consumer?
Long term investment is debatable and nebulous. What position am I taking that's clutching straws? Software sales are where money is. The added value is great for a consumer. It's not necessarily great for a company, especially if they end up losing money that would have been better spent on say, advertising.Could be for the long term , this position your taking looks like your clutching straws.
Why do people hope that this is true so sony will "announce more exclusives?" They already have more exclusives announced for next year than X1, even if we're just counting the first half of the year
Yeah, I remember a console that was given away when you bought the manufacturers TV's and what not.the sad bit is in AU they are giving away XBones with other things I remember when the OGXbox released you could nearly buy a paddle pop & get a free Xbox with it (not quite but not far off)
Either way, I think its going to be a given the XboxOne will sell more in either October/November because of the Sunset Overdrive/Halo MCC push. I picked a sunset bundle up for that exact reason and I'm sure Halo is a good a system seller as any IP on the market.