Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire |OT| Hoenn Finally Confirmed

Getting through contests easily requires 2 moves. One high heart move and one jammer/protector. Both being of the contest type your trying. The jammer can always help screw the other contestants and the protector in case you have a contestant that loves jamming

I've got three, but my Gardevoir is crazy susceptible to jammers herself. It's hilarious. :lol

Oh well, doesn't really matter.

On a semi-related note, does anyone have a Lucarionite and Garchompite they can clone for me? :p
Just had a weird glitch. My Wailmer leveled up from 35 to 37 in one turn but it still showed it as 35 on the next, It didn't change until the turn after that.
Getting through contests easily requires 2 moves. One high heart move and one jammer/protector. Both being of the contest type your trying. The jammer can always help screw the other contestants and the protector in case you have a contestant that loves jamming
I never used that sort of strategy and still destroyed my opponents.

You only need max contest stats, the scarf that matches the competition, and two moves that give like 4 hearts. They're such a joke. >_>
I felt like Oprah today going to the mall, lots and lots of Streetpasses (and I have the Eon Ticket), so it went down like this I think:


"You get an Eon Ticket! You get an Eon Ticket! You get an Eon Ticket!"


So I've been breeding some Dragon Dance Charmanders and now I have a box full of them. What's the best thing that I can do with them?
Current Jolly Cobalion: 31/28/31/30/26/31
Other Jolly Cobalion: 31/26/31/X/31/31

Goddammit game. Putting my new one on the Bank to join my other one but then I'm going to roll back my save and go straight back to SRing. Basically, I need that 31 in Attack to get the odds of LO Cobalion OHKOing Sylveon with Iron Head that I want.

And I still have to SR Adamant Landorus-T FFFFFFFFFFFFFF-
So I've been breeding some Dragon Dance Charmanders and now I have a box full of them. What's the best thing that I can do with them?
Wonder Trade


I felt like Oprah today going to the mall, lots and lots of Streetpasses (and I have the Eon Ticket), so it went down like this I think:

"You get an Eon Ticket! You get an Eon Ticket! You get an Eon Ticket!"
I was one of the first people in Australia to get the Eon Ticket so I felt like this as I was walking around after I got it, lol


So I've been breeding some Dragon Dance Charmanders and now I have a box full of them. What's the best thing that I can do with them?

I usually keep a handful of the best for myself (future breeding or to give to friends or something) and wonder trade the rest.


I sure am taking my time with this game compared to you guys, I finally unlocked soaring.

I gotta say this is pretty amazing, surely Game Freak would never dare to remove a feature like this?

... :l
So I've been breeding some Dragon Dance Charmanders and now I have a box full of them. What's the best thing that I can do with them?

Save 'em until Christmas and then send them all on Wonder Trade. You're gonna make some kids opening up their new games really happy.

I've got a box full of starters ready to send out. :lol


So I've been breeding some Dragon Dance Charmanders and now I have a box full of them. What's the best thing that I can do with them?
I keep 6 (2 male, 4 female) just for trading purposes and wonder trade the rest away. Can get a good amount of PokeMiles for Heart Scales and Rare Candies.

Also, I release any non-4+ IV ones.


So my GF and I just started playing, and we noticed that in battle it doesnt show the statistics of moves in battle anymore. Can you enable that in an option somewhere, is it gone, or are we doing something wrong?

To clarify what I mean, if I select Tackle in the battle menu, shouldn't it say somewhere that it is a Normal move, with 50 power and 100 accuracy?


So my GF and I just started playing, and we noticed that in battle it doesnt show the statistics of moves in battle anymore. Can you enable that in an option somewhere, is it gone, or are we doing something wrong?

To clarify what I mean, if I select Tackle in the battle menu, shouldn't it say somewhere that it is a Normal move, with 50 power and 100 accuracy?

Hold L when selecting an attack.


Finally beaten the game and the Delta episode (fun stuff !)

So now if I want to bring all my trained pokemons from X/Y using Pokebank I can't bring items with is that it ? (so I have to grind them back in the Battle maison ?)

Think i'll go for a mega-stone hunt first.


Finally beaten the game and the Delta episode (fun stuff !)

So now if I want to bring all my trained pokemons from X/Y using Pokebank I can't bring items with is that it ? (so I have to grind them back in the Battle maison ?)

Think i'll go for a mega-stone hunt first.
You'll have to get someone to help you trade them into ORAS, but yea, grinding in Battle Maison is the other option.

If you have PokeBank, you could bring the accumulated BP into ORAS.

EDIT: BP accumulated on PokeBank, not XY.


Annd the shiny saber tooth tigher finally appear. Had to use a timer ball...didn't wanna see it possibly struggle itself to death since mirage legends only have 5pp per move(right?)

Timid synchronizer was a success!


I'm taking a break from shiny hunting. >_> Back to flag hunting.


Damnit, I actually never have Pokemon sitting there, it's just an app I use to transfer from game to game.

Oh well, not like BP is hard to accumulate.
You should do it. I've had some Pokemon in there since PokeBank came out in NA and had 600+ BP ready for ORAS.
Annd the shiny saber tooth tigher finally appear. Had to use a timer ball...didn't wanna see it possibly struggle itself to death since mirage legends only have 5pp per move(right?)
No, they have different amounts of PP depending on the moves. Raikou has 70.

Annd the shiny saber tooth tigher finally appear. Had to use a timer ball...didn't wanna see it possibly struggle itself to death since mirage legends only have 5pp per move(right?)

Timid synchronizer was a success!


I'm taking a break from shiny hunting. >_> Back to flag hunting.
1) Can I have your luck?
2) Congrats
3) No really can I have your luck?
Hoping you guys can help me out. So my kid loves Pokemon. He got Pokemon Y. Seems half way into it. Then I see omega ruby and the other one. Aren't these just remakes if the old GBA ruby and sapphire? And arent a chunk of the last few games just remakes of previous games?
They are remakes, but they are significantly improved. The last remake was in early 2010, Heart Gold and Soul Silver. After that was Black and White, then it had a sequel with a lot of copied assets, and then there's XY.
Thank you. What's improved about them?

They're basically ported over to the XY engine, so they're full 3D and play amost exactly like those games. If your kid loves XY, he'll love these.

There's also some added stuff, like all the Pokémon released after Gen III, an added post-game storyline, a whole slew of catchable legendaries, and so on.


Finally got a Charmander with 5 perfect IVs, except for the HP IV value, which seems to be 17. 7 points less than the maximum at level 50 isn't that much, right? I hope I can live with that.


So i have a few 6 IV Japanese Dittos to give away, and a few of them are shiny.

Anyone who wants one PM me with you FC and in game name.

I'm not looking for anything in return, but if feel you like giving something i'll take any competitive breed pokemon with relevant nature/abilities/egg moves. IV's don't matter.

First come first serve :D

Edit: My fc is in my profile
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