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NPD Sales Results for September 2014 [Up1: Smash/HW/MK8, Destiny stats, 3DS HW]

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Forza Horizon has never been a big seller but sub 150k sales for both versions combined will certainly lead to questions of why so much was spent on marketing for the game.

They'd be better off putting money into promoting a 3rd party title.

Forza Horizon didn't chart either. We also know it sold lower than 114K back then.
It seems strange that Sony has not announced a GTA V bundle for the US. Could it be that only Europe will be served?
I honestly did think that such an offer could be sufficient to counter the heavy COD advertisement combined with the Halo compilation from MS...but seeing how the PS4 is sustaining its momentum, I think I might need to revise my stance in light of today's bit of news.


Media Create Maven
In all honesty Aqua, this is going to get old pretty fast =(... wouldn't it better to just seem like we no longer leak #s at all rather than spreading false info? With something like that, even the contributing portion of GAF is going to get confused....
The PS4 isn't selling, the idea of the PS4 that Sony sold pre launch is selling. Looking at the PSN issues recently, people are realizing Sony is running off Snake Oil fumes.
In an ideal GAF we'd put the number in email tags and people would be clever not to repost numbers.

Even if Gaffers leak them to other forums, they'd be unable to clarify them as a screen shot of a text box is in no way evidence.


-most exclusives don't count since they don't have green scores on Metacritic. Driveclub, Killzone and Knack? I couldn't even recommend them to a friend. What if he goes on metacritic and sees I tried to make him spend money on a game with a yellow score? Friendship over.
-Infamous: Second Son doesn't count because Infamous 2 was better.

Is this for real ? Is this were gaming is going some of the best games ever made and the funest to play on fuck master system snes genesis Saturn ps1 now wouldn't even get 60 but it doesn't change they are some of the best ever

I'm starting to lose faith in a lot of gamers and how they see and chose what games they play and would tell their friends to play


The PS4 isn't selling, the idea of the PS4 that Sony sold pre launch is selling. Looking at the PSN issues recently, people are realizing Sony is running off Snake Oil fumes.
What idea? A video game box that plays video games that's the core idea and it does that just fine, people are buying that it's not really not so complicated.

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN
The PS4 isn't selling, the idea of the PS4 that Sony sold pre launch is selling. Looking at the PSN issues recently, people are realizing Sony is running off Snake Oil fumes.

While I've heard of issues with psn, I can't really say I've ever experienced any, barring the outage after the hack. As others have said, grow up. You have a clear preference for one product. Is it really so hard to believe that others (the majority, in fact) prefer another.

Is this for real ? Is this were gaming is going some of the best games ever made and the funest to play on fuck master system snes genesis Saturn ps1 now wouldn't even get 60 but it doesn't change they are some of the best ever

I'm starting to lose faith in a lot of gamers and how they see and chose what games they play and would tell their friends to play

That was obvious sarcasm...to me anyway.


They definitely don't.

Who I figured that would care are the folks on GAF. I just don't see it so far, and it is not what I expected when posting in such a forum. It's all good..healthy debate needs to occur regardless.

GAF doesn't care about the OS. They care about which system plays games better.
It's all about the games man.
The PS4 isn't selling, the idea of the PS4 that Sony sold pre launch is selling. Looking at the PSN issues recently, people are realizing Sony is running off Snake Oil fumes.

I love monopolies too, don't forget to order your 64gb memory card and Playstation TV, all products which are totally supported by the market leader with competitive pricing and high quality software.

I just find it a shame that consumers aren't buying the console that has superior content, online, OS and controller. Come holiday the gap in content will become more apparent which should move millions of units so I will just play the waiting game.

Yes, I should tell Nintendo and Microsoft to make their OS even more barebones and make their controllers out of the cheapest plastic and rubber in order to appeal to the market.


Is this for real ? Is this were gaming is going some of the best games ever made and the funest to play on fuck master system snes genesis Saturn ps1 now wouldn't even get 60 but it doesn't change they are some of the best ever

I'm starting to lose faith in a lot of gamers and how they see and chose what games they play and would tell their friends to play

Sarcasm is a tricky tool... ;)

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Gotta say, the little handheld that just won't die did me proud this month.

You're like a good father who's proud of his son who comes home with a diploma for his 187th place in the school running contest or something :) I respect that!


The PS4 isn't selling, the idea of the PS4 that Sony sold pre launch is selling. Looking at the PSN issues recently, people are realizing Sony is running off Snake Oil fumes.

You never stop do you? A console does not sell the second highest number for September in video game history if it's "running of snake oil fumes." Clearly most consumers do not agree with you so stop stating your rabid opinions as facts.

Is this for real ? Is this were gaming is going some of the best games ever made and the funest to play on fuck master system snes genesis Saturn ps1 now wouldn't even get 60 but it doesn't change they are some of the best ever

I'm starting to lose faith in a lot of gamers and how they see and chose what games they play and would tell their friends to play

LOL I think he is joking...

Is this for real ? Is this were gaming is going some of the best games ever made and the funest to play on fuck master system snes genesis Saturn ps1 now wouldn't even get 60 but it doesn't change they are some of the best ever

I'm starting to lose faith in a lot of gamers and how they see and chose what games they play and would tell their friends to play

It's obviously a joke.

Just catching up on this thread now and all the replies from Hindle and CrazedProfessional really are great. Definitely not disappointed.

And vita did better than I expected, especially given how we keep hearing that it's so hard to find in stores.


Xbox one number is good in a vacuum actually.
I'm sure it show an upward trend if you analyse weekly sales since June where they take out Kinect.
What ever MS have done (discount, free games, heavy marketing etc etc) is working, more or less. It shows people have not abandon the idea of Xbox one.
360 still being strong is a hint of many users haven't upgrade yet, when they do, they might likely migrate to Xbox one because they want to stay in the same ecosystem.
Software attachment seems better than PS4 too. Third party will not give up on Xbox one like WiiU, as long as they have third party support they will be fine.
The PS4 isn't selling, the idea of the PS4 that Sony sold pre launch is selling. Looking at the PSN issues recently, people are realizing Sony is running off Snake Oil fumes.

As ridiculous as this might appear at first glance, there is a small element of truth and it shouldn't be dismissed because of the rest of the post.

What is really selling the PS4 over the X1? It's certainly not the exclusive software. It can't be games like Destiny, which are also available on the competing platform.

So it stands to reason that people are buying into the idea of the PS4 more than anything else. It's the platform of choice for this generation, everything about the platform has fed into this idea, from the day it was revealed to the day it launched, there's been a strong belief that the PS4 is the only console to get.

it's the true games console, the only one that will provide the best and most engaging gaming experiences. The idea took root and it's one that MS will be fighting (a losing battle) for the entire generation.

People can pretend MS has a chance so future NPD threads will be entertaining as we act shocked at how much the PS4 outsold the X1, but deep down, everyone knows it's already over.

Sony won this generation on May 21 2013 and cemented their victory on November 15 2013. Anyone who pretends otherwise is lying themselves.
The PS4 isn't selling, the idea of the PS4 that Sony sold pre launch is selling. Looking at the PSN issues recently, people are realizing Sony is running off Snake Oil fumes.

Honestly can't tell if your meltdown is real or whether you've strayed into self parody. You should cheer up, relax. PS4 outselling the Xbox isn't the end of the world. Just sit back and welcome the fact that consoles are doing well at all.
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