has there been any news on the "overall class balance" patch bungie mentioned a while ago?
Yeah, you gotta bring your character with the class equipped to Xur and give a class shard, 7k glimmer, and 9 strange coins to reset it for the new changes.
has there been any news on the "overall class balance" patch bungie mentioned a while ago?
Honestly i cometely agree with you and this is the very point being raised earlier while in crucible with GAF. All I can say again is bungie gonna bungie. We never seem to know what the hell they are thinking
Nice, did you get the 28 done?
Thanks for the run guys, hope I wasn't too much trouble. Hopefully in the future I can contribute more if you'll have me :x
Cool, thanks. I'm around if another raids starting up too.
Nice, did you get the 28 done?
Unless they make old exotics and new exotics into tiers. The old exotics will require 7,000 Glimmer and 1 Exotic Shard to upgrade into the new tier (but you can only reset them after maxing them first) while the new exotics will have the new max potential with a lower cost.No, that's not really true.
I am virtually certain that any exotic that drops for anyone after the expansion hits will be the new, more powerful version. It wouldn't make sense for an exotic to drop next week and then for you to have to wait for Xur to sell the upgrade for it before you start applying XP to it. That would be madness.
Somehow in the back end the exotics we have now will be distinguished separately from new exotic drops and exotics we have now that have had the upgrade applied to them. Clearly Bungie needs their system to recognize both variants ongoing.
Yeah, you gotta bring your character with the class equipped to Xur and give a class shard, 7k glimmer, and 9 strange coins to reset it for the new changes.
But we get choices. Deej said we get options now. Keep it as is or "choose" to "upgrade" and level again.
This is why they're making them upgradable but wiping the progress. So that current Exotics can still be viable but to do so you have to level them all over again, just as you would with any new Exotic. It puts (nearly) all the Exotics at a level playing field.
The thing that people are complaining about is the loss of time and effort. However that's already happening with Legendary gear as you have to replace all of that to reach max level too. This is what makes it Vertical Progression and why all Vertical Progression games are called "treadmills." It's an inherent drawback to the design. The only way to avoid that is Horizontal Progression but that entails losing the feeling of becoming more and more powerful as more new content is released.
They did the 26, since she's only level 25.
She's playing a strike now and just got a legendary gauntlet engram. Assuming it's not for Warlocks or Titans, that will get her to level 26 and she can start doing 28 stuff.
It's different because new players will have to put less time in to upgrade the /same/ gear as veterans who've put in hundreds of hours already.
This is why they're making them upgradable but wiping the progress. So that current Exotics can still be viable but to do so you have to level them all over again, just as you would with any new Exotic. It puts (nearly) all the Exotics at a level playing field.
The thing that people are complaining about is the loss of time and effort. However that's already happening with Legendary gear as you have to replace all of that to reach max level too. This is what makes it Vertical Progression and why all Vertical Progression games are called "treadmills." It's an inherent drawback to the design. The only way to avoid that is Horizontal Progression but that entails losing the feeling of becoming more and more powerful as more new content is released.
If everything you wrote about the system is indeed how it will be, then yes: they should just auto upgrade everything.
I cannot believe this is how they're intending to handle it. There must be some kind of miscommunication somewhere. It's just baffling.
Honestly i cometely agree with you and this is the very point being raised earlier while in crucible with GAF. All I can say again is bungie gonna bungie. We never seem to know what the hell they are thinking
Wait til she gets 2 ass shards out of it.They did the 26, since she's only level 25.
She's playing a strike now and just got a legendary gauntlet engram. Assuming it's not for Warlocks or Titans, that will get her to level 26 and she can start doing 28 stuff.
It's different because new players will have to put less time in to upgrade the /same/ gear as veterans who've put in hundreds of hours already.
Ah but thats just it. They aren't new are they? It's not like they're new drops either. It doesn't set a good precedence either. Are we supposed to level up all our exotics every time a DLC hits?
As people are rightly complaining about, my time playing destiny is clearly not valued by Bungie and it seems all they care is making me stick around till the next round of DLC hits and I gotta say they aren't doing a great job of it. I mean how much time do they think people have? I put a lot of my spare time in because I'm lucky enough to have two days off every week from university. Others have full time jobs/families making time far more precious. This is not even minding the existence of other games.
And don't even get me started on legendaries. That situation is a whole other shitfest. But I've conceded that battle. Bungie will (probably) never change that
But we get choices. Deej said we get options now. Keep it as is or "choose" to "upgrade" and level again.
Niiiiice! Is she doing her dailies for vanguard rep? That welfare chest will go a long way.
They did the 26, since she's only level 25.
She's playing a strike now and just got a legendary gauntlet engram. Assuming it's not for Warlocks or Titans, that will get her to level 26 and she can start doing 28 stuff.
The difference is the change in vertical progression. If the gear in the base game stays defacto better than the new gear, then there's no incentive to get the new gear. They're extending the life of the current Exotics. If they're better right off the bat, then the new stuff becomes an afterthought.
Unless they make old exotics and new exotics into tiers. The old exotics will require 7,000 Glimmer and 1 Exotic Shard to upgrade into the new tier (but you can only reset them after maxing them first) while the new exotics will have the new max potential with a lower cost.
Just landed, I'm about an hour from home. Feel free to go without me if necessary, it's coo.Keep me posted. I'll need to start right around 10.
Anyone up for a normal mode Vault of Glass run around 10pm US East time? I need 3 more
(Bladelaw) fadeddream
The_Fedora (local friend)
Durpenstein (local friend)
?StrykerIsland (tentative)
Still need one or two more. Normal mode stomp.
They did the 26, since she's only level 25.
She's playing a strike now and just got a legendary gauntlet engram. Assuming it's not for Warlocks or Titans, that will get her to level 26 and she can start doing 28 stuff.
I have Hawkmoon with zero upgrades right now. Let's say I upgrade it all the way to 300 attack. This will require 6,600 Glimmer, 56 Helium Filaments and 1 Exotic Shard (7 Strange Coins).
If I wait a week I'll be given the chance to skip all of that shit and jump straight to 302 attack...and then have to spend all of that.
For unupgraded exotics the upgrade path is a cheap way to jump from 274 to 302 without making a mess. But it's ridiculous how much work just becomes meaningless for weapons you've already done.
I wonder what the rationale behind erasing our progress was. Wouldn't it be easier to have the upgrade path just open a new column? Even if that new column takes as long to fill out as all the previous ones combined and the nodes are expensive, it still sucks that whoever gets a dropped Ice Breaker next week would have it do more damage than mine when I've poured ridiculous amounts of XP and materials into it.
You're inLet me know if you have space for one more, level 29 Warlock - PSN Shokleeto
That's a strange way of looking at the situation. I poured hundreds of hours into maxing out my extensive inventory. If I buy the DLC, which I won't, that time has gone to waste. The utilitarian value of using those weapons gets nullified if you have to pour extra hours into remaxing them. I'd be devoting twice the time to leveling the same exact weapons, because of some arbitrary progress reset brought on by the DLC. PEACE.I think you mean players that haven't poured as much time into maxing out Exotics rather than new players. That's true. And with the exception of those that leveled Exotics a bunch in the recent weeks, those that did put that time in also enjoyed the perks of having fully leveled Exotics. Unique mods that wrecked the current content. Which is what the Exotics purpose actually is.
Been through the raid a couple of times since my first newbie run, but I'd like to take my Titan through for the first time if there is a spot.Wednesday, 9:00PM Eastern Time - Static Hard Raid
1. NarcissisticJay
2. Palom12
3. Squall ASF
4. Union Carbine
5. wins1991
6. Hawkian
Will come to this thread for alts, feel free to quote if you would like to be one (roughly one hour).
Thursday, 8:15PM Eastern Time - Newbie Raid
1. ori0n278e
2. CooI_Breeze
3. Hawkian
Believe we have 3 open for the moment. Please quote and post PSN if you would like a spot.
Friday, 9:00PM Eastern Time - Nightfall/Weekly/Xyor/Whatever Assistance
might be later at night this week.
She can do 28 stuff as a 25. Even a goblin farting can probably kill her though
So all I'm saying is we are not sure what is gonna happen. We have had exotics and that's it but raising the attack on the Vex basically created two tiers of exotics. I think that is what Bungie is doing. The exotics from the DLC are the new higher tier exotics and the current ones excluding the Vex are lower tier. You can raise the tier of the exotic by taking it to Xur when you're item is available for upgrade. I really think that will not change if an item is dropped after the expansion. Of course a clarification from Bungie would be very helpful.
Wednesday, 9:00PM Eastern Time - Static Hard Raid
1. NarcissisticJay
2. Palom12
3. Squall ASF
4. Union Carbine
5. wins1991
6. Hawkian
Will come to this thread for alts, feel free to quote if you would like to be one (roughly one hour).
Thursday, 8:15PM Eastern Time - Newbie Raid
1. ori0n278e
2. CooI_Breeze
3. Hawkian
Believe we have 3 open for the moment. Please quote and post PSN if you would like a spot.
Friday, 9:00PM Eastern Time - Nightfall/Weekly/Xyor/Whatever Assistance
might be later at night this week.
I think you mean players that haven't poured as much time into maxing out Exotics rather than new players. That's true. And with the exception of those that leveled Exotics a bunch in the recent weeks, those that did put that time in also enjoyed the perks of having fully leveled Exotics. Unique mods that wrecked the current content. Which is what the Exotics purpose actually is.
They also decrease the rep gains without any mention on top of that unless they did in one of their updates.I guess the commendation thing is to get people to play patrol again. They know that the patrol missions are boring as fuck and no one likes to do them and they made patrol essentially useless with Monday's patch. So you want to buy that new gauntlet from the vendor? Better go in patrol and grind that shitty reputation level so you can actually use the 200 marks you have been sitting on all this time.
I can't even believe this as I'm typing it. This is so horrible omg Bungie pls.
Who here is on the Xbone?
Where is that spot in the Oracles where you can hide behind the Templar spawn area and shoot the left-most Oracle?
Heh a lot of things from bungie would be helpful, but they don't seem to be doing what we want now do they?
Even forgetting this fiasco, I wonder what they'll fuck up with bugs patching in the expansion (or however it happens)
Where is that spot in the Oracles where you can hide behind the Templar spawn area and shoot the left-most Oracle?
They should have made the gunsmith the one in charge of exotic gun upgrades, and have all exotics available to upgrade at any time. The dude is worthless right now besides that one rare fusion rifle bounty.
I guess the commendation thing is to get people to play patrol again. They know that the patrol missions are boring as fuck and no one likes to do them and they made patrol essentially useless with Monday's patch. So you want to buy that new gauntlet from the vendor? Better go in patrol and grind that shitty reputation level so you can actually use the 200 marks you have been sitting on all this time.
I can't even believe this as I'm typing it. This is so horrible omg Bungie pls.
You're in
Anyone up for a normal mode Vault of Glass run around 10pm US East time? I need 3 more
(Bladelaw) fadeddream
The_Fedora (local friend)
Durpenstein (local friend)
?StrykerIsland (tentative)
One more in case Stryker can't make 10.
Very few actually.
What's the difference between that and getting a new exotic now? All of my current exotics are better than the new ones I get but I, along with everyone else, still plays on to upgrade the new exotic. I don't see how making us reupgrade everything validates getting the new ones. Seems like it's just pissing everyone off.
That's a strange way of looking at the situation. I poured hundreds of hours into maxing out my extensive inventory. If I buy the DLC, which I won't, that time has gone to waste. The utilitarian value of using those weapons gets nullified if you have to pour extra hours into remaxing them. I'd be devoting twice the time to leveling the same exact weapons, because of some arbitrary progress reset brought on by the DLC. PEACE.
Did this raid fill up? I got you on my FL, faded. I got a Titan that can run it. You can invite me now if you're already setting up a squad. If you're full, invite me if somebody drops.Keep me posted. I'll need to start right around 10.
Anyone up for a normal mode Vault of Glass run around 10pm US East time? I need 3 more
(Bladelaw) fadeddream
The_Fedora (local friend)
Durpenstein (local friend)
?StrykerIsland (tentative)
Still need one or two more. Normal mode stomp.