Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire |OT| Hoenn Finally Confirmed


First Shiny of Alpha Sapphire hatched in 176 eggs :D




First Shiny of Alpha Sapphire hatched in 176 eggs :D


Dude, congrats that is an awesome IV spread !

Repost for new Page
So i have a few 6 IV Japanese Dittos to give away, and a few of them are shiny.

Anyone who wants one PM me with you FC and in game name.

I'm not looking for anything in return, but if feel you like giving something i'll take any competitive breed pokemon with relevant nature/abilities/egg moves. IV's don't matter.

First come first serve :D

Edit: My fc is in my profile
First Shiny of Alpha Sapphire hatched in 176 eggs :D


Annd the shiny saber tooth tigher finally appear. Had to use a timer ball...didn't wanna see it possibly struggle itself to death since mirage legends only have 5pp per move(right?)

Timid synchronizer was a success!


I'm taking a break from shiny hunting. >_> Back to flag hunting.

Congratulations guys! Shiny Cresselia is still evading me, but I'm in no rush.


Oh wow, I just randomly ran into a shiny Torkoal on my way to a secret base in Fiery Cavern. That's my fourth shiny in this game (first random wild one). In other news, this batch of secret bases nettet me a total of 20 flags.Once again I only got two extra flags. So 18 to go still :(
Oh wow, I just randomly ran into a shiny Torkoal on my way to a secret base in Fiery Cavern. That's my fourth shiny in this game (first random wild one). In other news, this batch of secret bases nettet me a total of 20 flags.Once again I only got two extra flags. So 18 to go still :(

Speaking of which I dislike seeing people having secret bases in Firey Cavern.

Such a pain to get there and out of there.



Man, I received way too many route 101-104 pokes through ORAS <_<

I haven't WT'd on ORAS... but XY wasn't much better for me. Stupid first route Pokemon all the time. It's not like I wanted shinies to come raining down, but some other breeding rejects since I was putting my own up, would have been nice.
No it's not that. It has the description "It looks like you can Surf there, but you need Dive olololol"

I hate it

This is pretty much why I always have an HM Slave on hand whenever I go flag-hunting. I makes finding some of the more annoying bases somewhat bearable. Having both bikes doesn't hurt either.


In the latest batch of wondertraded Charmanders I got a few gems like a Shellder with Skill Link, a Seviper holding a Shell Bell, a Bagon and an Axew with good natures and just a couple of early route trash pokemon, so WT has been nice on me in ORAS.


In the latest batch of wondertraded Charmanders I got a few gems like a Shellder with Skill Link, a Seviper holding a Shell Bell, a Bagon and an Axew with good natures and just a couple of early route trash pokemon, so WT has been nice on me in ORAS.

That is some fine luck i wish i had.

i WT 2 and a half boxes and got nothing but starting area mons :( Zigzagoons and Ralts for me. I couldn't even get a starter pokemon !


Any thoughts on Volcarona as a competitive Pokemon?

I don't see much discussion on it.

I've been running a Volcarona Ludicolo lead. Ludicolo supports Volcarona with a fake out to get quiver dance up. The rest of my team is a choice scarft T-Tar, rotom wash, Mega Metagross, and amoongus.

Quiver dance into heat wave usually outspeeds everything, and well timed protects from volcarona allows my ludiocolo to check water types with a gigadrain.

Is there a pokemon that does what Volcarona does for my team better?


Any thoughts on Volcarona as a competitive Pokemon?

I don't see much discussion on it.

I've been running a Volcarona Ludicolo lead. Ludicolo supports Volcarona with a fake out to get quiver dance up. The rest of my team is a choice scarft T-Tar, rotom wash, Mega Metagross, and amoongus.

Quiver dance into heat wave usually outspeeds everything, and well timed protects from volcarona allows my ludiocolo to check water types with a gigadrain.

Is there a pokemon that does what Volcarona does for my team better?
Can't think of one; Mega Houndoom does something similar but takes up a mega slot and isn't as fast because it uses Nasty Plot instead. Rock Slide seems like the major hang-up for Volcarona since it's everywhere.


Can't think of one. Rock Slide seems like the major hang-up for Volcarona since it's everywhere.

Rockslide is definitely a problem, but i actually have more trouble with the flying types. But yeah that 4x effective does decimate me when i dont have a protect up or switch it out.


Can't think of one; Mega Houndoom does something similar but takes up a mega slot and isn't as fast because it uses Nasty Plot instead. Rock Slide seems like the major hang-up for Volcarona since it's everywhere.

You can get someone with Wide Guard for Rock Slide. Mienshao learns both Fake Out and Wide Guard, plus U-Turn and Regenerator for sustainablilty. Stone Edge will kill you though.


Any thoughts on Volcarona as a competitive Pokemon?

I don't see much discussion on it.

I've been running a Volcarona Ludicolo lead. Ludicolo supports Volcarona with a fake out to get quiver dance up. The rest of my team is a choice scarft T-Tar, rotom wash, Mega Metagross, and amoongus.

Quiver dance into heat wave usually outspeeds everything, and well timed protects from volcarona allows my ludiocolo to check water types with a gigadrain.

Is there a pokemon that does what Volcarona does for my team better?
Volcarona + Hitmontop used to be really popular back a long time ago (TopMoth!) as Hitmontop can help set it up with Fake Out and then use Wide Guard to protect it from Rock Slide. Unfortunately both have a flying weakness and people eventually started playing around it fairly decently.

Gavin used a Volcarona in his Nationals winning team in 2013. Cheol Hwan took it to Top 4 in Korean Nationals that year around the same time. Barry just missed cut at Worlds a month later with it as well in 9th.

Those three links should be helpful. All three used Volcarona differently so it's a great look at how one Pokemon can be so different depending on how the person wants to train it!


Volcarona + Hitmontop used to be really popular back a long time ago (TopMoth!) as Hitmontop can help set it up with Fake Out and then use Wide Guard to protect it from Rock Slide. Unfortunately both have a flying weakness and people eventually started playing around it fairly decently.

Exactly, my build was inspired by TopMoth.

Now I'm running Ludimoth. For the most part it works extremely well.

I went 8-0 my first test run with it in ORAS.

I guess what i was wondering is if there was a Pokemon that has take Volcarona place now.


Stefan&#8482;;143339953 said:
Day 11 and still no Shiny Latias.

I hear ya man. On day 16 myself. :( Hope you get yours soon!

That picture so accurately describes this whole process.


Volcarona + Hitmontop used to be really popular back a long time ago (TopMoth!) as Hitmontop can help set it up with Fake Out and then use Wide Guard to protect it from Rock Slide. Unfortunately both have a flying weakness and people eventually started playing around it fairly decently.

Gavin used a Volcarona in his Nationals winning team in 2013. Cheol Hwan took it to Top 4 in Korean Nationals that year around the same time. Barry just missed cut at Worlds a month later with it as well in 9th.

Those three links should be helpful. All three used Volcarona differently so it's a great look at how one Pokemon can be so different depending on how the person wants to train it!

I can't seem to access those links, but ill do a google search on it to check them out. Thanks!
Nugget Bridge should be up again soon so I would just wait a bit.

But yeah, Volcarona's good. I'm not a fan of leading with it when Talonflame's everywhere, though, since you really want to get rid of that stupid thing before going crazy with Volcarona.
They're basically ported over to the XY engine, so they're full 3D and play amost exactly like those games. If your kid loves XY, he'll love these.

There's also some added stuff, like all the Pokémon released after Gen III, an added post-game storyline, a whole slew of catchable legendaries, and so on.

Cool. Thank you!


Nugget Bridge should be up again soon so I would just wait a bit.

But yeah, Volcarona's good. I'm not a fan of leading with it when Talonflame's everywhere, though, since you really want to get rid of that stupid thing before going crazy with Volcarona.

Yes talon flame absolutely destroys like half my team, but im not afraid to lead with the ludimoth combo. I usually fakeout the talonflame and set up quiver. turn 2 i protect with volcarona and try to land a scald on the bird. If their talon flame goes for my Ludi then im screwd. i guess a safer play would be to switch in rotom but i like playing agressive and it usually pays off letting them make the guesses.


Do you need to beat Episode Delta to get Mr Bonding? I've beaten the Elite Four but I can't get the side quest in the hills to trigger.
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