Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire |OT| Hoenn Finally Confirmed

Haha, I just saw Wailord, made me lol too. Seviper is so tiny. :'(

I've always been disappointed by the size of Dragonite. It's just so underwhelming.
You can also set individual 'mon appearances to their Mega's to see their sizes.

Goddamn, Latios and Latios are small.

At least Rayquaza is the right size. :lol

EDIT: Even Lucario is so small. :'(

And then Arceus is twice the size of what I expected.

Goddamn, Serperior, WHY ARE YOU SO SMALL.

Hydreigon and Haxorus are so disappointing.

And Xerneas is huge. :lol



Also now that the rules are finally officially released, I'll make a thread for the NeoGAF tournament in the next day or two! GET READY FOLKS. Do people think 3 weeks is enough time to get ready for the tournament?

And here I was planning on holding a major giveaway for New Years.

Now you all have to wait 3 weeks for a chance at some kickass Pokemon! It would be a shame to have someone beat me with a Pokemon with my name on it D:


I know right!?

I sat down earlier and viewed my entire national dex. Wailord made me lol.

Steelix size really surpised me, i had always imagined it to be like a little worm thing.

You must not have ever really watched the anime years ago then...

Man, I need a Mega Slowbro. Calm Mind + huge base defense + Shell Armor:

At first I was against Shell Armor, because Regenerator was awesome, but then thinking more I eventually got over it, now they can't just land a lucky crit, a phazer will be needed.
Man, I need a Mega Slowbro. Calm Mind + huge base defense + Shell Armor:

At first I was against Shell Armor, because Regenerator was awesome, but then thinking more I eventually got over it, now they can't just land a lucky crit, a phazer will be needed.

Just go back to gen 1 with amnesia slowbro and pretend it's mega slowbro. It's way better.
You're going down this year!
I'm so confident that I'm going to give you my team ahead of time:


With this unstoppable group of 6 you stand no chance.

Wow, doing what I just did resulted in a much more legitimate team than I expected.
"Gabite gained a boosted 70,344 EXP points!"

Gotta love Blissey bases.

Still need to breed me a pure physical Gible, though. Dunno why I wanted to go mixed with this one so much.


I'm so confident that I'm going to give you my team ahead of time:


With this unstoppable group of 6 you stand no chance.

Wow, doing what I just did resulted in a much more legitimate team than I expected.

My mono ghost team can handle it.

Also now that the rules are finally officially released, I'll make a thread for the NeoGAF tournament in the next day or two! GET READY FOLKS. Do people think 3 weeks is enough time to get ready for the tournament?

Very disappointing. When you don't follow smogons tiers the game turns into a cheese-fest unfortunately

it will mirror the ruleset used in the ΩR/αS League Doubles ladder on Battle Spot.

The following moves are banned:


How is doubles a cheese fest? If anything smogon is the more boring system, singles are much more limiting than doubles.

Unbanned everything dude. Lots of unbanned and playable non-legendaries are far more powerful than any legendary, especially with mega forms, yet they're banning some very fair legendaries and allowing broken pokemon like Mega Gengar/Mega Lucario


Unbanned everything dude. Lots of unbanned and playable non-legendaries are far more powerful than any legendary, especially with mega forms, yet they're banning some very fair legendaries and allowing broken pokemon like Mega Gengar/Mega Lucario

I think it's a more fun format overall. Mega Gengar and Lucario are no where near broken in doubles by the way. Singles and Doubles are totally different games and you can't really compare them.


You must not have ever really watched the anime years ago then...

Yeah you're right hah. I've never watched any of the Pokemon cartoons or any anime for that matter :p

Though i did try to watch one episode last week and i had to turn it off because my girlfriend got super weirded out
Turned off
that i was trying to watch pokemon LoL.
I knew that at least one person would make false assumptions about a format they've never played but oh my god I didn't think it would be this quickly...


No Scrubs
Unbanned everything dude. Lots of unbanned and playable non-legendaries are far more powerful than any legendary, especially with mega forms, yet they're banning some very fair legendaries and allowing broken pokemon like Mega Gengar/Mega Lucario

Doubles is a far different game than singles. Mega Gengar and Mega Lucario ain't shit in doubles, but some of those "very fair legendaries" are broken as shit. It's a completely different game, just because something works in singles doesn't mean it'll work in doubles.


Is the Battle Spot ok or reigned by hardcores? Will I be able to get someone on my level, or is it just random?

There's a ranking system so you usually end up playing people around you skill level. There's totally a learning curve though so don't take your losses too hard.
It goes by Rating. The better players tend to have higher ratings so you should be fine. 1500 to low 1400's tends to be "FOCUS BLAST ON EVERYTHING!" territory.

There's a ranking system so you usually end up playing people around you skill level. There's totally a learning curve though so don't take your losses too hard.

Ok, thanks. Can't wait to have my face smashed many times.

Though I am used to getting wrecked, I played Mario Kart 8 and my W/L ratio is so low that it could pass as a radiation meter.


It goes by Rating. The better players tend to have higher ratings so you should be fine. 1500 to low 1400's tends to be "FOCUS BLAST ON EVERYTHING!" territory.

What's focus blast? Sounds similar to focus miss...

Now then...to masuda breed some elemental fangs/DDance tyrunts.


Alright boys and girls, what are the hardest counters for thundurus and landurus? Also cresselia.
**Talking VGC.

Manectric or anything with Lightning Rod usually stops Thundurus really well. If it has Swagger it can still be annoying though. Quick Guard also helps.
I want to be good at doubles so bad, but it requires so much more strategy than singles.
Do what I did last GAF tourney and use Kanga/Talonflame/Garchomp to get through Swiss


EDIT: I'm not doing that this time though because that won't work nearly as well this time.


The Super Training music is the best music to listen to on the Battle Resort. The training theme makes it feel like I'm Rocky and training hard or something lol.

Also has the same 1-2-3-4, 3-4 beat as Zinnia's theme.
The 2015 VGC ruleset has been released


Here's the bits most of us care about

Also now that the rules are finally officially released, I'll make a thread for the NeoGAF tournament in the next day or two! GET READY FOLKS. Do people think 3 weeks is enough time to get ready for the tournament?

I think 3 weeks is good.

I really need to go on to Battle Spot, but I can't stop my breeding spree.


Yeah you're right hah. I've never watched any of the Pokemon cartoons or any anime for that matter :p

Though i did try to watch one episode last week and i had to turn it off because my girlfriend got super weirded out
Turned off
that i was trying to watch pokemon LoL.

Haha, nice. Yeah Onix/Steelix are more like the Sandworms from Dune in scale as opposed to just say regular earthworms. :p
Maybe not a counter, but Rotom-W?
Yeah, looks like Rotom makes it back another year.
Manectric or anything with Lightning Rod usually stops Thundurus really well. If it has Swagger it can still be annoying though. Quick Guard also helps.
+1 for Mega Sceptile lol. Probably going to use scrafty again for a while, too. Between all the pranksters and talonflame, I get tons of mileage out of him.
**Wait, I was mostly joking, but I remembered Sceptile gets Quick Guard as well. This christmas tree lizard might actually be super good. Testing must be done.


Yeah, looks like Rotom makes it back another year.

+1 for Mega Sceptile lol. Probably going to use scrafty again for a while, too. Between all the pranksters and talonflame, I get tons of mileage out of him.
**Wait, I was mostly joking, but I remembered Sceptile gets Quick Guard as well. This christmas tree lizard might actually be super good. Testing must be done.

Well HP Ice is fairly common on Thundurus so Sceptile might not be the best counter.
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