Guys, remind me again why I'm breeding for a new shiny Tyranitar?
You cray cray. Vanilla looks way better than the tan color.
Guys, remind me again why I'm breeding for a new shiny Tyranitar?
You cray cray. Vanilla looks way better than the tan color.
Talk to the powerless man in one of the apartmentsYeah I've already done that. I did Wattson and the New Mauville stuff. I can access the hills.
Well... Shiny version still looks a little betterMan, Gamefreak really ruined shiny Regice's appeal.
RS sprites
ORAS models
Pink Mega Garchomp validates his existence .3.Well...Shiny garchomp still exists![]()
If you ever see a shiny Garchomp online, you know immediately that it has a mega stone attached.Pink Mega Garchomp validates his existence .3.
Other fun Regi trivia
- Regirock's footprint is shaped like a scarab.
- Registeel's cry is the Transformers transforming sound
Man, Gamefreak really ruined shiny Regice's appeal.
RS sprites (Normal on left, shiny on right)
ORAS models (Normal on left, shiny on right)
Should get the Registeel and name it Optimus or something.
Transform and roll out!
Alternately, you should name your Ditto Optimus and then use it to fight Miltanks
Transform and Roll Out
I love the sound the Regis make in the movie about Lucario
I think some of my frustration from SRing this Latias is a portion of the time Steven plays his Metang like ass. My Blaziken rocks Sharpedo's world.. and his Metang can, and does, a lot of time super effectively rocks the Muk in play. But then there are just times he just herpy derps so have to go ANOTHER round and finish his damn Pokemon for him.
question when SR for a lengendary in oras, how do you know its shiny? Is the sprite different? do you have to capture it first to find out?
Never caught one before
For most, you know it's shiny because the model is differently colored and has a sparkle animation in battle. The overworld model (Or sprite in older games) gives no indication of shininess; when I caught a shiny Regirock, the overworld model still had normal colors.question when SR for a lengendary in oras, how do you know its shiny? Is the sprite different? do you have to capture it first to find out?
Never caught one before
If its something you fight, the moment you start the battle you'll find out if its shiny, so its easy to SR then.
If its something given, then the first moment you have to check it. So have fun riding with Steven together over and over and over and over and over and over again.
For most, you know it's shiny because the model is differently colored and has a sparkle animation in battle. The overworld model (Or sprite in older games) gives no indication of shininess; when I caught a shiny Regirock, the overworld model still had normal colors.
For Lati@s, I imagine you have to check your party after it joins since you don't capture it in battle.
There's also a unique animation that plays when a shiny Pokemon enters battle. Blue stars circle around it with a little sound.Hmmm, so ill know because it will look different? I don't have all the sprites memorized so i guess checking with a sprite comparison?
Congratulations guys! Shiny Cresselia is still evading me, but I'm in no rush.
Ayyy, congrats!! I bred a shiny Bagon in OR as well!
Nice, that's a great EV spread. Time to lay people to waste with Shiny Megalence!
Dude, congrats that is an awesome IV spread !
Are you saying you didn't want to be May?Aww yeah, Norman keeps trying to ship me with May. It's like this game was made to fulfilled my early teenage fantasies..
I believe he did.Are you saying you didn't want to be May?
First Shiny of Alpha Sapphire hatched in 176 eggs
Are you saying you didn't want to be May?
I believe he did.
How horrible...
So...after complaining about how long Raikou took and swearing I'd a long break after I got it, I'm actually keen to keep SRing for more shiny legends. I'm not used to having both hands free while watching TV anymore! lol
The problem is I don't know what to go after. It can't be something that I need a competitive version of, so that rules out Cresselia, Heatran, the Genies and the (eww) Swords of Justice. I'm also not a fan of the Lake guardians or the Regi's. Reshiram/Zekrom are cool, but the shiny versions look practically the same so I don't really think it's worth the effort. Which leaves Dialga/Palkia/Giratina, or Entei/Suicune.
Hmm...none too tempting. I should probably just wait until I get AS and go for Eon Ticket Latios.
I'd say Snow Cloak as the evade makes you take zero damage and being a Glaceon you'll generally take more damage than Ice Body will heal. Unless you're playing against disciples of Smogon in which case evade is the most scumbag strategy ever or something as it is too luck based...Snow Cloak or Ice Body for Glaceon?
Make sure you have talked to the scientist on route 116 otherwise the second counter in the Rustboro City Pokemart won't be there.Where do you get timer balls from?
Imposter Choice Scarf Ditto has a very small niche, but it is very good at what it doesYeah, but does anyone seriously use Ditto? I dunno just don't like 'em. Though I like the phrase fitting with it too, haha.
The evasion clause predates Smogon by a very, very long time. Though back in the day it was more of a "If you use Double Team I will hit you" clauseUnless you're playing against disciples of Smogon in which case evade is the most scumbag strategy ever or something as it is too luck based..
So the Pokédex in ORAS has this new feature in which you can see all your pokémon march so you can observe their size in relation to the main character, and maaaan there are some weird things there.
Squirtle is soooo small and so is Seviper and Kyogre to an extent. Wailord is even bigger than I expected, but the worst offender has to be Roselia, it's really really small!