COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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I think the way to get me to buy a Harley statue is to have it based on Bruce Timm's art but in color with a decent pose.


That Harley is nice, but this will always be one of my favorites (that I don't even own ;_:) Adam Hughes Cover Girl version.


That's a great figure.


That Harley is nice, but this will always be one of my favorites (that I don't even own ;_:) Adam Hughes Cover Girl version.


I'm gonna assume if you can't afford it then I definitely can't. It's likely ludicrously expensive if the statues Freeza showed me were anything to go by. Rogue :(

Interesting Warren Ellis interview on /..

Just talk about Planetary for a bit
by c0d3g33k

Mr Ellis, I enjoy all your work, but I view Planetary as a "love letter to the things I love". I would appreciate it if you just wrote a little bit about what you were thinking/feeling when you were working on Planetary. That work covers a lot of territory, but my reaction on first reading was to weep because you captured so perfectly the essence of all those wonderful stories that I loved as a young man. I didn't think anyone loved that shit as much as I did, but Planetary seemed to capture the essence of all those great stories whilst bringing them in to the modern age and reminding us why they were relevant and maybe still are.

So, if you would, just riff a bit on Planetary and all the things you had in your head when you were working that all out. Planetary as the finished work we have as a reference - I'm interested in the stew in your mind containing all that wonderful stuff that eventually was distilled into Planetary. Talk about that a bit, if you are so inclined.


Ellis: Well, my memories of it aren’t as fond as yours. I got so sick during the extended production of that book that I was at one point briefly speculatively diagnosed with a brain tumour. After my dad died, I was guided to a thread on a message board where people were trying to put together a class action suit against DC to compel me to write Planetary for them, citing in part the “fact” that I had taken too much time off previous to and during my father’s death. That sort of thing. On and on. Including the times people tried to remove my collaborators. It was an uphill battle. So I don’t really remember the book with a smile!

A lot of Planetary came down to my having to learn the superhero genre during my early years at Marvel, as I was never particularly a student of that genre. Which meant that, by 1998 or thereabouts, my head was just rammed full of this stuff and I needed to get it out. Reading seventy years’ worth of superhero material in a couple of years gives you, I would imagine, a peculiar perspective on the genre, and it seemed to me that I could clearly see the progression of the genre from its non-comics roots to the fairly debased form that existed in the 90s. I found that I just wanted to try and scrape away all those barnacles to see the thing that charmed and fascinated people right at the start. I still don’t know that I managed that to anyone’s satisfaction, but the act of it seemed to me to reveal a story about the genre itself. Which sounds wanky, I know, but it was the turn of the century, and we were all about the looking-back and the meta. Comics-about-comics should probably be some kind of felony.

It was an awfully pretty comic, though.


I think the way to get me to buy a Harley statue is to have it based on Bruce Timm's art but in color with a decent pose.
Bruce Timm's figures and statues usually go for a ridiculous sum. I wanted a Zatanna based off his art, and it was over $300 for a small scare figurine.
I'm gonna assume if you can't afford it then I definitely can't. It's likely ludicrously expensive if the statues Freeza showed me were anything to go by. Rogue :(
I have that Rogue! She's awesome, but I was lucky and jumped on the Kotobukiya bandwagon pretty early on.


Bruce Timm's figures and statues usually go for a ridiculous sum. I wanted a Zatanna based off his art, and it was over $300 for a small scare figurine.

I have that Rogue! She's awesome, but I was lucky and jumped on the Kotobukiya bandwagon pretty early on.

Ebaying that Zatanna statue makes me sad...only affordable one I've seen is missing the handcuffs :/


Found some new previews that I don't think I've seen posted in here yet.

Spider-Woman #1 by Hopeless and Land.
So conflicted about this because I've liked both Avengers Arena and Avengers Undercover by Dennis but fuck Greg Land. AND to do this to my poor Jessica Drew, so frustrating :(

Wonder Woman #36 by Meredith and David Finch
I have less exposure to their work, so I feel like I can go into the issue with a more open mind.


So the Wonder Woman preview just ignores the end of the last run? That's a bit jarring.
Dianas mother is released from the stone in the previous issue no?

Korupt is right. He totally did.


So the Wonder Woman preview just ignores the end of the last run? That's a bit jarring.
Dianas mother is released from the stone in the previous issue no?

Korupt is right. He totally did.

Seems like they're taking it the route the Batgirl team is going, where they're starting with their own background.
I think I am fully over hyper-violent Harley. It just does nothing for me. It doesn't even feel like Harley.

Secret Wars: Dat Miles prime positioning.

How can you be over-hyper violent Harley, thats the Joker's mantra.. and Harley will forever be his.. therefore they are both hyper violent individuals.


How can you be over-hyper violent Harley, thats the Joker's mantra.. and Harley will forever be his.. therefore they are both hyper violent individuals.

Because in the beginning Harley wasn't hyper violent. Certainly not to the level the grim dark harley books are now. Harley was more comical violence, just look at the massive mallet she carried around, now she has swords? . She loved Joker despite the violence against others and herself. Now she is just as bad.
I'm gonna assume if you can't afford it then I definitely can't. It's likely ludicrously expensive if the statues Freeza showed me were anything to go by. Rogue :(

She wasn't expensive when she came out. :(

I love Kotobukiya bishoujos figures, but no one should pay over $100 for a single one.


it's a good thing I had a hit of PAX before seeing this, from the Finchs' first on Wonder Woman.


that art is shit, i'm probably gonna stop reading wonder woman after i'm done with this azzarello/chiang run

i don't buy single issue comics anyways so i'm waiting on multiversity too, sounds like a glorious mess
Spider-Woman #1 by Hopeless and Land.
So conflicted about this because I've liked both Avengers Arena and Avengers Undercover by Dennis but fuck Greg Land. AND to do this to my poor Jessica Drew, so frustrating :(

Exactly how I feel, Cheska. I adored Arena and Undercover, but going from Kev Walker to LAAAAAAAAAND is a massive downgrade. Even with Spider-Man Noir as a guest star, who I've been a fan of since Shattered Dimensions. I think, with a heavy heart, I'm going to skip this.



Just inject that straight into my veins please.

This is also easily one of the most anticipated issues of The Multiversity because it reunites you with Frank Quitely. What about Frank’s work makes him ideally suited for this story?
MORRISON: I had very specific quasi-mathematical ideas for layouts and page structure based on a repeated 8-panel grid and something about octaves in music. I had to be able to work very closely with my artist on account of the complexity of the storytelling in this particular issue along with the necessity of making sure the story was clear to follow in spite of its intricate nature. Frank and I live near one another, we’re good friends and I see him a lot more socially than any of the other artists I like to work with but who live in distant lands or cities; it’s easier to work out some of the hardcore technical stuff when you’re in the same room together.

I knew that only he could create exactly the effects I saw in my head. This one needed his absolute clarity and precision. The way the figures move across the page is almost like animation and no-one draws figures moving through space like Frank does. His understanding of sequential visual storytelling is unequalled. In terms of artistic inovation, I think Pax is up there with We3 while working with a completely different set of rules.
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