Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire |OT| Hoenn Finally Confirmed


I like to match Pokemon to balls, and I thought it was the most fitting. Plus it's one of my least used balls (only shared with Mawile iirc), so it's actually a nice change.

What would you have used?
Always luxury. I loathe great and luxury balls :p though I can see how it matches


So...close...to finishing...Hoenn Dex...

(I'm still about 200 Pokemon away from completing the National Dex. D:)

Congrats on the shiny, Macka!


Delta Episode was cool. It was essentially one giant fetch quest, but I enjoyed finding out about the lore.

I KO'd Deoxys because I'm going to come back for it later (like Kyogre) but unfortunately my Jolly Synchroniser didn't work on Rayquaza so I'm going to reset until I get it.


I can quickly get you both as long as you don't care about IVs.
Yea, IVs don't matter. Thanks.

FC: 1736-0341-1378

EDIT: Sorry, Wi-Fi cut out. Oh, it was a passerby who wanted to trade lol. Speaking of which, I had 7 people want to trade me last night. I didn't understand what was happening lol.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Ah shit when did Pokemon get waifus? I thought those two were villains? Do you interact with them much? I'm leaning toward sapphire cause team magma's goals doesn't make any sense...
What? Does Aqua's make sense to you? You've already applied to join haven't you?
finally got a Shiny Timid Latias

10-13/ 4-6 / 30 - 31/ 24 - 26/ 30-31/ 30-31

IV spread could be a bit better, but I'm thinking this looks like a keeper. What do you guys think?
What? Does Aqua's make sense to you? You've already applied to join haven't you?
lol isn't aqua about increasing the sea for water pokemon or is this kinda accurate?

Shelly is already hooked up with Archie. Courtney is alllll over you tho



So...I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I'd love a Shiny Rayquaza. It would be amazing to have one. And...there's a way I could do it. My HeartGold save is still sitting there with the game completed, so all I'd need to do is find someone with SoulSilver so I could borrow their Groudon for a sec...and get the green orb...which is probably extremely unlikely.

There's no way to trade online in HG/SS anymore, is there?


There's no way to trade online in HG/SS anymore, is there?

Nope, just Poke Transfer to Black/White/Black 2/White 2 or local trading.

Good luck with that shiny Rayquaza search (it'd be a 1 in 8192 chance, compared to 1 in 1365 in X/Y/ORAS with the Shiny Charm. It's a shame that Ray is shiny locked in ORAS. :/).


Nope, just Poke Transfer to Black/White/Black 2/White 2 or local trading.

Good luck with that shiny Rayquaza search (it'd be a 1 in 8192 chance, compared to 1 in 1365 in X/Y/ORAS with the Shiny Charm. It's a shame that Ray is shiny locked in ORAS. :/).
Yeah, I probably won't bother. Doubt I'd be able to find anyone local with a Groudon still on SoulSilver anyway. And if I somehow did, it would be a 'twenty minutes a day' type thing with the SRing.


IT FINALLY HAPPENED! After close to 8000 resets...


Hardy nature. 31 in Defense, Special Attack and Speed. 0 in HP. :(

I was never planning on using him competitively anyway so it doesn't really matter. I'm just glad that ordeal is over lol. Wish my Synchronizer had worked though.

Congratz x 10. I'm still suffering lol.

Nest ball is going to be my ball of choice.


Congrats on the shiny Raikou Macka!

I didn't try to match my shiny legendary to a specific ball; I just didn't want to chance KOing Regirock so I used a Master Ball after the Quick Balls falied.
So...I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I'd love a Shiny Rayquaza. It would be amazing to have one. And...there's a way I could do it. My HeartGold save is still sitting there with the game completed, so all I'd need to do is find someone with SoulSilver so I could borrow their Groudon for a sec...and get the green orb...which is probably extremely unlikely.

There's no way to trade online in HG/SS anymore, is there?
Easier way: Ask someone for the Nobunaga's Ambition Rayquaza. It's an event shiny.
How do you make money in ORAS? I miss the restaurants.
First you'll want to get a couple Secret Pals with the Fortune Telling skill. Then what you do is SR for Prize Money MAX (for some reason that skill can be SR'd while most can't, weird. Works for me, you have a 1/4 chance of getting it). Then you just do Trainer Rematches for an hour:

-Gentleman Walter on Route 121
-Rich Boy on Route 104
-Lady on Route 104
-That couple in Meteor Falls

Walter -> Rich Boy -> Lady -> Walter is the best route I think.


Where do you guys train for the second go-round against E4? The pokemon levels have increased like crazy, and I have no idea where to train for level 70-80 pokemon. Mine range from 60-70

Also: why does my Salamence keep losing 1hp before battle? I never have it full health


Left my 3ds on and walked around Singapore airport during my layover specifically to try getting a eon ticket as I never get any streetpasses at home in Australia. I only got two streetpasses but it was enough, eon ticket got!

How do you get shiny charm? I know complete national dex but were do you go to get it and what's the earliest time you can get it?


Where do you guys train for the second go-round against E4? The pokemon levels have increased like crazy, and I have no idea where to train for level 70-80 pokemon. Mine range from 60-70

Also: why does my Salamence keep losing 1hp before battle? I never have it full health

You could be lazy like me and raise them in XY in Le Wow. Or your could get some Blissey bases and see the experience roll in like crazy.


Yes! After I complained about getting no flags yesterday I got 110 from my batch of secret bases today! I only need 39 more for that platinum flag! Yay!

Left my 3ds on and walked around Singapore airport during my layover specifically to try getting a eon ticket as I never get any streetpasses at home in Australia. I only got two streetpasses but it was enough, eon ticket got!

How do you get shiny charm? I know complete national dex but were do you go to get it and what's the earliest time you can get it?
After you catch/defeat Groudon or Kyogre. Professor Birch will give it to you


My friend came over yesterday for a Smash night and I got the Eon ticket! I was wondering how hard it would be in Australia,

Finally finished the game today. I found the ending really nice. Up to the episode now. I didn't even know it was included. :)


I think my next shiny target will be Entei. He has a really cool shiny and he's my favorite of the beast trio. And I've never used an Entei before and I really want to!


Shaymin, Keldeo, Victini

So, for the scrap campaign, you can get all three. Shaymin at 1 card, Keldeo at 7 cards, and Victini at card number 16. I've got Keldeo and Victini from events during last generation of games. Should I aim for them, or save all the extra codes for more Shaymin? Only reason I'm questioning it, is with this generation, legendaries tend to get 3 max IVs. I assume it's true for this too, correct? If so, I'm sold on getting them again so I can SR for more competitive variations of them.

If I get up to Victini, still hoping to get quite a few afterward to stockpile some Shaymin. Never got one from an event, and imagine they'll be good trade bait.

Hope this isn't at bottom of page and gets overlooked. D:


Hey, can anyone help me with Heatran's ev spread?

I'm planning for a Modest w/ Air Balloon (fire move, Earth Power, Flash Cannon, Hidden Power/Dragon Pulse) but I have no idea about the evs. It will certainly have 252 sp.atk but I'm not sure about the others. I want enough in Speed to outspeed something like Rotom but I prefer investing in HP because the Speed 77 without a boost is just not good. Thanks in advance. :)
Only need two more Mega Stones. Garchompite and Lucarionite. Gonna be a while until I can get the former, though, goddamn. I don't suppose there's a quick way to get to platinum with secret bases?

Managed to catch a Timid Lugia with IV 30 in SpA, SpD and Speed yesterday. I'm happy with that. :lol

Also gonna store my shiny Metagross away in favor of a bred normal one. I like the silver dreamboat, but it's time for the mean machine I bred in X to come out and play.
Hey Gentle Rodriguez, I have a Bold Suicune I caught with 31/31/X/31/27/29 IVs that I have no intention of using that I'll give you if you want it. It's not cloned or anything, either. :3 (I use one from SS for the Maison and have both OR and AS so I can farm more Suicune whenever)

Just for you Azuran, because of the horrible things you've done to me in MK8. ^_^

Oh wow, does this offer still stand
assuming you were serious
? If so I'll gladly take you up on it, though sadly I don't really have any valuable Pokemon I could offer you.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Hey, can anyone help me with Heatran's ev spread?

I'm planning for a Modest w/ Air Balloon (fire move, Earth Power, Flash Cannon, Hidden Power/Dragon Pulse) but I have no idea about the evs. It will certainly have 252 sp.atk but I'm not sure about the others. I want enough in Speed to outspeed something like Rotom but I prefer investing in HP because the Speed 77 without a boost is just not good. Thanks in advance. :)
You'll want 124 speed EVs to beat a common bulky Rotom set.


Only need two more Mega Stones. Garchompite and Lucarionite. Gonna be a while until I can get the former, though, goddamn. I don't suppose there's a quick way to get to platinum with secret bases?
Be friends with those who have platinum flags. Though, that doesn't guarantee you'll get their secret base to appear.

Here's my FC (platinum flag and Blissey Base): 1736-0341-1378

And how to get flags efficiently:
1. Go to Secret Bases 5 at a time
2. Collect the flag there and add them as a Secret Pal, regardless of what their flag color is.
3. Go back to your base and talk to them. They may or may not give flags and the amount will vary.
4. Ask them to use their Special Skill. Make sure you talked to Aarune after getting 30, 100, 500, and 1000 flags. You will be able to choose from more than one Special Talent, and some of them are pretty nice. The best one is they can give you evolution stones and Everstones by choosing the "Pick up stones" option.
5. Say good-bye to them so that you have more room for Secret Pals.
6. Once you're done with all of the secret bases, go to your PC and delete their Secret Bases.

And for those who want to make Blissey Bases that will yield the best EXP:
1. Get 3 Blissey (or Happiny/Chansey, but make sure to evolve them before they get to 100).
2. Make sure the only move they know is "Healing Wish".
3. Give them all Toxic Orbs.
4. If you feel generous, reduce their Defense and HP EVs to 0.
5. Set your base to Triple Battles.
6. Make sure you have a Level Release machine in your base. You can get it at a house in the Battle Resort.
NOTE: You will have to Game Sync with the 3 Blissey at the front of your party if you don't want your base to have Pokemon other than Blissey.
This Zubat in beauty contests keeps messing up my Gardevoir. It's ridiculous. :lol

"Gardevoir is too nervous to move!"

Yeah, fuck this.
This Zubat in beauty contests keeps messing up my Gardevoir. It's ridiculous. :lol

"Gardevoir is too nervous to move!"

Yeah, fuck this.

Getting through contests easily requires 2 moves. One high heart move and one jammer/protector. Both being of the contest type your trying. The jammer can always help screw the other contestants and the protector in case you have a contestant that loves jamming
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