wow as in world of warcraft, not in "wow, sayayaya is stupid"
I'm going to leave this here, mostly for binarypork.
If you're super sensitive about spoilers, don't watch.
No story spoilers, just a cool area spoiler for TEW. Footage comes from a bit into Chapter 10. Evil Within - Chapter 10.mp4.converted.webm
Recorded at 60fps, without the letterbox (which is why the sniper scoping is a bit fucked up with the black bars, which I didn't even realize at first... LOL), and with the flawless widescreen FOV fix enabled.
I'm going to leave this here, mostly for binarypork.
If you're super sensitive about spoilers, don't watch.
No story spoilers, just a cool area spoiler for TEW. Footage comes from a bit into Chapter 10. Evil Within - Chapter 10.mp4.converted.webm
Recorded at 60fps, without the letterbox (which is why the sniper scoping is a bit fucked up with the black bars, which I didn't even realize at first... LOL), and with the flawless widescreen FOV fix enabled.
I wish I could get myself to play The Evil Within. It's funny how horror games are often my most anticipated but when I buy them and start it up once I exit it and can't get myself to jump in again. I need that "nope" dark souls gif.
I'm also strongly thinking of selling my PS4 copies of Ground Zeroes, FIFA 15, GTA V and Advanced Warfare.
I'll get Ground Zeroes for PC on release. Fifa I'll buy digitally. And I'll get GTA for PC but I'm afraid if it'll be optimized well..
This is damn amazing. Like, it's blowing my mind at the level of sync between the two models.
I dunno if it was sexual before this, but robotic Portal heads dancing is crazy.
Both the video and your performance.
TEW is about as scary as the RE games. Unless you find those scary too. The moment they give you an arsenal of weapons to deal with enemies, games stop being scary imo. Sure theres the various jump scares, but thats about it. And I dont mean that in a way to shit on the game (or RE for that matter), its just I dont think its a reason not to play them.
TEW is about as scary as the RE games. Unless you find those scary too. The moment they give you an arsenal of weapons to deal with enemies, games stop being scary imo. Sure theres the various jump scares, but thats about it. And I dont mean that in a way to shit on the game (or RE for that matter), its just I dont think its a reason not to play them.
I can't help but think this is sarcasm.
That 2nd guy is a jerk. I finally figured out a few good ways to deal with him -- like a blinding bolt or taunting him to follow you and making him climb over the walls.
loooooolI'm going to leave this here, mostly for binarypork.
If you're super sensitive about spoilers, don't watch.
No story spoilers, just a cool area spoiler for TEW. Footage comes from a bit into Chapter 10. Evil Within - Chapter 10.mp4.converted.webm
Recorded at 60fps, without the letterbox (which is why the sniper scoping is a bit fucked up with the black bars, which I didn't even realize at first... LOL), and with the flawless widescreen FOV fix enabled.
Some people are really sensitive about that stuff. I don't really find anything about the game to be scary but if you go on twitter you'll see people claiming that can't even continue because of how terrifying it is.
I don't really get it but that's just how some folks are.
the end made me grin heavily
it's like the game played with frost, haha.
but wow, tew looks beautiful. really nice. and the gore is so... chunky.
good to see you apparently found a fix for the bars and 60fps after asking here so often.
Finally started on some Dark Souls 2. Fun to be playing souls again.
Only thing throwing me off is the reduction in health when dying in hollow state.
Though I GUESS it makes sense. There was never really any reason to go human too often in DS1 if you didn't want to. Though i'm guessing once I get the ring of binding and more health it'll kinda negate that anyway.
I'm at chapter 2 and it's too scary for me. The old RE games were scary, not RE4. Haven't played RE5/6.TEW is about as scary as the RE games. Unless you find those scary too. The moment they give you an arsenal of weapons to deal with enemies, games stop being scary imo. Sure theres the various jump scares, but thats about it. And I dont mean that in a way to shit on the game (or RE for that matter), its just I dont think its a reason not to play them.
Preorder cancelled etc.
Well, it's how it was on Demon's Souls, though it's a bit more forgiving. In Demon's Souls you either half half health(3/4 with a ring) or full health, depending on whether you were in soul form or body form respectively. I think you also did more damage in soul form despite having half the health if the character was white tendency.
I'm going to leave this here, mostly for binarypork.
If you're super sensitive about spoilers, don't watch.
No story spoilers, just a cool area spoiler for TEW. Footage comes from a bit into Chapter 10. Evil Within - Chapter 10.mp4.converted.webm
Recorded at 60fps, without the letterbox (which is why the sniper scoping is a bit fucked up with the black bars, which I didn't even realize at first... LOL), and with the flawless widescreen FOV fix enabled.
I'm at chapter 2 and it's too scary for me. The old RE games were scary, not RE4. Haven't played RE5/6.
Of course I'll give it a go again someday.
Finally started on some Dark Souls 2. Fun to be playing souls again.
Only thing throwing me off is the reduction in health when dying in hollow state.
Though I GUESS it makes sense. There was never really any reason to go human too often in DS1 if you didn't want to. Though i'm guessing once I get the ring of binding and more health it'll kinda negate that anyway.
Yeah I gotta man up haha.chapter 1 and 2 are the scariest parts because you still barely have gunsyou get a small arsenal from chapter 3 onward. but hey, if its scary its scary
Isn't it cheaper than those 33 on the store?
Finally started on some Dark Souls 2. Fun to be playing souls again.
Only thing throwing me off is the reduction in health when dying in hollow state.
Though I GUESS it makes sense. There was never really any reason to go human too often in DS1 if you didn't want to. Though i'm guessing once I get the ring of binding and more health it'll kinda negate that anyway.
Isn't it cheaper than those 33 on the store?
I'll see if I can find a trader.its 6.5 keys on most traders. at about 2 per key more or less atm (directly from market), thats 13
Yeah I gotta man up haha.
Isn't it cheaper than those 33 on the store?
That thread made me remember how insufferable GAF is outside of this thread.
And to be fair, it's likely Xbone footage, what with their MS partnership and all.
And jesus fucking christ, people need to calm down. TW2 looked really, really unflattering in some of the screens we got two or three months pre-release. And then the game was released and floored everybody, and the salt vanished.
... Oh god my fiber can't come soon enough. My upload is at 0.4 Mbit, DL at 1.6... -_-
The sounds are really adding a lot the mutilation imo.Well, the thing I was asking about here a lot was about the Flawless Widescreen TEW plugin fix, because the FOV is too close for me when aiming and I can't deal with it.
Also, I decided to post this as an example of how the game doesn't eff around in spots either... a lot of modern games would make you invincible when you get pulled into that type of QTE grapple... but not this game. It just decapitated us both and went on it's way.
As for the gore? My God, they nailed the sniper rifle... I didn't go insane while trying to find my preferred way through that section because I was more than happy to keep getting those two sniper headshot kills. It's not quite Sniper Elite 3... but it FEELS SO GOOD. :3
DOA still has the multi level arenas right? thats all I care about
That thread made me remember how insufferable GAF is outside of this thread.
And to be fair, it's likely Xbone footage, what with their MS partnership and all.
And jesus fucking christ, people need to calm down. TW2 looked really, really unflattering in some of the screens we got two or three months pre-release. And then the game was released and floored everybody, and the salt vanished.
... Oh god my fiber can't come soon enough. My upload is at 0.4 Mbit, DL at 1.6... -_-
i'm so glad witcha 3 looks worse than advertised
maybe now it'll run well on my computer
i'm so glad witcha 3 looks worse than advertised
maybe now it'll run well on my computer
chapter 1 and 2 are the scariest parts because you still barely have gunsyou get a small arsenal from chapter 3 onward. but hey, if its scary its scary
did my part!
technically I didnt but it got done
The sounds are really adding a lot the mutilation imo.
And I am surprised at the details everywhere. The film grain effect also looks dope.
There's an Xbone version so even the dirtiest PC should be able to run it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
They are there and some have "Cliffhangers" You have option to do strike attack or a throw or nothing at all.
There are some that are straight falls tho.
hahaTrue story, my film grain is set to 0.
The lack of Firefox support for streaming vexes me.